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Genral bannana! [WITH IMAGES]

Archive: 11 posts

Hello...this is my first boos battle so cut me abit o slack
Okay so the aforementioned genral bannana is a boss battle, made for a friend's level which I co-made with him (search "benjaz" and play the calamity cavemen PT2...It will be published in around a week or so's time). The story for this level is wild and full of gaps but it goes along the lines of; cavemen lost a battle to king monkey's bannana army and the cavemen have sought revenge ever since. king monkey invade their village and take king cavemen as prisoner. you save them. Yup, made that up as we went along XD. anyway you eventually fight genral bannana. It's a simple fight, you hide behind a piece of cover as the bannana goes through a simple routine: move forward and backwards 2 times (with gas on his feet so if your not in cover you turn to mist) then shoots orbz from his mouth (5) on 3 layers.
2010-08-05 23:52:00

Posts: 85

Ooh I can continue my post can I? Okay well continuing from (5) orbz from his mouth. I'm very in-experianced withlogic so this was INCREDIBLE complicated for me..and to show you how complicated I made it all, (and if your intrested) join me in create mode and I'll show you the off-screen logic. Well yeah thats my object! Remember to play that level and leave feedback (its his first level) IMAGES ARE HERE!
2010-08-05 23:57:00

Posts: 85

CAn you post a pic?
It woud probably help a lot since its a "show'case.
2010-08-06 00:06:00

Posts: 6707

I would If I could Need a USB stick or sommin know dont'cha. :[ just imagine a bannana with bannans for arms and bannanas for legs. XD (If your really intrested you could fire up LBP now and come join me in create mode hah)2010-08-06 00:11:00

Posts: 85

Take pic ---> Upload to HDD ---> got to tinypic.com on the PS3 browser ---> Upload pic ----> copy code ----> Past on thread.

Hope that helps!
2010-08-06 00:27:00

Posts: 6707

This sounds very cool il check it out! 2010-08-06 00:56:00

The master mind
Posts: 37

Alright images are up (the version I put in the level is alot better but its in my friends mymoon so yeah I cant get a pic of it :[)2010-08-06 02:10:00

Posts: 85

LOL what level is that boss for! 2010-08-06 19:46:00

Posts: 1990

XD Its for a level I'm co-amking at the minute. It's a funny level, easy platforming and mere headscratcher puzzles, but fun to play. I'll give you a shot of the boss in the level (still not in finished state though)
2010-08-06 22:45:00

Posts: 85

[Check the picture guide in my signature for multiple, easy ways to upload a picture, some not needing a USB stick.]

As for the banana... hilarious!
2010-08-07 00:04:00

Posts: 3251

If anyone wants to check out the first game in the series (to understand the story) just search either my username benjaz (not the other bengaz guy) or Calamity Cavemen Chronicles PT1. The part with the general fight is in the sequel which is close to being finished (taken ages).2010-08-20 16:42:00

Posts: 7

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