Beliefs based on popularity.
Archive: 24 posts
It seems as if someone is popular, no matter what they do, what they say, it's harmless, but when someone tries to take a stand against that. Everyone takes the side of the more popular person, even when the argument is ridiculous and you try to stop it. Anyone else feel this way? I need relation. | 2010-08-03 02:12:00 Author: Melted_Gummybear ![]() Posts: 162 |
Human naturally feels the need to belong to a gang. So if someone is getting all friendly with the "biggest" folks, I guess it's... natural. Even if it's sometime senseless. Though this is only my opinion, no need to agree with me. ![]() | 2010-08-03 02:34:00 Author: Chump ![]() Posts: 1712 |
everything feels it, wolves chickens cats rabbits birds..........clowns![]() | 2010-08-03 02:55:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
I just wish that people had the slightest sense of guilt. But everyone thinks they are perfect these days, so. Just like the tootsie-pops, the world may never know.. | 2010-08-03 03:21:00 Author: Melted_Gummybear ![]() Posts: 162 |
Human naturally feels the need to belong to a gang. So if someone is getting all friendly with the "biggest" folks, I guess it's... natural. Even if it's sometime senseless. Though this is only my opinion, no need to agree with me. ![]() This is actually true. The larger the numbers, the more we tend to flock as a natural instinct for order and security. It kind of sucks, to be honest. I'm of the camp that what's popular isn't necessarily what's right. | 2010-08-03 03:36:00 Author: Foofles ![]() Posts: 2278 |
if there werent so much peace and order in society, id probably hunt you all down like predator.lol | 2010-08-03 03:40:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
Yeah thats true but thats just how we are as humans right? | 2010-08-03 03:52:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy ![]() Posts: 668 |
"if there werent so much peace and order in society, id probably hunt you all down like predator.lol " There ISN'T any peace and order in society, the world is drawing itself into chaos. People panic at any appearance of distress, do you call that order. I just hope we all get our butts in gear soon >_< | 2010-08-03 05:18:00 Author: Melted_Gummybear ![]() Posts: 162 |
Is there an example you can give? | 2010-08-03 05:27:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
if there werent so much peace and order in society, id probably hunt you all down like predator.lol "if there werent so much peace and order in society, id probably hunt you all down like predator.lol " There ISN'T any peace and order in society, the world is drawing itself into chaos. People panic at any appearance of distress, do you call that order. I just hope we all get our butts in gear soon >_< Is there an example you can give? Joke?.. -____- | 2010-08-03 07:22:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
It's human nature to need to have a common acceptance. And due to media and other ways the "popular" things get out people scatter that in hopes to fit in and feel needed. So when people follow the common statement in order to fit in they will exclude anyone else who is different as well as their actions and opinions. I call these groups of people Robots, it's fitting really. | 2010-08-03 10:42:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
i agree with lpb333....most people in society despite what they think, are mindless drones the media and government can feed crap to and they believe it people have a brain, its saddenning that some dont use it properly to think for themsevles. when i express a different opinion to the majority which is quite often, i get shunned out..yeah sometimes even on a message board. one time i was even called a troll because i thought differnetly to everbody else in the topic. i dont mind other people having their own opinions and thoughts, they can think what they will...but what bothers me is their inability to accept another persons opinions and thoughts but they expect everyone to accept theirs...of course they dont have to agree, but it helps if they dont hate on whats different to them especially if whats different isnt their to cause any damage i am also the guy that doesnt do things becuase they are "cool" or "in". i dont change clothing with the decade, i dont change music tastes to the years that go by...basically my life isnt as fad like that. what i like, ill keep on liking, i still listen to 50s rock and roll and rockabilly and that stuff is really old...i still retro game frequently, i still wear "outdated" if you will clothing. tv i like is mostly in the past. however i do like modern things as well...my point is i dont drop what i like becuase it isnt "in" anymore...a lot of what i like was never in anyway, hence a lot of my music is underground and not that much heard of. i like what i like, despite if anyone else does or not | 2010-08-03 13:19:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
Thats 99.9% of the population. I believe the term for them is 'stupid'. ![]() | 2010-08-03 13:22:00 Author: Bremnen ![]() Posts: 1800 |
I tend not to worry about what the popular opinion is and make up my own mind. (i.e. not a mindless sheep) If I don't believe it, then I don't regardless if that is the popular condenses or not unless proven otherwise by excellent facts on that particular subject. If I don't feel I have enough data to make a conclusion, then I don't stand with either group and look for more info or if none available, wait and see how the issue develops. | 2010-08-03 13:44:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
I would give the example, but I do not want to risk my freedom on the forum -_- it sickens me that people can just take over something so simply. It's very biased, I may send PM's to those who'd like it the link. But I'm afraid more people will turn on me :S Basically I stated my opinion and was shunned by him and the rest of the peanut gallery.. | 2010-08-03 14:05:00 Author: Melted_Gummybear ![]() Posts: 162 |
I know what your talking about, i just think he got upset the fact that you said you dislike him. Everyone has their own points and you both were throwing them across at eachother. Many people will stick up for the most popular person as they think it will make them look better which is wrong. Just see it as everyone has their own opinion and everyone should realise this. There will be people who look down at others which ive picked up on before on this forum and wrote a thread about it but it will never change. Just be yourself and it doesnt matter if your popular or not, your popular in your own way ![]() | 2010-08-03 14:15:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
I think it's easier to be your own person and not worry about popularity the older you get. At 40, I'm nowhere near as concerned with what's popular or accepted as I was at 16. I now understand that dropping big money on a clothing label is really stupid. Why does the ability to put on a shirt make one cool? Seems like a lot of people have been "played" by the marketeers and big name designers. I'm a high school teacher, which allows me the opportunity to observe teens desperate for acceptance and attention. Sadly, many who aren't automatically in the right clique feel the need to go to extremes to prove they have totally rejected the status quo. They make themselves look freakish to fit in among the freakish, which is really only another way of fitting in. And too many teens will compromise their own beliefs and what their parents have tried to teach them as being right and wrong in order to fit in. I know I was one such person many years ago. It is a painful part of growing up. In another sense though, the quest for popularity is the quest for conformity. Conformity feels safe, and that's what many of us are seeking. Perhaps a little of this is good if we are to preserve this thing we call society. For better or worse, society prevents us from completely breaking down into utter chaos. For every violator seeking to undermine the social order, there is an overwhelming number of men and women dedicated to combating the violator and restoring law and order. And this is a good thing. Our society, for all its faults, is well-worth preserving. If you don't think this is so, it's probably because you haven't learned that much about all the good people who have worked and sacrificed to make it so. No society is perfect, just as no one person is perfect. That doesn't mean we should become anti-social just because some part of it isn't too our liking. I try very hard to listen to all sides in any discussion, and it is frustrating when it seems the popular side gets all the attention just because it's popular. Any one who disagrees is branded a heretic and often faces punishment from the group. Socrates was forced to drink hemlock; Galileo was forced to recant. And I'm not sure which of these got the better deal. Just take comfort in knowing that those who are right are generally proven right in time. At one time it was thought all stomach ulcers where caused by stress until one doctor accidentally discovered some were caused by bacteria. He was attacked left and right by the established medical thinking at the time. Now it is the established medical thinking and is in all the updated medical books. And this was only a few years ago. Just keep speaking the truth as you know it. If it really is the truth, you will eventually be vindicated. | 2010-08-03 14:35:00 Author: thanatos989 ![]() Posts: 248 |
OOoooo... now I know. What Fender says is true. I don't know who the peanut gallery was. I didn't really pay any attention to it and maybe you think you feel everyone did. Not sure.. Basically it works like this. Lets say for instance I hated Fender for some reason. I really don't!!!... well except all that pink in her sig! lol (Kidding!!) To be honest, I like her quite a bit except she is like 4 million feet taller than me. ![]() However, I can still get along with her regardless, but I wouldn't slam her in the "best sig" thread or the "normal height people are the coolest" thread. ![]() You are entitled to your opinion, but going down the path of negativity and speaking out against someone by name true or not, will not win on this forum and not be tolerated, especially by the mods. So no worries.. I don't think anyone hates you. Just apologize and move on.. However, I really hate it when my gummy bears get all melty. lol !!! ![]() | 2010-08-03 14:38:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
conformity is an odd thing....there are elements that seem ok, and other elements that seem not ok.... i wouldnt call my self a conformist to the masses, definatly not...but everyone does conform to something, even if it is something that isnt popular. me....i conform to what i think is the right way to live, regardless of what anyone else thinks of what i think...usually many people dont agree with me with a lot of things. i was drastically unpopular in school, andi still am pretty much where ever i go....i only have about 4 or 5 friends. no biggie to me though, im happy with that | 2010-08-03 14:57:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
Well, I honestly don't care whether I am popular or not. This guy, in my opinion, was just being completely unreasonable. I held back SO much trying to be more mature in mixed company. The truth is, any time I give my HONEST opinion on anything, people are smug and rude about it. People always say, "OooOOoh! Honesty is the best policy BLAH!" But when it gets down to it, if it offends them, it's hell to pay. There is no maturity in todays society, and I think that the more we progress into the future, the easier it will be to hate, deceive, and choose sides. I'm not looking for world peace, i just want people to think before they go off trying to put you down on your opinion, it is my right as a human being to have an opinion. And In the thread, he said he couldn't care less about it, yet he started throwing rude terms at me. I don't know if it's just me, maybe I'm just not a likable person, I am honest in what I say. I remember once when I was in 1st grade, I had this friend named David, one day he walked up to me and bluntly said "I'm not friends with you anymore, I'm friends with the cool kids." 5 year olds are brave.. I can only wish that people were like that these days rather than trying to come up with some idiotic excuse. All of the rules contradict themselves whenever it gets down to it. "Be honest, wait, now your being honest and I hate you." or "We are all entitled to our opinion, wait, I don't like your opinion so I am going to degrade you and try to make myself feel better in mixed company." It just angers me that this is all I can look forward to. | 2010-08-03 15:51:00 Author: Melted_Gummybear ![]() Posts: 162 |
yeah pretty much, people can get really aggrovating like that. i am of the belief too that when you look at things..most people are just contradictive, hypocritical, mindless followers of whats cool in fear of not being cool....the general masses and their lack of open mindedness is a scary thought to me i rmemeber on the gta board on gamefaqs i was trying to give my thoughts on trophies...one of my posts got moderated because it didnt conform to the praising of trophies and that i said "while i dont mind people going for trophies, i feel that if they ONLY go for trophies they arent playing the game for the game and thats just lame" if you can get modded for saying that theres no hope at all ill give you the link to the argument....the guy i got heated with was also saying "i dont care about your opinion" yet he continually argues against me... i say i dont like trophies and het gets mad at me. i dont mind people going for them, its their will to do so...but that doesnt mean im not allowed to say why i dont like them and why i dont go for them http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/933036-grand-theft-auto-iv/55179750 there are a couple more reason i didnt call him out on being a hypocrte on, see if you can spot them >_> its only a little example of what this topic is about....but it does happen on bigger scales and is just....horrible | 2010-08-03 16:39:00 Author: Xegethra ![]() Posts: 207 |
"if there werent so much peace and order in society, id probably hunt you all down like predator.lol " There ISN'T any peace and order in society, the world is drawing itself into chaos. People panic at any appearance of distress, do you call that order. I just hope we all get our butts in gear soon >_< pffft. exactly, a national crisis happens and ill be suprised if im not the only someone who pulls a gun out of a closet or a knife out of their drawer instead of going to a shelter. zombie crisis anyone? ![]() | 2010-08-03 17:04:00 Author: Charlemagne ![]() Posts: 513 |
OOoooo... now I know. What Fender says is true. I don't know who the peanut gallery was. I didn't really pay any attention to it and maybe you think you feel everyone did. Not sure.. Basically it works like this. Lets say for instance I hated Fender for some reason. I really don't!!!... well except all that pink in her sig! lol (Kidding!!) To be honest, I like her quite a bit except she is like 4 million feet taller than me. ![]() However, I can still get along with her regardless, but I wouldn't slam her in the "best sig" thread or the "normal height people are the coolest" thread. ![]() You are entitled to your opinion, but going down the path of negativity and speaking out against someone by name true or not, will not win on this forum and not be tolerated, especially by the mods. So no worries.. I don't think anyone hates you. Just apologize and move on.. However, I really hate it when my gummy bears get all melty. lol !!! ![]() You know you wish your sig was as pink as mine, you just haven't found the confidence to create it yet ![]() | 2010-08-03 18:55:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
Oh, hey, look what I found... This whole thread really is unfair to the other party involved; and don't act like this is anything you don't understand. You have skirted the specifics of the issue to appear as if you were entirely "in the right." I think some of the other members are onto what this discussion is referring to, and I find it very depressing that you are manipulating those who are in the dark to gain some sort of justification for your actions. You were way out of line. You attacked someone base-lessly and without reason. It's as simple as that. You call it being honest, but it's not. It's being rude, it's being a jerk, and it's being sour individual. Having seen the PM that you sent to this person, it's clear that you have some anger issues you need to sort out... and you won't solve those through this attempt at a pity party. Get angry at me, that's fine, but your actions merit a temporary removal from this site. I'm making this public so you can't play it off as if you've been victimized. You handled the situation very poorly, at the expense of another member. It was not a popularity issue. It was an attitude issue. Your issue. Kthanx, locked. Edit: As for everyone else... you've been duped. Remember, it's not impossible for the "popular" side to be right, either. | 2010-08-03 23:36:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
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