"Aliens" are out there!!
Archive: 26 posts
Ok. I thought of yet another interested thread which has probably been done before but I wasn't in so let's have another. This is going to get heated up if religion and science gets mixed so I would like to say, please don't argue. I know most of my debates end up me talking rubbish and me being slightly rude and arrogant but I've changed and this will be finally not a dicussion that I get locked. Any views can be told here so go ahead. So I was thinking, alien life could exist. When you think about it, the universe is so huge that anything could be out there that is scientifically possible. Just think, there could be another life form out there, either as advance as us or even like the space sci-fi films. My personal opinion is that anything could be out there however there is nothing paranormal, i.e ghosts, angels, a god. I think that there IS another solar system where the life forms maybe live on a different element than we do. Maybe even something undiscovered. Remember that aliens are NOT green creatures from space. An alien is a foreign species of life in other place. E.g I'm from the UK so if I go to France, I'm an "alien" or foreigner there. Alien = Foreigner Leave your thoughts, opinions and beliefs here and we'll gave a calm, open-minded dicussion about life. ![]() Thanks. | 2010-08-06 00:48:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
I believe in Aliens, I'll admit that. One time I took a photograph through the window and the reflection of the oddly shapped light was caught in the picture as a reflection and so I went to my very friend who believes anything and I showed her the picture and she believed it was a UFO, I played along trying very hard not to laugh, I told her in the end that it wasn't a UFO, just the light ![]() | 2010-08-06 00:53:00 Author: Ainsl3y_xo ![]() Posts: 478 |
Hello everyone, my name is Alec and I'm an Alien. | 2010-08-06 00:56:00 Author: Alec ![]() Posts: 3871 |
Hi, my name is E.T and I'm alien. Lol JK I'm ash. xD When I'm referring to these other life forms, I usually don't say aliens as most people take it the wrong way and think you are a crazy fool lol. | 2010-08-06 00:59:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
well apparnetly they did find bacteria on mars....i guess that could be called alien as bacteria is alive but anything out there could exist, just because we havent noticed it it doesnt mean it isnt out there....we are descovering new things ON EARTH everyday, so descovering another race on a far out planet isnt impossible..and we are still way way away from finding all even earth has to offer..so to dismiss the existance of aliens when knowledge of our own planet is limited..is pretty stupid...we simply, dont know hell, aliens may even know about us but we are completly unaware of them. if their technology is far in advance to our own, to the point they are able to fly over to us, im sure they have the means to keep themselves pretty **** well hidden too. for all we know we could be aliens, our genes and genetic structure could come from another place other than earth, but we wont know that as its pretty impossible to tell...we are living on earth, but that does that mean we come from there? probalby not, as people can move countries, maybe our genes had moved planets before even if aliens existed it doesnt mean we will ever find them, some could be less advanced than us and thus we wont have met. if we do eventually start space travelling to other planets, that still doesnt mean we will hit one with life on it heh for all we know tomorrow a giant space ship could fly over us and make themselves known and introduce themselves to us, hostile or friendly point is, we wont know if aliens exist till we knowingly meet them...till then no matter what we think, they may or may not exist regardless they may be races of aliens asking these very questions themselves | 2010-08-06 01:09:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
Yeah that's true. When you think about it, if we actually died and came back as aliens, does that, mean we're an alien now but we just can't remember? That's a very interesting theory even though I tend to ignore any mention of recarnation and religion about a god. Although that's an interesting thought. When we die, we could well come back as an alien on a different planet but we just simply can't remember. Also our brain energy could just go into another life as energy can't be created or destroyed. Hmm, if that theory was true, that means we are all aliens now and were before. | 2010-08-06 01:16:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
The chances that there is at least on planet with intelligent civilization is one. You may say, 'it's possible that, against all odds, we may be the only ingtteligent life in the universe', but the universe is so incredibly massive it is IMPOSSIBLE that we're the only intelligent species in the cosmos. | 2010-08-06 01:21:00 Author: Astrosimi ![]() Posts: 2046 |
well, i was thinking more like we came from the bacteria on a comet or meteor that when it hit earth, life came from it as scientists have already found out, life did come from bacteria and little ameobas....now, did these things come from space after hitting earth and thus technically we come from an alien sourse, or were they always on our planet and are actually not aliens at all? another theory could be that bacteria and the like was on earth but also was on a meteor that hit earth..and when they combined the created life and so we would be alien/earthling bybrids of sorts....kinda like how sperms and eggs have to combine to make a baby. maybe earth bacteria, needed to combine with this alien bacteria that created life as we know it...if it haddent life would have evolved differently and would not have alien in it but like i said before...we dont know. all we know is what we came from, not where it came from in the first place maybe given a few million billion years the bacteria on mars will grow into life...and then we descover its growing lifeforms or if we are extinct by then, the life on mars grows intelligent enough to look at other planets, possibly travel to them and find our lost civillisations | 2010-08-06 01:26:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
well, i was thinking more like we came from the bacteria on a comet or meteor that when it hit earth, life came from it as scientists have already found out, life did come from bacteria and little ameobas....now, did these things come from space after hitting earth and thus technically we come from an alien sourse, or were they always on our planet and are actually not aliens at all? another theory could be that bacteria and the like was on earth but also was on a meteor that hit earth..and when they combined the created life and so we would be alien/earthling bybrids of sorts....kinda like how sperms and eggs have to combine to make a baby. maybe earth bacteria, needed to combine with this alien bacteria that created life as we know it...if it haddent life would have evolved differently and would not have alien in it but like i said before...we dont know. all we know is what we came from, not where it came from in the first place maybe given a few million billion years the bacteria on mars will grow into life...and then we descover its growing lifeforms or if we are extinct by then, the life on mars grows intelligent enough to look at other planets, possibly travel to them and find our lost civillisations Yeah that is possible. I'm not sure where the first life came from. I think it just grew and adapted. This is how humans came to be. Bacteria Fish Lizards Rodents Wolves and Dogs Monkeys Apes Humans This is the evolution of humans. As you can see, the fish moved onto land. The lizard was formed which grew a longer neck and bigger limbs. Then the wolves and dogs evolved from the rodents by getting a longer tail and becoming a bigger version of the rodent. Then the wolves evolved to monkeys by getting a mote upright spinal cord. The monkeys evolved into apes and this made the apes have a better brain and a more upright, standing shape. Humans came from a group of apes called Humanege or something. Look it up on YouTube. When you put it that way, any creatures extinct now may come back in millions of years time by repeating this evolution process. We are evolving every single millisecond. | 2010-08-06 01:49:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
that may very well happen although it beggs the question...why do we evolve from something...and yet what we evolved from may still exist? well, i think its because evolution is just mutation...not neccessarily "a better version of" sort of thing. like humans mutated from monkeys, but since we are just mutants where someplace along the line, the new born of some monkeys was different, an accident maybe and we came from that. even among fellow human beings, new borns arrive are born with genetic defects...maybe thats how humans came along...we were defective apes that some apes were breeding..obviously not all apes as they still exist. and as we evolved our defects were being ironed out as evolution passed and we came to be what we are today...still imperfect, but better than what we were. first a genetic mutant, then a fully fledged species thats how i look at evolution....its all just mutations among the animals. thats how i think different breeds were made available, different species to completly different animals. its just some of them gave birth to mutated young that was a little different. so thats why i dont think evolution is just a strict "new better animal comes from old one" but rather mutating and co existing till one of them may or may not become extinct like birds ,scientists say they come from dinosaurs..my mom thinks they are dinosaurs....and i can see why thses thoughts exist and i believe them. bairds are modern day dinosaurs that most can fly. i even think crocodiles and alligators are early dinosaurs...like the first kind as they came before dinosaurs did. i think they are modern day dinosaurs, the early kind that still exists today cus its good enough to do so | 2010-08-06 02:01:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
we adapt lets say im a herbivore and don't eat meat. after a while that species will grow longer necks flatter teeth you never know. | 2010-08-06 08:19:00 Author: ktmbillyjr ![]() Posts: 177 |
Really, it's when you truely comprehend the scale of our universe that you realise the chances of there not being sentient life other than on this planet. | 2010-08-06 09:06:00 Author: The Gentleman ![]() Posts: 360 |
So I was thinking, alien life could exist. When you think about it, the universe is so huge that anything could be out there that is scientifically possible. Just think, there could be another life form out there, either as advance as us or even like the space sci-fi films. Little big planet ![]() | 2010-08-06 10:14:00 Author: moonwire ![]() Posts: 1627 |
we adapt lets say im a herbivore and don't eat meat. after a while that species will grow longer necks flatter teeth you never know. maybe....however with all the good nutriants and protine and all that stuff within it that we know our body needs, i dont see everyone dropping eating meat. even if we could grow into a species that doesnt tollerate meat, i dont think the general human race wants to find out heh..i know i wouldnt wanna risk it | 2010-08-06 16:25:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
no duh their aliens ![]() | 2010-08-07 05:58:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
maybe....however with all the good nutriants and protine and all that stuff within it that we know our body needs, i dont see everyone dropping eating meat. even if we could grow into a species that doesnt tollerate meat, i dont think the general human race wants to find out heh..i know i wouldnt wanna risk it Meat is useless to us besides fiber and protein, which we don't need because all food has protein and we can get fiber from plants,we weren't meant to eat meet. Humans were originally Fructarians (only ate fruit). We don't need to evolve to drop eatting meat, we already have. We have about 28 flat teeth specifically for plants, 4 canines in case we need to eat meat, we're supposed to be eating fruits not other animals. We're scavengers, we learned how to hunt out of optional necessity, but we never evolved to it specifically because we don't need it, and our bodies know its not good for us to eat it unless we need to. | 2010-08-07 06:23:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
so we are still meat eaters then..even if its a secondary option even if we dont need it all the time as you say and we arent meant to eat it unless we need to....our body then still was designed to eat it, even if it only needed to should we ever find ourselves in a situation where meat was the only thing available but meat gives you strength anyway. sure other things can give us strength and protines and stuff but meat is a good source for it. if we can digest it and use it in some way shape or form, there isnt anything wrong in eating it i see...just another food source. plus it tastes good and when i eat it i can cetainly say my stomach is more filled up than when it eats fruit. fuits nice too though if its true that we dont necessarily need to eat meat then so be it, however a food source is a food source but yeah people have said to me before we dont need to it so much...but still, its still food but yeah people have said to me before we dont need to it so much...but still, its still food | 2010-08-07 20:17:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
Alien = Foreigner LOL! So that also means... Foreigners = Aliens Which suddenly sounds so much worse. | 2010-08-07 20:31:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
so we are still meat eaters then.. even if we dont need it all the time as you say and we arent meant to eat it unless we need to....our body then still was designed to eat it, even if only needed to but meat gives you strength anyway. sure other things can give us strength and protines and stuff but meat is a good source for it. if we can digest it and use it in some way shape or form, there isnt anything wrong in eating it i see...just another food source. plus it tastes good and when i eat it i can cetainly say my stomach is more filled up than when it eats fruit. fuits nice too though if its true that we dont necessarily need to eat meat then so be it, however a food source is a food source Basic biology says that the best thing for us to eat is green leafy vegetables and the fartherst thing from that is the worst thing for us to eat. The whole concept that meat is the best source of protein, and gives you strength is a myth. A lie. Meat is useless matter, it may fill you up but it wastes your bodies resources processing it and breaking it down to get the little bit of it thats useful to us. Fruits are easier to digest, and green leafy vegetables require almost no breaking down to get the nutrients we need. And they are packed with them, unlike meat which has almost none. Its not the meat itself that your body thinks tastes good, its the fat. Your body is built to store fat so any fat you take in your brain tells you is good. The meat alone has almost no taste. The only thing eating meat is good for is giving you heart disease. And cancer.. in fact wood is probably better to eat, at least the wood would give you fiber. ![]() | 2010-08-07 20:36:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
i didnt say it was the best, just another source meat doesnt always give anyone cancer or heart desiese, thats like saying drinking will kill your liver...it might, but it isnt definate that it will. i dont think theres anything wrong with eating it, if it comes with any risks that still doesnt bother me cus what doesnt come with risks? pretty much nothing...so eh and i used to chew wood when i was a kid, i still do sometimes with pensils >_> | 2010-08-07 20:47:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
@Barnsy You seem to live in England. Your bacteria might be alien to me. I think the government should set up holding centers to make sure foreigners don't have bacteria on them that we don't have here, which would be alien. (not intended to insult anyone whatsoever) Aliens lol. Well, whatever, if you people want to support governments pouring billions of (essentially non-existent) dollars into finding aliens, make sure you guys don't blow up or get my planet blown in the mean time. Oh, and let me tell you that if they find bacteria on mars... Both Viking 1 and 2 were not properly sterilized...(please don't make me find an article... -_-) Either way, I don't really feel like voicing my option on why I think the concept of intersellar aliens is nuts. | 2010-08-08 04:13:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
@Barnsy You seem to live in England. Your bacteria might be alien to me. I think the government should set up holding centers to make sure foreigners don't have bacteria on them that we don't have here, which would be alien. (not intended to insult anyone whatsoever) Aliens lol. Well, whatever, if you people want to support governments pouring billions of (essentially non-existent) dollars into finding aliens, make sure you guys don't blow up or get my planet blown in the mean time. Oh, and let me tell you that if they find bacteria on mars... Both Viking 1 and 2 were not properly sterilized...(please don't make me find an article... -_-) Either way, I don't really feel like voicing my option on why I think the concept of intersellar aliens is nuts. I'm not from England. I'm from Northern Ireland. When I said alien = foreigner I didn't mean it by insulting people. I meant that alien just basically means the word foreigner. Although I'm definately not trying to insult anyone ![]() | 2010-08-08 10:34:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
well, i was thinking more like we came from the bacteria on a comet or meteor that when it hit earth, life came from it This is the theory of panspermia, the theory that life was seeded by something from another planet. ![]() Imo, like others have said, it's impossible for there not to be intelligent life somewhere, but if it is anywhere it's so far away that chances are none of us will see an 'alien' in our lifetime. | 2010-08-08 11:35:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
yeah i dont think ill see any in my life time....well knowingly anyway >_> but the chances of them existing are still there, just as the chances of them not are too. its difficult either way to say if they exist or not, as noone really knows, its all just guess work and people thinking they know....we know nothing really. but i can only hope an alien race does find its way to us in my lifetime, hopefully one that doesnt wanna kill us | 2010-08-08 12:14:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
First you look up at the millions of stars in the sky at night and then REALLY ask yourself the question...are we alone? Not a chance. | 2010-08-08 12:38:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Hello everyone, my name is Alec and I'm an Alien. Man thats funny oh and Sackboy mabey real. ![]() | 2010-08-08 12:52:00 Author: extreme2fl ![]() Posts: 86 |
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