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Hollywood wants YOU!

Archive: 52 posts

By some unfathomable stroke of luck, you are approached by Hollywood producers and given the chance to star in a remake of ANY movie, either with the original cast, or a reshuffle of your choosing. What film would you choose and what role would you play? And would you re-cast?

I would either choose the role of Julia Sullivan in 'The Wedding Singer' - definitely would keep Adam Sandler and the rest of the cast who were perfect... But I'd demand a Duran Duran cameo in there somewhere...
I'd be Trinity in 'The Matrix'. I'd keep Keanu too. Yep.

How about you? This could be quite telling...
2010-08-06 11:02:00

Posts: 1567

most re-makes usually suck (they're also remaking "The Thing" now...hope they don't F up), but if I had to take one and I was adult I'd go for blondie in The Good The Bad & The Ugly2010-08-06 11:05:00

Unknown User

That's easy!

I'd be the Black Knight in Mony Python and the Holy Grail. Possibly the best part in any movie ever made

"All right, we'll call it a draw."
"Oh, I see, running away then? You yellow ********! Come back 'ere and take what's coming to ya. I'll bite ya legs off!"
2010-08-06 11:08:00

Posts: 2431

I would definately be Arwen from Lord of the Rings and I would keep Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn without a doubt. In fact I wouldn't change any of the cast. Maybe I would change a bit of the story so that Arwen appeared with Legolas a bit more too! Oooo, she would also have more screen time with Boromir.

2010-08-06 11:21:00

Posts: 1057

Marty in Back to the Future. 2010-08-06 11:45:00

Posts: 1277

I would definately be Arwen from Lord of the Rings and I would keep Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn without a doubt. In fact I wouldn't change any of the cast. Maybe I would change a bit of the story so that Arwen appeared with Legolas a bit more too! Oooo, she would also have more screen time with Boromir.


Lol, Icey! Your plot expansions might actually make a successful spin-off into a juicy TV drama... 'Days of Our Unnaturally Long Elven Lives' or something..
You know.. for all we know, you could actually BE an elf, with that glorious hair of yours
2010-08-06 12:25:00

Posts: 1567

Comph, James Comph...

*cue catchy theme song*
2010-08-06 12:49:00

Posts: 5338

a kind of Hannibal Rising movie thath plays in the the modern time
il be the killer
2010-08-06 13:38:00

Unknown User

Wow... I dunno. Some really cool thoughts so far.

However, I've always felt I already starred in my own film every day!
2010-08-06 13:40:00

Posts: 11383

I wanna be Mr Bean in Mr Bean goes on Holiday2010-08-06 13:46:00

Posts: 1969

I would definately be Arwen from Lord of the Rings and I would keep Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn without a doubt. In fact I wouldn't change any of the cast. Maybe I would change a bit of the story so that Arwen appeared with Legolas a bit more too! Oooo, she would also have more screen time with Boromir.


Well my sig is probably a bit of a give away! I'd join IceMaiden and be Eowyn to her Arwen. The cast sound like they had a blast making those films - the hobbits in particular - and it would be cool to see what Peter Jackson's like in real life.

Oh and Faramir's not bad either. I'd settle for him...
2010-08-06 14:02:00

Posts: 1455

V in "V for Vendetta".


A freedom fighter and a gentleman. Also, instead of kicking a** then dying at the end, I'd kick a** then walk away in cool slow-mo into the cool, blue light flooding into the decrepid subway station as the camera makes a slick transition to street-level a the houses of parliment go up in a flurry of fireworks. How bada** would that be?
2010-08-06 16:52:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Id be Paul Newmans character (Butch). Keep the rest.

Robert Redford is the ultimate man-crush. Is that cool?

Maybe Id like to be one of the Magnificent 7.
2010-08-06 17:34:00

Posts: 1361

Is it me or do the ladies here all have 1-track minds?

Except fender, but she's "Special"
2010-08-06 17:36:00

Posts: 6497

Remake of Gilligans Island but with obvious new crew because the original is either dead or waaay to old2010-08-06 17:39:00

Unknown User

That sounds suspicious, .......... I would want to see some papers2010-08-06 17:57:00

Posts: 637

Is it me or do the ladies here all have 1-track minds?

Except fender, but she's "Special"


I must resist... yup... not gonna say it...
2010-08-06 18:00:00

Posts: 11383

I would like to be Rambo!

*lurks off to the woods*
2010-08-06 18:03:00

Posts: 1627

The Spongebob movie.
I want to be... the bag of winds!
But really, I'd probably be in FF7: Advent Children as either Zack or the boy.
2010-08-06 19:59:00

Posts: 3607

Indiana Jones, of course 2010-08-06 20:11:00

Posts: 3871

James Bond in 007!2010-08-07 00:47:00

Posts: 5891

Chong in a remake of "Cheech and Chong's Up In Smoke" XD2010-08-07 01:12:00

Posts: 1477

Tony Montana from the movie Scarface.

"Say hello to my little friend!"
2010-08-07 01:22:00

Posts: 5551

I'd be the main character's dog in the movie, 'The Jerk'.

2010-08-07 01:32:00

Posts: 1800

I wanna be Mr Bean in Mr Bean goes on Holiday

I'd be the main character's dog in the movie, 'The Jerk'.

Any make-up studio that could pull those transformations off would never have to look for work again... personally I think there's more hope of Frogboy becoming the dog than you being trnsformable to Mr Bean, Tia. There's no-one else on the planet with nostrils that big...

Is it me or do the ladies here all have 1-track minds?

Except fender, but she's "Special"

What's wrong with a little romance, brother? One could make the same 'one track' comment regarding the male suggestions so far.. except for the dog. You never gave us your role yet, either, I noticed.

I would like to be Rambo!

*lurks off to the woods*

I'd love to see that, moonwire. I'd PAY to see it. Especially if they let you keep your normal hair
2010-08-07 02:01:00

Posts: 1567

I would be Jimmy "b-rabbit" smith from 8mile!
But i would try to find another part for Eminem (Marshal Mathers) so i would make Jimmy Smith have a brother or somthing
2010-08-07 02:06:00

Posts: 6419

I just thought of a another one:

Darth Vader. I can't imagine how fun it would be to go on set and say "Luke, I am your father." in a very deep voice.

2010-08-07 02:11:00

Posts: 5551

The most epic movie ever would have to be.

The Hills. (based on the MTV show)

With Hannah Montanna, Justin Bieber, Lil Wayne and Lady Gaga.

Oh lord that's epic.
2010-08-07 02:12:00

Unknown User

I just thought of a another one:

Darth Vader. I can't imagine how fun it would be to go on set and say "Luke, I am your father." in a very deep voice.

And then get your voice dubbed over by James Earl Johns... True story!

Lesse... I dunno, actually. I wouldn't really want to be in a movie.
2010-08-07 06:32:00

Posts: 412

Inglorious Bast*rds.
It didn't flow. At all.
2010-08-07 07:03:00

Posts: 1800

And then get your voice dubbed over by James Earl Johns... True story!


Well, at least I can get the opportunity to mess it up on purpose, like "Luke... I am you 2nd aunt's cousin!"
2010-08-07 19:45:00

Posts: 5551

Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

I mean, we look just like each other! ^_^
2010-08-07 19:50:00

Posts: 1913

Spiderman in Spiderman 2! it would be epical!

Or Patrick in the spongebob movie with special guest Jspot as the bag of winds
2010-08-07 21:18:00

Posts: 687

I'd be the bad ************ in Pulp Fiction.

What does Marcellus Wallace look like?
2010-08-07 21:23:00

Posts: 812

I'd remake Iron man, i mean who doesn't want to be tony stark?2010-08-07 21:33:00

Posts: 777


THIS, just to kick Tommy's dwarf hm...
Actually, I would only need my beard to grow again and an armour LOL
2010-08-07 22:46:00

Posts: 5112

I would pay to be in Tom's Cruise's role in The Last Samurai

Me too, then I would have loads of filming with Ken watanabe who played Katsumoto! He's rather lovely!

2010-08-07 22:54:00

Posts: 1057

Me too, then I would have loads of filming with Ken watanabe who played Katsumoto! He's rather lovely!


I just got my thoughts back LOL
I stepped down a bit and remember that in that movie someone was cooler than old Tom LOL
Thinking to get out of the bamboo wood on the horse with the Akuma mask would give me the chill forever.
2010-08-07 22:56:00

Posts: 5112

I would probably like to be in a pixar movie. Incredibles. And add the stuff they had to cut.

Or be Speed Racer. Trixie is hot in that.
2010-08-07 23:28:00

Posts: 2513

Is it me or do the ladies here all have 1-track minds?

Except fender, but she's "Special"

Wel i do try
2010-08-09 08:56:00

Posts: 1969

Yay hollywood wants me n' stuff.OK,l just wanted to post.2010-08-10 04:45:00

Posts: 377

Well then at least say something about a movie you'd like to be in!

I know I made my choice but I also think it could be great fun to star in a remake of The Wizard of Oz, starring the peeps of LBPC. I'd have Morgana as G(a)linda the Good and I'd be the Wicked Witch of the West. I'd cast Teebonesy as the Scarecrow. I was thinking maybe the Wizard might be more appropriate, but that role's too small. Scarecrow gives him more dialogue and more options to be.. himself... I'd have Thanatos as the Lion and squirlin as my Tin Man.... I'll have to think about the rest... hmmm
Maybe comph might make a good wizard? Or CC. Maybe Rock Sauron as the head Flying Monkey? So many possibilities...
Tia could be a lovely Dorothy, I think. Or even Sara... I need a role for Countess and jw... Maybe The Wizard of Oz Meets Love Story... the MUSICAL?

P.S. I think I'd have a cameo role for coyote_blue as the doorman in Oz who tells them how it is and where to go... yeah, that could be good
2010-08-10 06:03:00

Posts: 1567

I think I'd fit the scarecrow role rather nicely, particularly in regards to the character's station "sans brain". This is one department in which I have some specific experience.

Whew, whose shoes would I have myself fill?

lebowski... de large... bill the butcher... daniel plainview... the joker...

I think I'd fit The Tramp's shoes better than any of them, except I'm too tall and not nearly athletic or limber enough. But I'll go ahead and say Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush. Dancing bread rolls and teetering cabins and all.
2010-08-10 09:11:00

Posts: 1937

I'd be King Leonidas in 300.

Running around kicking people down holes and dining in Hell is my cup of tea.
2010-08-10 10:33:00

Posts: 1562

I'd probably be Sloan in Ferris Buellers day off, and I'd keep the rest of the cast:32010-08-10 23:53:00

Posts: 978

I'd be Arthur Dent in a remake of that awful movie (and excellent book(s)) The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy. I'd replace the whole cast, and switch to some rural British film company and fend the old script writers and directors with a pointy stick. I'd follow the books pretty much exactly, getting funding from my imaginary friends in Hollywood who gave me this power, and I'D REPlACE THOSE DARN VOGON SUITS WHICH LOOK LIKE A COSTUME PIECE FROM EARLY DR. WHO!!!! *ahem* err I think that's about it.2010-08-11 00:20:00

Posts: 1436

I've always wished I could spend some time on the sets of Star Wars.. back when they used real sets and props and everything wasn't green-screened. It'd be great to interact with the "real" Artoo-Deetoo and run around with Frank Oz crouching behind me making Yoda talk. To be blasting Stormtroopers and going toe to toe with David Prowse in that iconic suit and mask. To duck around the inside of the Millenium Falcon or don my X-Wing Pilot's uniform and sit in a real (fake) X-Wing cockpit. To stand before the giant puppet that was Jabba and demand Han Solo's release.
It all had to add up to one of the most unique and exciting experiences that any actor.. or person for that matter could ever take part in.
So, yeah... Luke Skywalker, ftw.
2010-08-11 16:31:00

Posts: 331

Funny you should cast me as the Lion in The Wizard of Oz, Babydoll. I played that role 25 years ago when my class performed our version of The Wiz.

Actually, I'd like to play John Travolta's character Tony Manero in the remake of Saturday Night Fever because DISCO is KING! Keep the sound track the same. I don't care who they cast opposite me, as long as she can dance.
2010-08-19 23:48:00

Posts: 248

Shrek, if Shrek is taken, I'll be Donkey.2010-08-20 00:02:00

Posts: 5592

ooooooh! I think I'd make a great Morticia Addams from the Addams Family. 2010-08-20 01:58:00

Posts: 537

I'd like to be Slartibartfast from Hitch hiker's guide, Since I like doing the fiddly bits around fjords, and believe that the best thing is to hang the sense of it, and just be happy.

cast suggestions :

Trillian: Morgana
Ford Prefect: CompherMC
Agrajag: Awesomans
Arthur Dent: Keanster96
Zaphod Beeblebrox: Leather-Monkey
Deep thought: Rtm223
Hotblack Desiato: KoRnDawwg
Humma Kavula : Mother Misty
Eddie the ship computer: Babydoll 1970
Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz: Thanatos
Marvin the manically depressed robot : Silverleon
2010-08-20 12:26:00

Posts: 898

Swill in Greenstreet Hooligans2010-08-20 13:24:00

Unknown User

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