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The Quest of Ambershire

Archive: 3 posts

hello people of LBPcentral, this is my project idea that i'm determined to finsh. sorry for any punctuation spelling or bits that don't make sense.
The Quest of Ambershire is a level series about a village called Ambershire, the village is under a spell from the great amber, the amber makes all the village hostile to outsiders and alot more (gota think up some more of this bit)
so, after reading a book in the local libary, sackboy learns of ambershires secret location, in a valley in bettwen two mountains, sackboy heads out into the mountains to find ambershire and figure out why its so hostile

okay, thats the 1st bit of the story, I'll post this and edit it in a little bit.
2010-08-04 07:26:00

Posts: 488

okay guys, ambershire one is going great, not very interesting at the moment, and haven't told much of the story so far. if any one as any ideas or anything, be sure to post them!
thanks guys.
2010-08-10 11:11:00

Posts: 488

It sounds cool so far. I can't wait to try it out. If you need any beta testers, I'd be happy to be one.

Edit: You should definitely post some pictures or something. After testing the first bit out, I can definitely say this is your best level yet. I can't wait to see more.
2010-08-10 14:22:00

Posts: 5208

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