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First Person M4 Carbine Assualt Rifle, with Suppressor and, Hand grip.

Archive: 5 posts

Wasn't sure on what to do here its my first day on LBPC so i attached the file with the photo.2010-08-01 01:34:00

Posts: 95

That's actually pretty cool and yeah you can attatch thumbnails, a ton of people do it. If you keep working on guns using the 3d layer glitch, warlord might have some competition. 2010-08-01 04:29:00

Posts: 5208

That's not the finished product right? Look good so far but it'll need more work if you going up against warlord's first person guns.2010-08-01 05:13:00

Mr Nive
Posts: 137

Reminds me more of the PP2000. =D pretty cool though, i think you can somehow work out an FPS in LBP2 maybe.2010-08-01 05:16:00

Posts: 124

To all of you IT IS NOT THE FINISHED PRODUCT, well it is but, it's my 3rd gun in 3d lol im working on a lot of stuff at the moment. Im going to get DETAILED illustrations of things like the M1 Garand, and the M1 Carbine or others to truly DETAIL Super-Sniper-1 Inspired me with the M4 idea, Im going to work on my crappy logic skills :/ to build better weapons, when i get the flash drive back I'll post new stuff2010-08-01 06:04:00

Posts: 95

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