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Public Apology Time!

Archive: 9 posts

Well, a few days ago I decided to be a bit rough on one of LBP's most popular music creators, oLMCo.
And it seems that I have also offended one of the moderators of the site, comphermc.

I would like to apologize amidst the company for being so obserd. It was very rude of me to speak so negatively about oLMCo, I could have posted some constructive criticism rather than saying I didn't like him, and I am in full apology for being rude, I hope that you accept my apology and we can both go on without being enemies.

And for comphermc. You didn't necessarily have the brightest look at me the first time you saw my behavior, this is obvious. Although me questioning your authority as a mod and disrespecting you wasn't good either.

In all honesty, I am not very good around most people, especially when they come off as hating me, but I know that I usually start the whole facade, and again, I would like to apologize to you both and I hope we can go on not absolutely hating one another, I just want some peace.

Thanks for reading and goodbye, heres in hopes of forgiveness.

2010-08-05 01:47:00

Unknown User

I think only you, comphermc and the guy you were talking about were the only ones who knew what was going on :/

Edit: Or not, well, I wasn't aware
2010-08-05 01:54:00

Posts: 1800

Bravo! ..and no worries! I for one was never upset at you. Just pointing out what I saw. ..however, the apology was a nice touch for sure and thanks for that. I trust you have sent oLMCo one as well and get it all behind you.

Take care!
2010-08-05 02:12:00

Posts: 11383

I just don't want any hate.
I've had enough of that in my life.
2010-08-05 03:08:00

Unknown User

It takes a big man to admit he's made a mistake, hopefully people will recognize this and this whole ugly incident will be in the past; where it belongs.

I saw a little of what was going on, but not enough to get the big picture. All I know is; we all make mistakes, but to openly admit it took guts and I give you credit for that.
Take care, and enjoy yourself. Not just on this site, but in life too.

2010-08-05 05:23:00

Posts: 1477

Well thanks for that Morton! Means a lot.
I just don't think they've seen the thread :3
I hope they look at it :l
2010-08-05 14:35:00

Unknown User

Well thanks for that Morton! Means a lot.
I just don't think they've seen the thread :3
I hope they look at it :l

Well.. the best way is unless they've blocked you, send them a PM... or perhaps send Comph one to pass on to him. Direct is always best. Make the subject. I am so very sorry.
2010-08-05 14:53:00

Posts: 11383

that's ok... I guess? D: I unno what's going on, I looked at your post history and nothing, so, uh... /runs

... why am I posting again? dun dun dun
2010-08-05 14:55:00

Posts: 10882

Thank you very much for the apology. I hope that you extended at least the same to oLMCo. Unfortunately, this does constitute as circumventing a temporary ban and having multiple accounts. This account must then be removed (as well as this MrLinksys account, which was uncovered). We're not the type to grudge, and we will see you in a few days. This is all done in accordance with the Site Rules (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21530-Rules-Consequences).

2010-08-05 15:17:00

Posts: 5338

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