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Super Sib Reviews
Archive: 107 posts
Hey everybody!!! Im Sibtiger55 and I LOVE playing other peoples levels. So i just thought something up, what would it be like to play levels, rate them (with my own ratings), and help them out if they need any help!!! So i came up with Super Sib Reviews. Any levels you have, survival, adventure, story, any kind at all ill try it out!!! I'll be sure to try to stay on schedule with the reviews, probably checking in at least once everyday. Here's how it'll work! *My grade scale is used by letters---- (A=Spectacular and absolutely flawless!) (B=It was Great!!! but could use some touch ups) (C=It was ok, but could use some work) (D=A little poor in the fun department) (F=Could use alot more effort) *I will be sure to post upcoming levels ill try out, aswell as levels i've already tried along with their grade. * I will be sure to have level against level tournaments for an ultimate winner!!! Probably from levels i've already tried that were already sent in. * Also be sure that if i dont rate it what u thought it would be rated, just remember it's one opinion. I'll also point some things out and be able to help! So Want me to do a review on your level? Well then just post ur information like this!!! Author of Level: Level Name: Level Genre: (Survival, spooky, story, etc) * I will be doing reviews constantly now. If no requests are sent in, then i'll pick a level on the pages to try first. Send in reviews! That's all! Of course it'd be kinda nice if that wasn't all u put lol. Be sure to tell ur friends about the SSR (Super Sib Review)!! Now let's get reviewing!!!! Super Sib reviews is now BACK! And ready for action! Send me info on ur LBP2 levels and i'll gladly rate them ****NEW GRADING DETEMINATION! You get certain points out of certain categories. Although i wont tell you what u got in points, i will tell you what needs working on! xD LBP1 Tested: Jaja Land-Fenderjt: A+ The Mighty Sombrero-Beyunn: C- Polo Space-Racroz B+ Hey, I found a Nickel-Barnsy_AKA_ash: A- Skeleton Creek-Into the Dredge, by Sackish B+ Little Big Tower Defense, by Nowblink B- Tremor Shock, by rez455 B+ HMS Doubtless, by The Gentleman (michael hoar) B- Total Wipeout Qualifier, by Jay JSE2(james_a) C+ Sound n Space, by midnight_heist B Onion Gale, by figuer39 (PSN NiKeY) A- Land of Dreams- A Prequel to LBP, by Kody59527 B+ Escape From the Madhouse Pt 1, by ironmalley B+ Tomb of Doom, by chimpskylark B+ Radish Wake, by figuer39 (PSN, NiKfY) B The Wise Owl, by bonner123 A- No Laughing Matter lvl 1.1 The Genova Incident, by SpiffyMcCracken, B- Draconia Cave, by ShamgarBlade, B Color Gardens, by Shhabbazz A Journey of a Thousand Inches, by Rasumii B LBP2 | 2010-08-01 06:19:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I'll be your first! Level Name: Pollo Space Level genre: Sci-Fi story Thank's in advance, sib | 2010-08-02 01:01:00 Author: Racroz Posts: 406 |
I used Fenderjt's popular level, Jaja land, as an example of how it'll look. It is rated 5 stars by other players. Jaja Land By: Fenderjt One Beautiful Adventure This level is very appealing to the eye. It seems like every little piece of the level worked in perfect harmony. It had beautiful scenery, cute little creatures known as Jajas, and great use of the classic 3D glitch. There was also many parts of the level that showed great talent. Somehow, she managed to use the water, to make rain effects. That is very impressive. This level is a must on ur playlist. One of my favorite levels. Its spectacular, and absolutely flawless. Grade: A+ | 2010-08-02 08:14:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Well i suppose i could request another review . My level is called "The Mighty Sombrero" by Beyunn | 2010-08-02 08:44:00 Author: Beyunn Posts: 27 |
I used Fenderjt's popular level, Jaja land, as an example of how it'll look. It is rated 5 stars by other players. Jaja Land By: Fenderjt One Beautiful Adventure This level is very appealing to the eye. It seems like every little piece of the level worked in perfect harmony. It had beautiful scenery, cute little creatures known as Jajas, and great use of the classic 3D glitch. There was also many parts of the level that showed great talent. Somehow, she managed to use the water, to make rain effects. That is very impressive. This level is a must on ur playlist. One of my favorite levels. Its spectacular, and absolutely flawless. Grade: A+ Wow thank you very much for the review. Im glad to see you liked my level and thanks for the kind words! | 2010-08-02 17:22:00 Author: Fenderjt Posts: 1969 |
@Fenderjt, No problem! It was a great level @racroz and Beyunn, reviews will be done today. | 2010-08-02 17:28:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
The Might Sombrero By: Beyunn Rated 4 stars by Players In the Beginning, the main question that popped in my head was why does the parrot have a cherry on its head? As i went on though, i noticed that most of the stuff used in the level wasn't created by him, but it was MM story stuff. I prefer a level with custom made items. There was a part i liked though when you're going down a tunnel and it turns dark, then a fish just comes out of nowhere. The shock of it was fun. Most of the stuff used in the level didn't make any sense all together. There was random characters, random uses of sponges, random objects set on electricity, and a random ripped up teddy bear in a cave. Overall, it wasn't very impressive and could use plenty more work. I'm sure that as this creator gets better, this level will get much better too. However, it could still use some work. Grade: C- | 2010-08-02 20:09:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Hey thanks for taking your time to review it. i really apreciate it. I intended to make the level the most fun and bizarre as possible, thats why every time the parrot appears, he has the cherry in his head, its just a random thing, like the teddy bear and random characters (guybrush ,etc). I really wanted to make my first level but didnt have the time to make custom items, so i used a few of mm instead. Im gonna change that in my next level. thank you. | 2010-08-02 22:33:00 Author: Beyunn Posts: 27 |
Hi can you review my level called, "Hey, I found a Nickel"? Thanks. | 2010-08-02 23:44:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash Posts: 293 |
Polo Space By: Racroz (aka Eprim) Genre: Scifi Story An Adventure through a Unique Space This level had a very nice beginning. The rocket, looked average, but space looked very spacey. In a way, the rocket's simpleness actually added a spice to the beginning. This spice was a spice i rarely find in any level. Racroz used different materials, but they purely worked in harmony together. They didn't look odd together, they actually looked great and was very appealing. The Gas pits in the beginning again looked simple, but looked amazing deadly. I didn't find out myself, but i'm sure they are The creatures had very creative names. Each creature had a distinctive property that i loved. I do not remember the name of the creatures lol, but i remember that the one you had to catch had its own cuteness to it. I also adored the first creature you run into. The Obstacles and puzzles were a lot of fun. Obstacles were simple, but they were really fun. The puzzles were great and gave a nice prize after completion. So the level overall had creative creatures, names, obstacles, and puzzles. One problem i did have was the visuals. It looks great but kinda gets same old same old. Nothing is really super detailed, which would've been a great addition. I would recommend making the creature that chases you really detailed. That would catch players eyes. Overall the level was great and creative. So great i'll probably play Racroz's other levels. Racroz's levels are must plays and if you would like to try it, look up his PSN Name, Eprim. Grade: B+ | 2010-08-03 05:30:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Thanks, sib glad you liked it and making the level was really a challenge to me because it was the first time i experimented with caves and space things like that Pollo Space 2 will be 10 times better | 2010-08-03 06:08:00 Author: Racroz Posts: 406 |
Could you review my level (SMRC) Skeleton Creek- Into the Dredge? Search "Dredge" to find this level easily. Just check that it is infact my PSN. << | 2010-08-03 18:23:00 Author: sackish Posts: 72 |
Hey, I found a Nickel By: Barnsy_aka_ash Rated 4 stars by players An amazingly abstract adventure In the beginning, i first noticed that it was sort of an abstract level. It was really cool, literally. Barnsy's use of cool colors was impressive although the windows are actually yellow. Probably because Barnsy wanted it that way! The material that was used was used very nicely. Like other levels like this, blue wood is a must! It creates a solid surface with no texture. Who doesn't love that?! The level so far was a nice abstract world and very artistic. It still had great platforming stuff along with puzzles which i enjoyed very much. Interestingly different story and items. Very creative and would qualify as a winner of my taste. Everything just seems to balance out. The colors did get kinda wacky on the bath tub ride. Blue, green, and pink don't really work in that perfect harmony that I tend to look for. The bombs looked odd around the blue. I suggest stickering them red or a warm color because the way the bomb looks is kinda odd. It works as an unbalancing force in my opinion. Stickering them red will put emphasis on them and would make it look nice around the blue. The small missions were nice and sweet. They were creative and fun as well! Overall it was a blast! Almost a topper on my favorites, but not quite. Soon to be LBP's most popular level. Grade: A- | 2010-08-03 19:05:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Skeleton Creek-Into the Dredge By: Sackish (PSN-camberley6) Rated 4 stars by players A mysterious adventure in the Dredge The beginning was pretty cool. It had the creepy atmosphere, and that sort of introduction is always kind of nice. The inside did look like ruins to me. Maybe some more detail, but overall, you got the concept. It looked very nice and very accurate to the ruin type of environment. The first stomping noises came maybe a little too soon. The cameras also got in the way sometimes. Maybe shorten the range so it doesn't get in the way. I also noticed that about all the pistons were visible. It looks a little odd and i suggest making them non visible. Overall, the level was a nice experience. Not super impressive, but it was fun and I'd like to see a part 2. Grade: B+ | 2010-08-04 18:00:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Thanks, I wanted to have the pistons visible so it looks like everything is controlled by something it make it feel more mechanical. Great review, I have been considering a sequel, but this is a prequel to the book itself, so I am not entirley sure. | 2010-08-04 18:08:00 Author: sackish Posts: 72 |
Thanks for your review. Yeah I thought the yellow windows would stand out more. Oh and the pink and green is actually red and green. The colour correction must've changed it. I will fix those bits you have suggested and pointed out for maximum visuals. Thanks again. | 2010-08-04 18:53:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash Posts: 293 |
Come on guys!!! Bring more levels to be reviewed! This Will be open forever!!!! | 2010-08-05 02:09:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Another Review will be done today even if no requests are sent in, thank you | 2010-08-05 16:39:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Hm too busy for a review today...maybe tomorrow | 2010-08-06 05:55:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Well can you review any of my levels prolly te beat one yu played. A my levels are different gameplay and some are 2 players only thank you'! In advanced | 2010-08-06 11:16:00 Author: nowblink Posts: 105 |
Level Name: TREMOR-SHOCK Author of Level: rez455 Level Genre: story ....this is my own series called tremor shock. its a loosely based squeal to bioshock and system shock. the story is about a man named David Holt, who works for the huge multi billion dollar company known as: TITAN. when David enters his work place, no one is seen in the building. he searches most of the top building, but no one is to be seen. then suddenly, a huge earth quake causes David to go no were but down to the mining sector, which takes place thousands of miles under ground..... but what horrors lurk in the darkness?? well that's the story, it will have a few twists like bioshock and system shock 2 did. i would appreciate it if you played this http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/140/7/6/TREMOR__SHOCK_final_poster_by_DDRrez.jpg | 2010-08-06 14:19:00 Author: rez455 Posts: 113 |
Could I have a review of my level series "HMS Doubtless" There are two parts so far. My PSN is michaelhoar. My greatest appreciation in advance! | 2010-08-06 16:47:00 Author: The Gentleman Posts: 360 |
level names: total wipeout qualifier/___ race(sorry, can't remember the first word but it should be easy to find)(it has a glowing sticker from the marvel level kit and no description) PSN ID:janes_a total wipeout is getting lots of plays but it could be getting more and no-one was playing the other | 2010-08-06 18:38:00 Author: JayJSE2 Posts: 164 |
wow 4. Lol i'll be sure to get all your guys's requests in. This should be a blast! | 2010-08-06 19:01:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Oh and another thing, just so you know. I cannot stress enough that it's designed for one player only. Multiplayer's impossible. And cheers for that! | 2010-08-06 20:41:00 Author: The Gentleman Posts: 360 |
LIttle Big Tower Defense By: Nowblink This level isn't really a level. It's more like a game that you play. It's very different, but very fun. I encountered a few problems with the actual gameplay though. Sometimes the guns wouldn't shoot even when directed at the enemy. Other times, it shot too late. It is alot of fun though and requires alot of strategy. I even hearted this level so i can play it again and again because i loved the game. However, the difficulties of the weapons and other stuff made the grade a bit lower. I suggest that in the beginning, put how much it'll cost to acquire the weapon. That would be very useful. Grade: B- | 2010-08-07 03:38:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Tremor Shock by: rez455 Genre: Story A mechanical adventure Beginning looks very cool. Got me interested in how it'll turn out. The material matched, didn't look odd at all. That made me happy. Surprisingly, there was also a great use of environmental detail. Bravo The green house could use some work. The sound effects in it were nice though. Also i saw a curse word. I'd be careful because i've heard reports where people have reported that and the level was deleted. I suggest replacing the word. I'm also not a big fan of the cursing thing, but that wouldn't affect my review. I didn't think it was much of a story. It didn't seem to have many speech bubbles making me wonder what was going on. Overall it was pretty well detailed and pretty cool. The whole mechanics scene was great. Grade: B+ | 2010-08-07 03:44:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
HMS Doubtless By. The Gentlemen aka michael hoar (PSN) Funny beginning with the dude yellin at ya. The dissolve in the beginning should be colored. It would disguise it and make it look nicer. The wrist watch part was very creative. I was impressed and loved those parts. Everything was pretty good, but the key puzzle was a little confusing. People might get lost there. Overall, it was pretty fun and it was nice that every material matched. Sorry about the short review, but nothing superly amazed me, but there wasn't many problems to pick out either. Grade: B- | 2010-08-07 03:48:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Total Wipeout Qualifier By. Jay JSE2 aka james_a (PSN) This is a pretty good course. It's fun and overall game play is great! It could use some work on visuals though and game play aswell. I found out that if you fell off an obstacle or didn't pass it, you could swim under it. I suggest covering the top of the water with gas. I would also suggest adding more checkpoints. Oh and if you could make the land a little fuller, it would look more appealing. (Fuller meaning filling it out. Instead of it being a little strip of land.) Overall it was fun, but needs a lot of visual work. Grade: C+ | 2010-08-07 03:53:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Great levels so far guys! Since i chose Jaja Land by Fenderjt, that level wouldn't count. So that would mean that Hey, I Found a Nickel by Barnsy_AKA_ash has the highest grade so far!!! Try to beat their high A-!!! | 2010-08-07 04:04:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
thanks for the review sibtiger. ill try addng more speech bubbles, thanks for the suggestions! | 2010-08-07 06:22:00 Author: rez455 Posts: 113 |
Care to review my older level? It didn't get much feedback. Author of Level: midnight_heist Level Name: sound n space! Level Genre: (experimental platformer) LBPC link! (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=12795-F4F-quot-sound-n-space!-quot-An-experiment-in-navigating-via-sound-%28with-pictures!%29) | 2010-08-07 06:26:00 Author: midnight_heist Posts: 2513 |
I would love you to review my level, Sib. Hope you can get around to playing it. Name: Onion Gale PSN: NiKfY It is a jumping challenge level, and it is subdivided into eight stages, each one harder than the previous one. Try to get as far as you can. | 2010-08-07 14:15:00 Author: figuer39 Posts: 108 |
awesome 2 more. By the way, don't worry about me not getting around to it. I make time for everyone's request, and reject none! | 2010-08-07 18:27:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
If you have time, could you review my level? Author of Level: Kody59527 Level Name: Land of Dreams-A Prequel to LBP Level Genre: Story/Platformer Thanks in advance! | 2010-08-07 22:34:00 Author: Kody59527 Posts: 121 |
Sounds n Space By: midnight_heist Genre:experimental Platform It's decently pretty with cute creatures and sackboy stickers. The beginning is a great tutorial for beginners and so i would recommend this part for beginners. As you go on though, it gets very hard. You have to face the darkness while listening for the sounds and doing the right action. It can be hard keeping track of which does which lol. It's very creative, pretty difficult, and looks really cool. The Difficulty probably turns some people away from finishing it. However, it is still very nice, but nothing really amazed me. (Sorry for short review) Grade: B | 2010-08-08 03:35:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Onion Gale By: figuer39 (PSN NiKfY) Obstacle Course The warp zone in the beginning was a creative and helpful part of the level. If you quit the level, you could come back and start where you left off. I honestly loved this obstacle course. There was very creative hall names, it's very fun, and not terribly hard. Well for me anyways lol. It did seem to take forever though. I don't think a lot of people would want to spend that much time on one level. I did though because i thought it was fun lol. It looked nice. The creatures, the stickers, the obstacles, and everything else lol. It was pretty good, just the length sorta drains it out. I definitely recommend this level to all obstacle course lovers. Grade: A- | 2010-08-08 03:42:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
In the interest of supporting a fellow member of this community, all the while getting feedback on some of my levels, I'll gladly put up my recent work for you to review. PSN ID / Author: ironmalley Level: Escape from the Madhouse - Part 1 Gerne: Adventure / Escape Showcase: Escape from the Madhouse - Part 1 (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=32337-Escape-from-the-Madhouse-Part-1) Other Notes: I left my old copy of this level published as well, so there are two levels I have created by this name. I have made sure to mark the old level appropriately to avoid any confusion. The level includes a x2 area near the end. Cannot wait to read your review, and I'm ready for whatever you can throw at me... I think, where did I place my safety helmet. | 2010-08-08 04:52:00 Author: Unknown User |
Thanks for the review, I appreciate it | 2010-08-08 10:07:00 Author: midnight_heist Posts: 2513 |
Thanks a lot for reviewing my level! I would return the favor by reviewing one of yours, but my PS3 has the YLOD. =( Just curious, did you finish all halls? | 2010-08-08 11:36:00 Author: figuer39 Posts: 108 |
ok very excited about trying Kody's and Iron's level. Will be sure to finish today xD Everybody, i will always fullfill a request! I'm happy to do it and give feed back. It's my number one thing to do! xD | 2010-08-08 18:56:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Land of Dreams-A Prequel to LBP by: Kody59527 Genre: Story/Platformer A great adventure of beginnings Beginning looks very cool. Makes me really want to continue on in the level. The music chosen also seemed to fit the level so well. It was a great selection and i enjoyed how much they worked together. I also enjoyed the creativity. It was very creative and was different in visuals. I liked it though. This level was really cool, but it was a little short. I'm sure the thermometer overflowed, but still. It's a little too short. Overall it was a great level. It was de4finitely worth playing, but i just seemed to want more to level. It was really awesome and fun to play. Absolutely loved it. Grade: B+ | 2010-08-08 23:05:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Escape from the Madhouse Part 1 (The New Version) by: ironmalley Genre: Adventure/Escape Very nice work on the environment. I enjoyed how every thing seemed to work together in pure harmony. Absolutely spectacular. I also loved the running away idea for a level. Very creative. The puzzles were nice, creative, and not too hard. There was some detail, but I suggest more. Perhaps on the buildings? They just looked like big rectangular boxes in my opinion. Anywhere else you could put more detail would be great. That could totally enhance the level's visuals. Overall the level was great, fun, and average on visuals. I can't wait for a part 2 Grade: B+ | 2010-08-08 23:10:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I must say, I'm surprised that I scored a B+, was really expecting something around a C (and I was feeling generous to myself then). I do agree that I need to work more on my visuals, hopefully I can improve upon that in part 2 (and then go back and improve those buildings in part 1). Anyways, thanks for the review, really helped boost my confidence and give me a direction to improve on for part 2. | 2010-08-09 03:42:00 Author: Unknown User |
WOW guys over 400 views with lots of replies!! YOu guys are awesome!!! xD Keep comin with the requests, i have that feeling of wanting to play some awesome community levels xD | 2010-08-09 07:28:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Level:Tomb of Doom Author: chimpskylark Thank you mah man! Its pretty short so it shouldn't take you long (a as survival challenge) | 2010-08-09 12:16:00 Author: chimpskylark Posts: 335 |
If you managed to beat all the stages in my level, then you must be a decent jumper! Y'know, I am going to ask you for something else. I've been looking for a decent player to give me his opinion on my first level. The concept is the same as with Onion Gale, but is is about 3 times harder than that. Name: Radish Wake PSN: NiKfY This is a level for experts only, so I need a somewhat skilled player to play it if I want decent feedback on it. It is very hard, but if you enjoyed (and finished) Onion Gale, you should like this one as well (think of it as the harder version of Onion Gale). So, could you please try this level out and tell me what you thought? Some final warnings: The first three halls are mandatory to finish this level. Also, if you manage to beat a hall that gave you lots of trouble, I suggest exiting the level at the closest exit, as the following hall may prove way too difficult for you to finish, and you would be forced to quit the level without getting to an exit. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you're willing to review more than one level per creator. | 2010-08-09 13:25:00 Author: figuer39 Posts: 108 |
ok ya guys xD I'll get those reviews done as soon as i can xD | 2010-08-10 05:23:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
May I have a review of my level The Wise Owl by bonner123? It's one player ony btw... It's a fairly standard platformer with some unique obstacles (I guess). Thanks for your time. | 2010-08-10 06:51:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Tomb of Doom by: chimpskylark Survival Challenge Very appealing with very nice visuals. Loved it xD Creative survival challenge that's pretty fun and very appealing. Not Super addicting, but a great challenge. Sorry for the short review, but if it's a survival challenge, not really much i can write about xD Grade: B+ | 2010-08-10 19:51:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Radish Wake by.figuer39 (PSN, NiKfY) An Extreme Obstacle Course Challenge It was yet another great obstacle course challenge. However, i ran into visual problems with the level. Problems that made the level look weird, or not appealing. In the Fairy hall, you should change the dissolve material. You can use any material, just sticker it green xD In the Golem hall, i'm pretty sure that golem's are made of rock. I think you should change it to the robot hall or something lol. Through out the level, i say that you change the materials and sticker them the color you want them. You don't have to, but i suggest it. Now this was very fun, much like Onion Gale, except it was MUCH MUCH more difficult. Only Expert Jumpers should even attempt this level. It can be very fun, yet it can be VERY hard and VERY frustrating. Overall it was fun and creative. All it needs is some visual work. Grade: B | 2010-08-10 19:56:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Thanks yet again, man! Wow, so you managed to beat the whole level? That definitely means that you are indeed worthy of the title "expert." xD Yeah, I know the visuals are kind of rough for this one. But I couldn't sticker the level. There is a weird glitch in LBP that makes it troublesome to sticker big extensions of material. :S That's mostly why I used normal materials. Also, golems can be made out of metal. The generic term "golem" refers to any man-made artifact that is brought to life to be a servant. | 2010-08-10 22:25:00 Author: figuer39 Posts: 108 |
oh ok xD I always just imagined rock lol. Probably from Zelda lol | 2010-08-10 23:56:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Ha ha. Yeah, RPGs usually have rock or mud golems, but metal golems also exist. | 2010-08-11 00:52:00 Author: figuer39 Posts: 108 |
The Wise Owl by, bonner123 Standard Platformer A Temple Adventure This was a great level. It was pretty, had many puzzles, and had a creative sorta story to it. It was great on visuals and everything seemed to match. I found that all very good. One thing i would advise doing is making everything invisible like pistons and bolts. I would also advise making all the logic stuff non visible. Like you could put it way up in the sky. That way it just looks like a temple and not a big logic device. It was a great level and was creatively built. Grade: A- | 2010-08-11 04:48:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Thanks for the review. The logic, pistons ect... are visible to retain the 'mm' style, so I don't think i'll change that. | 2010-08-11 06:09:00 Author: bonner123 Posts: 1487 |
Makes sense Bonner, xD however you want it is fine with me!! | 2010-08-11 17:25:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
No requests today, how sad | 2010-08-12 04:12:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Creator: SpiffyMcCracken Level Name: No Laughing Matter lvl 1.1 The Genova Incident Genra: War Story It's really short due to an overheated thermometer--It's the first third of the first level. There's two paths to extend playtime. | 2010-08-12 14:48:00 Author: Spiffy McCracken Posts: 9 |
Yay! Another review | 2010-08-12 18:53:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Thanks for the review,I've made some changes. I have 2 more levels:Mazes? and? survival race they are both race levels. PSN ID: (still the same) Janes_a | 2010-08-12 20:36:00 Author: JayJSE2 Posts: 164 |
No Laughing Matter lvl 1.1 The Genova Incident by, SpiffyMcCracken Genre: Warstory I liked the whole scene of it. It realy said, war, to me. There didn't seem to be very much gameplay though. So i thought the scene was pretty decent, but the enemies could've used some work. Some more accurate cutting would help make them look a little neater. Overall it was a decent level. It could just use work on gameplay. Sorry bout the short review. Wasn't very much to it Grade: B- | 2010-08-13 06:19:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
ok Jay JSE2, 2 more reviews coming ur way | 2010-08-13 06:21:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Hey Sib, thanks for the review. You mentioned every issue I had when designing it, but couldn't do because I overheated my level. I guess I need to work on my Thermometer management more. I'll be sure to ask for your review once level 1.2 comes out! | 2010-08-13 13:00:00 Author: Spiffy McCracken Posts: 9 |
Hey Everybody! Just wanted to drop in and say to try Fenderjt's new level, Wooden Buttons! Its a great level xD I'll be doing a review on it soon enough | 2010-08-13 18:18:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Wooden buttons, in progress | 2010-08-14 17:32:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I played Wooden Buttons twice last night. It was fantastic! Could you review Invasion of the Sack Men From Space! for me? | 2010-08-14 18:59:00 Author: SpeedyMcKnuckles Posts: 331 |
oops, didn't realize what ur PSN is lol. Ill get to it tomorrow. | 2010-08-16 03:28:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I've been looking through here and these reviews look great! Would you kindly do a review on my level? PSN: ShamgarBlade Level: Draconia Cave | 2010-08-16 05:25:00 Author: ShamgarBlade Posts: 1010 |
Sorry... should have mentioned that my PSN is different in the post. | 2010-08-16 07:10:00 Author: SpeedyMcKnuckles Posts: 331 |
PSN- Shhabbazz Level- Color Gardens THANKS | 2010-08-16 11:30:00 Author: Shhabbazz Posts: 746 |
PSN: Rasumii PS3 Level: Journey of a Thousand Inches Thanks in advance! | 2010-08-16 13:08:00 Author: Rasumii Posts: 63 |
wow 3 more on the way o.o and sorry guys if i dont get the reviews in as early as usual. I have school now -,- | 2010-08-17 03:30:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Invasion of the Sackmen from Space by, salaciouscrumbcake (PSN, speedyMcknuckles) This is a really creative level. It was a real treat to play since i hadn't played a level like this before. Very different and i liked it. It had really cool effects. Especially the black and white.I think that made the level truely shine. Althought it was really cool, there wasn't anything super amazing. Nothing that made me think, wow that's so amazing and really shows his talent. Very creative and well built, but just seems like an average level xD Very nice job Grade: B+ | 2010-08-17 03:34:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I have no talent to show off. I'm glad you had fun playing the level. Thanks for the write up! Have a great year in school! | 2010-08-17 04:04:00 Author: SpeedyMcKnuckles Posts: 331 |
review will be done today | 2010-08-18 00:49:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Draconia Cave by:ShamgarBlade This was a pretty nice level. The materials matched, and it just looked nice. Everything matched and made sense in the level. I liked that. The creatures and the whole level was creative. Very nice and interesting. Fun to play, and im sure it was enjoyable to make. Everything seemed to work fine, and it all just worked together nicely. One little blurp though....I kinda wish it was longer. The length of it just didn't seem to satisfy me. However, it's a great level. It's definitely worth playing. Grade: B | 2010-08-20 01:33:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Color Gardens by: Shhabbazz This was one of the few levels that i've reviewed that's actually impressed me. Shhabbazz's use of lighting was great, and made the level a truely fun experience. I couldn't get no enjoyment from the level. It was to pretty!! I really liked the visuals. Very nice job. Super creative too! The gameplay, however, got kinda same old same old. I suggest making some exciting obstacles that people love! Maybe even more puzzles would make it better! Great job! Very impressive. I really liked it. Grade: A | 2010-08-20 01:40:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Journey of a Thousand Inches By:Rasumii This level had a creative name. I always like to see a level with an amazing creative name! Great to start off. It was nice to play, and was different too. I always like to look for uniqueness in levels. This was definitely unique in gameplay and title. It did not, however, have anything that super impressed me. Nothing super detailed either. I always like to enjoy visuals, but this level wasn't the best on visuals. Even so, it was a great level and i enjoyed it! Grade: B | 2010-08-20 01:44:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Thank you very much for the review! In my future levels, I'll be sure to think about making them longer. Thanks again, happy to hear you had fun playing my level! | 2010-08-20 01:56:00 Author: ShamgarBlade Posts: 1010 |
Sibtiger55 is proud to present: 1,000 Views Celebration! Hey here's a shout out to all of you that even bothered to look at my threat! xD Thanks sooo much and i appreciate it! Now this is gonna be a special celebration. Now i still wanna review levels, but i wanna add some spice. I want everybody to enter their best levels ever! Whether it be the most plays, hearts, what ever! You should have something to brag about too xD I wanna play everybody's awesome levels! You wanna enter your best level! I'm gonna start a HALL OF FAME for my thread! "How will different genre's compete?" you ask? Well there'll be a Hall of fame for each genre!!! Come on, why not! Wouldn't you like to see your name in the Hall of Fame? Then enter you're awesome levels! *Keep in mind this is just for fun. This is just a special fun fun event Enter your level now!!!! | 2010-08-20 22:23:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Aw, one day, no reviews | 2010-08-21 05:53:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Hall of Fame will be updated soon More reviews, come in! | 2010-08-21 18:31:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
where are my reviews? I've been on holiday for a week and they're still not done. | 2010-08-21 21:42:00 Author: JayJSE2 Posts: 164 |
Jay, ur review will be done tomorrow afternoon | 2010-08-22 23:30:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Mazes by. janes_a This was just a basic maze level. I would prefer it to be longer have more than 2 mazes. It was fun, but a little too short. The second maze was my favorite and was pretty fun. Enjoyed the mazes Grades: C+ Survival Race by. janes_a This was a pretty fun race full of traps. I always like a good surprise. Pretty basic, matching colors, and fun. Grade: B | 2010-08-23 22:31:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
no review requests for a while....sigh | 2010-08-24 22:27:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I'll give u one since u seem sad tht u dont have any. "The Distant Crystal" The prologue and part 1 plz. Thanks | 2010-08-25 01:04:00 Author: bmoney2310 Posts: 187 |
hey as you have no things to review i will give u some: sacks in arms boot camp and sacks in arms the tank mission and if u have time u can always play my beach life series lol psn: aagobert thx up forward | 2010-08-25 19:53:00 Author: aagobert Posts: 22 |
Hey thanks guys xD Ill be sure to get them done soon | 2010-08-26 00:31:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
if you have any spare time I've updated the T.W level slightly try "hamster wheel survival", background info: the hamster wheel was one of the first contraptions I made but recently, I changed it to glass, added gas, points and logic and ended up with a survival. | 2010-08-26 15:34:00 Author: JayJSE2 Posts: 164 |
The Distant Crystal Prologue and Part 1 by:bmoney2312 This level had it all! It had great gameplay, beautiful designs, and just made you want more. The environment, items, and decorations all made the level add up! It was a real treat to play. Gameplay did get kinda same old same old in my opinion, but the obstacles and everything were still great. I most definitely enjoyed it! This level was actually just a few points away from the HALL OF FAME. But great job! Grade: A- | 2010-08-28 04:01:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
ok, this level is more important than my other one, it's not completely finished so I have put it as a key at the end of my total wipeout level. it's called "work in progress"(for now) | 2010-08-29 20:02:00 Author: JayJSE2 Posts: 164 |
ok, ill try to get to it, i just got back on the computer, it was broken | 2010-09-03 00:35:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Now we're back! Just leave the information for your LBP2 level and i'll gladly grade it! | 2011-09-08 23:46:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Author of level: "angiefaramarzi" Level name: " (Single Player Only)" Genre: Space Odyssey/ Visually Grasping/ Epic Thanks alot if you get around to doing my level, i really need a good review. | 2011-09-09 02:13:00 Author: drei Posts: 158 |
Could you please review my level? PSN ID: ZexenVatenkeist (http://lbp.me/u/ZexenVatenkeist) Level: Mushroom Meadows (http://lbp.me/v/51572s) Genre: Platformer Thanks for your time! | 2011-09-09 13:43:00 Author: Unknown User |
Sure guys, no problem! I will let you know tomorrow about ze reviews! or later tonight who knows xD | 2011-09-10 01:21:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Would you mind reviewing my level "Different"? http://lbp.me/v/09k1tw Thank you | 2011-09-10 10:00:00 Author: Sackpapoi Posts: 1195 |
no problem Sackpapoi and review time Level author: Angiefaramarz Genre: Space/Sci-fi Interesting designs with fabulous details! This level was very intricate and how a different sort of feel to it, than other space levels i've played. I found it kinda difficult to understand what was going on. I wasn't 100% in the thrillingly fun zone, but it was a nice, detailed level, and i liked it! Final Grade: B Mushroom Meadows Level author: ZexenVatenkeist Genrelatformer This would be a good beginners level, but it fails to meet my satisfaction levels. This is an LBP1 level, and lacks in detail and gameplay. It needs a lot of work. Final Grade: F | 2011-09-10 22:20:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Hello sibtiger55, Do you have some time to check out my level: PSN ID: Footysingh Level: The Deadly Assault Course Genre: Survival Ahhh lastly there are images and all that great stuff about my level on link in sig. Many Thanks ! | 2011-09-10 23:24:00 Author: Unknown User |
of course i'll check it out I never say no to a request from my fellow LBPers! | 2011-09-11 00:37:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Ah! thanks man! I gotta B, . Only thing is Im like 90% sure you didn't finish the level :o, but oh well not many people do though, thankyouu! | 2011-09-12 05:20:00 Author: drei Posts: 158 |
you're right, i didn't finish it, reason being i couldn't find out what to do next xD Lol, it was still great though to other requests, sorry because i've been busy lately xD | 2011-09-13 02:01:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
Oh yeah, there's a little story floating around that the final three pillars at the end of my level don't work. I've been meaning to fix that, but I can't play LBP2 online at the moment, sooooo yeah. | 2011-09-18 15:26:00 Author: Sackpapoi Posts: 1195 |
lol ok, i'll check it out and see what's going on | 2011-09-18 16:22:00 Author: sibtiger55 Posts: 217 |
I love your rating system!! Please try mine. I would appreciate it. Click below. | 2011-10-02 14:45:00 Author: Unknown User |
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