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turbo tank aka juggernaut

Archive: 4 posts

i made the tank from star wars episode 3
and just to show you how the original tank looks like
, look at the main picture and look at the lbp version. does it look like it? And YES ITS THAT BIG.

Now i really didnt make a level about this but if you guys love and if i get alot of people saying make a level about it, i might do it.
2010-08-01 08:09:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

Looks good! Yep, some star wars vehicles are really cool.

In my opinion you should add some color to it though. I think some white or grey stickers over the polystyrene would look great.
2010-08-01 08:12:00

Posts: 3251

You should really make a level of this!!!2010-08-01 08:12:00

Posts: 2442

In my opinion you should add some color to it though. I think some white or grey stickers over the polystyrene would look great. thats the plan, since this version is just a prototype2010-08-01 21:16:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

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