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Checkpoint Obscurities

Archive: 22 posts

Single Player Start Point -
A system designed for only letting one player in a level, all other players will simply watch the first player. I did not come up with the idea on my own, I found it being used in a level by headshot_god (a level I found randomly), I observed it and recreated it.

Testing Checkpoint -
Place this checkpoint anywhere in your level, and you will spawn there first, the start checkpoint will be overridden. Useful for when the start checkpoint isn't easy to remove as it may be heavily built into the level. Designed by me.

Both these items can be found in my level "Fake Items", at the very end, you will see a yellow sticker on a house, sticker the LBPC sticker (found @ConfusedCartman by in-game search) to obtain both items.
2010-08-05 08:08:00

Posts: 4193

Single player start point? Sounds interesting!

Also, as you know, I love the "testing checkpoint" start gate overrider. I used it in my logic level when I was taking photos all over the place, which made things much easier .
2010-08-05 09:52:00

Posts: 3251

Testing Checkpoint sounds very useful!
How does it work?
2010-08-05 10:17:00

Posts: 2513

Ditto for the single player one, that would be very handy for levels that are otherwise riuned when more than one player plays it.2010-08-05 18:06:00

Posts: 572

Testing Checkpoint sounds very useful!
How does it work?
It has a small wheel on it that spins at 60 rotation speed, on the wheel is a mag key, outside of the wheel is a mag switch, set to one-shot, connected to the checkpoint, the key will spin to activate the checkpoint. So when the game tries to load the start gate as the starting point, it is overridden by the speed set checkpoint placed elsewhere, so sackpeople will appear there instead.
2010-08-05 18:08:00

Posts: 4193

It has a small wheel on it that spins at 60 rotation speed, on the wheel is a mag key, outside of the wheel is a mag switch, set to one-shot, connected to the checkpoint, the key will spin to activate the checkpoint. So when the game tries to load the start gate as the starting point, it is overridden by the speed set checkpoint placed elsewhere, so sackpeople will appear there instead.

Um... I just stick a grab switch to each of my checkpoints, set it to one shot, and wire it to the checkpoint. (I also apply a DM staple to the back and capture as an object after I've decorated it for the level). When I want to play test from any checkpoint, I just click on the grab switch, set it to inverted and "Switch to Play Mode" and viola! you're at your modified starting point, when you're done, you uncheck inverted and the entrance checkpoint takes back over. It's a lot less thermo intensive than a wheel, mag key and switch.
2010-08-05 20:16:00

Posts: 397

Um... I just stick a grab switch to each of my checkpoints, set it to one shot, and wire it to the checkpoint. (I also apply a DM staple to the back and capture as an object after I've decorated it for the level). When I want to play test from any checkpoint, I just click on the grab switch, set it to inverted and "Switch to Play Mode" and viola! you're at your modified starting point, when you're done, you uncheck inverted and the entrance checkpoint takes back over. It's a lot less thermo intensive than a wheel, mag key and switch.
The thermo can be ignored since it's just to test a level, and the thermo can accept about 1000 circles, and hundreds of switches. But yeah, use whatever you want.
2010-08-05 21:45:00

Posts: 4193

I have a question about the one player cp. Who does its spawns out of the group? The leader or it randomly picks some one? Also if you place multiple of these, only 1 still comes out? Or is it only used to start a level?2010-08-09 17:34:00

Posts: 519

I have a question about the one player cp. Who does its spawns out of the group? The leader or it randomly picks some one? Also if you place multiple of these, only 1 still comes out? Or is it only used to start a level?
Just the host, if there's a local guest, they appear with the host no matter what.
2010-08-09 21:31:00

Posts: 4193

How does this single player entrance work? I haven't seen one that works 100%, rain or shine, lag or no-lag yet, so seeing how something like this is made would be really helpful.2010-08-10 01:39:00

Posts: 875

But, but why would you make the poor sack people just watch?

"Oh hai guys, let's play this really kewl level here! Hah, psych, you actually just get to watch, kewl, amirite?"

I'm just kidding, btw, this is pretty cool, I just think there are certain places it shouldn't be used such as multiplayer levels.
2010-08-11 06:15:00

Posts: 79

WOW it looks very useful, it mite work for costume tutorials where u dont want others to join and mess ur costume 2010-08-14 18:21:00

Posts: 12

You can also make one that allows each player to spawn out of a different checkpoint.
I dont know if it is 100% accurate but for me it hasnt failed for me online or offline.
2010-08-16 18:23:00

bob is named bob
Posts: 64

OMG. That testing checkpoint will be sooo helpful in my current project.
Jeez, I can't believe I didn't see this thread sooner..
2010-08-24 06:21:00

Posts: 195

You can also make one that allows each player to spawn out of a different checkpoint.
I dont know if it is 100% accurate but for me it hasnt failed for me online or offline.
How do you make it? this would be usefull for me, and the single player one.
2010-08-24 17:34:00

Posts: 72

I have an easier way of making a testing checkpoint; simply delete every checkpoint in the level, and then add a normal checkpoint (Making sure it is NOT an Entrance Checkpoint!). Then go into Play Mode, just to spawn from it, and back to Create. Then just add an Entrance Checkpoint, and as many other checkpoints as you want.

The result: You've tricked Create Mode into thinking that the normal checkpoint you added after deleting all the others is the entrance. However, when you go into Play Mode the Entrance Checkpoint overrides this trickery, and thus you have two different entrances. Found this by accident when I got rid of my entrance and added it again later.

2010-08-26 17:57:00

Posts: 409

I have an easier way of making a testing checkpoint; simply delete every checkpoint in the level, and then add a normal checkpoint (Making sure it is NOT an Entrance Checkpoint!). Then go into Play Mode, just to spawn from it, and back to Create. Then just add an Entrance Checkpoint, and as many other checkpoints as you want.

That ruins the point. You can plop a testing checkpoint anywhere, anytime, and it overrides all other start points or checkpoints in the level. You don't have to edit your level, and it's very convenient, which is why it's a good testing checkpoint.
2010-08-27 01:08:00

Posts: 3251

is the single player checkpoint infinite?2010-08-27 11:09:00

Posts: 1872

That ruins the point. You can plop a testing checkpoint anywhere, anytime, and it overrides all other start points or checkpoints in the level. You don't have to edit your level, and it's very convenient, which is why it's a good testing checkpoint.

Good point, my solution works best when you're just starting the level.

2010-08-27 15:21:00

Posts: 409

That is so cool! There are so many survival levels that are better for only one player, so this checkpoint would be perfect!2010-08-31 14:41:00

Dazzle Eyes
Posts: 35

Cool, I'll have to see yours sometime. I made one (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=26538-1-Player-Only-Device), but it'd be cool to see what your's is like.2010-09-13 20:36:00

Posts: 1893

Really? Now that's ingenious!! 2010-09-20 01:14:00

Posts: 1800

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