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Help Make A Spinning Wheel

Archive: 4 posts

Hello I have been searching the internet for an answer to a problem I am having with making my level. I am trying to make a spinning wheel that is hollow inside except for the back just like the one in the video that shows if you are idle in your pod for a min. The video is way to fast for me to see what they are doing and I have been trying to do this for a few hours, so any help would be appreciated! I have been making it two layers thick which is how thick it has to be because it is going on a wall. I start by making a circle with wood then try to cut away a smaller circle inside the circle I just made with one less layer. When I do this it cuts away the whole inside of the wheel instead of just the front layer I want.

Thank you for any help!!!
2010-08-04 06:22:00

Posts: 6

Before you cut out the middle make a copy of the circle and move it back a layer (thin or thick). Cut into the circle in the front layer only so the one behind it isn't cut into, then glue them together.

I hope that's clear.
2010-08-04 06:26:00

Posts: 2454

Wow thank you for the quick reply!! I tried that and it worked thank you!2010-08-04 06:30:00

Posts: 6

Glad to be of service. 2010-08-04 06:34:00

Posts: 2454

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