This is your opportunity to help a time traveler out!
Archive: 6 posts
Ok, so maybe more of a patch traveler... but you (probably don't yet) get the gist of it. Basically, I'm deleting all of the patches on LBP, going back, collection stuff with changes that are fixed now, save them in a level, and come back to the version we have now. I would really appreciate if you guys you conjure a list of notable changes in certain objects, or things or LOOKS of things that no longer exist. My friend brought back some stuff, and I'm gonna haul out what he missed, if I can get a list going here. :star: Thanks in advance, -The littlest of big meteors ![]() | 2010-07-31 05:28:00 Author: littlebigmeteor ![]() Posts: 396 |
.....How about travel back in time and rewrite your post so people can understand. | 2010-07-31 06:02:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
.....How about travel back in time and rewrite your post so people can understand. I think he's saying he's going to delete the patches off of his LBP game so it reverts back to the basic LBP, before all the glitches and cool tricks were patched. He's just asking if there's anything we think he should bring back. | 2010-07-31 07:39:00 Author: trip090 ![]() Posts: 1562 |
Thank you. lol. | 2010-07-31 07:46:00 Author: littlebigmeteor ![]() Posts: 396 |
Dark matter was once... different. | 2010-07-31 07:50:00 Author: JspOt ![]() Posts: 3607 |
Most of the glitches that have been patched are available in Aya's "Garden of Goodies" level, so before going back, I'd check there. As for the process of rolling back. You can go back to version 1.0 (no patches) or 1.02 (first patch), then it skips all the way to 1.18 (second patch--seems Mm bundled everything from 1.03-1.18 into one download), and then you can upgrade incrementally from there. That is unless Mm have done any more bundling since the last time I rolled back. You can make all the glitched materials you want from pre-mgs materials (the material glitch was patched a while before mgs). You can't do the green gas glitch, however (better known as the anti-color glitch--the one that makes glass with seams or borders from other materials) because the glitch was introduced by a patch and then fixed by another patch, both of which happened between 1.02 and 1.18. You can also make dead materials that won't disappear up through 1.18, including plasma material. At 1.18, though, you can't make dead objects (golf balls, knives, etc) and keep them from disappearing, so no plasma blades (if you manage to prove me wrong and make a stable plasma blade, I'd love to get my hands on one). The one exception I found was the festive light from the Christmas pack: I managed to plasmafy them and keep them from disappearing. You can also use the old method to make theck and thack, but since there's a perfectly servicable method you can use now, I wouldn't bother with that. Make sure you back up your profile before you delete your game data. Once you're finished and want to come back to the present, download all the updates and then put your booty in a vault level and export it to your hdd or publish it locked. Then import your profile and get your level from your hdd/moon. | 2010-08-01 05:30:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
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