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AH-64D Apache

Archive: 11 posts

AH-64D Apache

Here is one of my best vehicles I've made:

flies very smoothly and includes a hover mode so you can easily access the weapons onboard by means of a double grab weapon changer, these weapons include:
Green Key tracking Hellfire missile (one shot, tracks any green keys and goes in for the kill)
AGM Hellfire missile (no tracking but has a higher rate of fire and a medium sized explosion)
Hydra 70 rockets (higher rate of fire but less damage)
Bombs (added for fun but became useful to use)
a Machine Gun mounted under the heli (on the 1 player version it sack tracks while on the 2 player version its gunner operated)

This heli will be the main vehicle in my upcoming level, but for now try my Helicopter Museum, includes all my heli creations along with my friends ones, thanks for looking
2010-08-02 10:55:00

Posts: 23

Very nice and it has the right weapons too which is a great

I'll have a look in-game later on.
2010-08-02 11:18:00

Posts: 1330

Looks great but depends how it flies such as people try to make helicopter fly using rockets, making it hard to fly but if it uses a suspension method it should be great2010-08-02 11:52:00

Posts: 54

This looks absalutely amazing great detail all over the body cant wait for this to be in a lvl 2010-08-02 13:16:00

Posts: 338

Looks great but depends how it flies such as people try to make helicopter fly using rockets, making it hard to fly but if it uses a suspension method it should be great

I make it fly using a rocket balloon, as I see so do most people, but im not sure about this suspension method, can you explain it? and thanks you guys
2010-08-02 13:36:00

Posts: 23

I think they are referring to a rail method such as that seen on gevurah's gundam mechs. As for flying purely with rockets, it can be done, just make sure that you have a reliable method of stabilising during flight and you are good to go (That's how my Pirahna (flyer in sig) works).
Out of curiosity, how have you set up the guidance system for the tracking missiles?
2010-08-02 14:05:00

Posts: 572

I think they are referring to a rail method such as that seen on gevurah's gundam mechs. As for flying purely with rockets, it can be done, just make sure that you have a reliable method of stabilising during flight and you are good to go (That's how my Pirahna (flyer in sig) works).
Out of curiosity, how have you set up the guidance system for the tracking missiles?

yes the rockets have been stabilised, and the apache uses a leaning control stick (lean left to go left etc) as for the guidance system, I dont know what you mean, the rockets use left and right magnetic sensors to track a mag key.
2010-08-02 14:47:00

Posts: 23

Thats basically what I was looking for, but what steers the rocket mid flights? Small rockets? Emitters?2010-08-02 15:41:00

Posts: 572

Thats basically what I was looking for, but what steers the rocket mid flights? Small rockets? Emitters?
ye small rockets with a emmiter at the back for stabilisation.
2010-08-02 15:58:00

Posts: 23

on the 1 player version it sack tracks

I sacks tracks?

Nice work, and I look forward to the level. I still haven't seen it.

I don't really like the ringed rotor though. Most apaches don't have ringed rotors, and either way, I think the average ones look cooler.
2010-08-02 18:18:00

Posts: 3251

I sacks tracks?

Nice work, and I look forward to the level. I still haven't seen it.

I don't really like the ringed rotor though. Most apaches don't have ringed rotors, and either way, I think the average ones look cooler.

The ringed rotor is a added effect to make it look like the rotors are rotating at high speeds, and ye 1 player sack tracking is only fair lolz
2010-08-03 20:08:00

Posts: 23

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