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Amplified Mobility Platform (A.M.P suit) - P_Bear

Archive: 12 posts

Something I've always dreamed of making from the movie AVATAR but never had the knowledge to so, but now i understand the ins and outs of the 3D glitch i can move on I finished this about a day back now and started messing around with stances that even tried placing a moving character inside. Visually amazing in my opinion thanks to the 3D glitch



now it's time to make it move any genius's on logic out there willing to give me advice on how to make this thing walk?

here's the link to the projects and ideas thread to show a development.


if i get the demand i might add 3D advice in intermediate character cool down.
2010-08-03 17:45:00

Posts: 777

WOW! That is outstanding. Great job. looks just like the real picture.2010-08-03 19:01:00

Posts: 5208

that is very detailed! It seems like you have spent some time on it, like alot of time. well, it looks awsome. i know some people here would beable to help. let me know if you will make a level out of it. does it have a name? or should i just call it "the thing"?2010-08-03 19:33:00

Unknown User

You are going to hate me for bringing it up but I assume you have yet to see kuni's level?2010-08-03 21:19:00

Posts: 572

You are going to hate me for bringing it up but I assume you have yet to see kuni's level?

incorrect my friend. If you read my projects and ideas post i am fully aware of this... the idea was to build it so it is thermo friendly and can be used in a playable platforming level.
2010-08-03 21:24:00

Posts: 777

Really impressive model And not just because I like the AVATAR film xD, It would be great to see that walking around if you could pull it off.. Fantastic anyways 2010-08-04 14:50:00

Unknown User

Wow this looks cool great work. I would help with the logic, but I suck 2010-08-04 18:02:00

Posts: 57

It looks awesome, but you're gonna' have a hell of a time making that thing walk. It looks extremely top heavy and it's got pretty small legs. The first thing I would look into is making a floaty rail system (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24072-Floaty-Rail-Stability-System-%28for-mechs-ships-sharks-bombs-whatever!%29&highlight=floaty+rail) to hold it upright (I don't think you'll be able to get it to stay upright as a free moving mech). Then it's just a matter of making the leg parts move in the correct sequence to make it walk. If you wanna' get fancy, you can make a sequence that works backwards as well as forward so that you can walk either direction. And if you want to get REALLY fancy, you can try to add a jump mechanism.

It doesn't look like you've left a lot of room in the cockpit for controls, but you might want to have a look at my vehicle tools level (in my sig) anyway. Maybe one of the control pods I built can fit inside or at least give you an idea of how to build your own.
2010-08-04 19:06:00

Posts: 2188

It looks awesome, but you're gonna' have a hell of a time making that thing walk. It looks extremely top heavy and it's got pretty small legs. The first thing I would look into is making a floaty rail system (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=24072-Floaty-Rail-Stability-System-%28for-mechs-ships-sharks-bombs-whatever!%29&highlight=floaty+rail) to hold it upright (I don't think you'll be able to get it to stay upright as a free moving mech). Then it's just a matter of making the leg parts move in the correct sequence to make it walk. If you wanna' get fancy, you can make a sequence that works backwards as well as forward so that you can walk either direction. And if you want to get REALLY fancy, you can try to add a jump mechanism.

It doesn't look like you've left a lot of room in the cockpit for controls, but you might want to have a look at my vehicle tools level (in my sig) anyway. Maybe one of the control pods I built can fit inside or at least give you an idea of how to build your own.

Thanks Sehven I bet I'll find this really usefull, the legs look small in the pick because the mech is currently in the deactivated stage. I don't plan to man it either but plan to make it a boss. I'm also trying to add the fancy backwards and forewords mechanism as well as the jump mechanism. You suggested all the things i wanted to learn about, also I plan to use this setup

2010-08-04 19:47:00

Posts: 777

wow looks great im looking forward too a Avatar level!!!2010-08-05 06:38:00

Posts: 32

Okay, so this morning I have made the Suit function (which was frustrating and took a long time), and it is now up and walking and jumping around.

next up is the logic, I had a look at sehven's level and looked particularly at the directional and jumping hamster wheel control pod. i've faced some problems that need answering, the system was temperamental and would sometimes only do one movement then stop, this would be the same in each direction although if retried the system would sometimes continue the walking motion fine in both directions.

the leg set up consists of one wobble bolt at the hip, a normal bolt on the knee and a piston connecting the upper to the lower parts of the leg. any suggestions on additional logic? I was thinking of an "either or switch" attached to the pistons and then controlled by the hamster wheel which will eventually work without a driver most likely a random emitter.
2010-08-05 11:01:00

Posts: 777

Which style of hamster wheel are you using? The Rtm style (the one that I use in the VT-5), or the gear and flipper style? You may need to tweak some settings to get it to work just right: the motor bolts may need to be sped up/slowed down (if it's one that I built, the speeds should be fine), and/or you may need to adjust the detection radii of the mag switches: if the directional switches radii are almost as big as the speed ones, then sackboy will only need to spin the wheel a little to get a response; if their radii is smaller, sackboy will have to get the wheel spinning faster to get a response. If the motor bolt speeds are too fast, then as soon as you get a response, it'll immediately shut back off, and if they're too slow, you'll be able to outrun them which leads to some wierd behavior. Hamster wheels are awesome for directional control, but they've got to be tweaked just right. Another tweak you can try is tightening the non-motor bolt a bit: say to 2-2.5 tightness or something. That'll force the hamster wheel to spin a little more slowly which can help in tweaking.2010-08-05 19:44:00

Posts: 2188

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