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Logic Workshop

Archive: 45 posts

Logic Workshop: Showcase & Tutorial Thread

Backstory: The Logic Workshop is my third, final, and best logic showcase. I've finally made a project I can be proud of. The level features over 80 switches and over 70 different kinds of switches. Everything is tested, thermo-optimized, and made to work well. I've had a lot of problems with it, like problems with the 160-hour glitch, thermo issues, and level space issues, but I'm finally finished with this project.

Level Names: Logic Workshop & Logic Worksop: Continued [LED Counter]
PSN: Incinerator22
Level Badges: Magnetic Keyswitch
Status: Now Copyable

Switch Tutorials

This part of the tutorial thread describes each switch in the logic level in the order you can see it.

Permanent Logic

Permanent Logic refers to permanent switches. They are very simple, but also very useful.

Permanent Switch1

The dissolve-based permanent switch is the simplest and the most commonly used. It uses the least amount of thermo, but is not ressetable.

Permanent Switch2

The emmiter-based permanent switch works by emmiting a piece of dark matter with a keyswitch on it, and the emmiter has an infinite lifetime. It is also the fastest permanent switch. It is instantaneous, but still only slightly faster than the others. The switch is ressetable in create mode, because you can select the emmited piece of dark matter and delete it.

However, because it uses an emmiter with a 1-shot input, it will fire off if a new player joins the level.

Permanent Switch3

The "hystereperm" works with hysteresis. It is also ressetable in create mode if you select the piece of cardboard and pull it back.

AND/OR Logic

This section holds basic AND/OR switches, permanent and impermanent.

OR Switch

This kind of OR switch uses the strength setting and properties of pistons vs. winches. There is a strong winch and a weak piston. The weak piston can pull the cardboard towards the key because winches can pull but not push. In other words, regarding pistons vs. winches, the piston pushes when its input is inactive, and pulls when its input is active. The winch pulls when its input is active, but does not exert force when the input is inactive. The winch can pull the cardboard because it has a higher strength setting than the piston.

Also, this concept is very expandable. A 50-input OR Switch could easily be made by adding more winches (with the same settings as this winch.)

Permanent OR Switch

This is the same picture for a reason. The Permanent OR Switch works the same as a regular OR Switch, except the magnetic keyswitch's radii has been extended so hysteresis can take place. Unlike a regular OR Switch that triggers a permanent switch, this is slightly faster and uses less thermo.

AND Switch

This AND switch, like the OR switch, uses strength setting and the properties of winches vs. pistons. It is also just as expandable with the addition of more winches.

In the AND switch, the magnetic keyswitch is inverted. The piston must be pushing and the winch must not be pulling in order for the piece of cardboard to extend.

Permanent AND Switch

Like the permanent OR switch, the permanent AND switch's only difference is the keyswitch's radius, which has been extended so that hysteresis can take place.

Rhythmic Output Logic

Rhythmic output logic is for logic that gives simple patterned outputs.

On/Off Switch1

You must hold this switch to see how it works. This basic switch gives an output every second, using the timing of the piston. The "timing" is .1 seconds and the "pause" is .9 seconds, exemplifying how pause and timing can be used to give stable outputs at set time intervals.

On/Off Switch2

You must hold this switch to see how it works. It uses less thermo than the last switch, but has the weaknesses of emmiters. The emmiter's settings have a timing of two seconds but a lifetime of one second, giving the same pattern as the first On/Off Switch.

Flicker Switch

A "Flicker Switch" gives a very fast, .1-second on/off output when activated. It works by emmiting pieces of dark matter with lifetimes of .1 second.

Radial Error Switch

The radial error switch uses a glitch that happens with very thin radii. When the magnetic key moves through the radius's zone, the thin radius has a hard time keeping track of a magnetic key that's moving. It can be useful for very low-thermo, flickery lights.

1-Shot Multiplier Switch

The 1-Shot Multiplier Switch is a switch that gives bursts of outputs when you activate it. This specific one gives an "*on* *on*" output when you grab it, but tweaking the bottom piston through trial and error can convert it to giving 4, 5, and 6-output bursts, and so on.

Delay Logic

Delay Logic refers to delay switches. The grab switches of the delay switches here don't need to be held to turn on. A quick tap can activate the switch permanently.

Delay Switch1

This delay switch uses a unique logic concept with the winch. The piston is 0-strength, used for stiffness. The winch has a maximum length of 20, minimum length of 19, and timing of .1 seconds.

Grabbing the grab switch activates the winch, which flicks inwards but loses force when the cardboard passes the "19 length" of the winch. The momentum, however, keeps the cardboard heading towards the dark matter.

It only works horizontally because of gravity and it has limited abilities with tweaking it to a certain timing, but it is the most thermo-efficient and has the option of multiple magnetic keyswitches with different radius lengths, for different outputs throughout the delay.

Delay Switch2

This delay switch is similar to the first one, but isn't affected by gravity and has more versatility in tweaking the timing of the delay.

The grab switch is inverted and placed on the dark matter so that it always pulls. When the dissolve disappears, the cardboard is free to pull towards the dark matter.

Delay Switch3

The third delay switch is the only one that can be tweaked with precise, preset timings. The emmiter's lifetime is how long the delay will be. Because it's emmiter-based, this is also the only delay switch here that can't be edited to have multiple outputs along the course of the delay.

Two things happen when the grab switch is grabbed: The dissolve disappears and the emmiter emits a keyswitch on dark matter. The transition between the dissolving and emmiting is instantaneous, so the keyswitch would not sense a key dissapearing.

Timed Output Logic

Timed Output Logic gives outputs for set amounts of time, but there are many variations of this first and most basic Timed Output Switch.

Timed Output Switch

The Timed Output Switch emits a magnetic key on a piece of cardboard for however long you set the lifetime to be, and you cannot emit a new one until the cardboard's lifetime runs out.

Resettable Timed Output Switch1

The first Ressetable Timed Output Switch is the same as the previous switch, but the emmited piece of material is dark matter instead of cardboard. Because of dark matter's merging abilities, the you can reset the timed output before the dark matter's lifetime has ran out.

Resettable Timed Output Switch2

This Ressetable Timed Output Switch uses connectors. You can also set up multiple magnetic keyswitches for different outputs along the course of when the switch is resseting. If you hold the grab switch, this Ressetable Timed Output Switch will stay on, whereas if you held the first Ressetable Timed Output Switch's grab switch, the piece of material would emit once normally and then disappear normally. Unlike the first Ressetable Timed Output Switch, you can't tweak this switch to have precise outputs.

When you grab the switch, the fast, strong winch overpowers the weak piston and pulls inwards. When you let go, the winch stops pulling and the piston slowly extends outwards.

Charge Switch

The charge switch isn't really related to timed output switches, but has been included because of the switch's similarities to the previous switch.

By holding the grab switch, the strong winch stops pulling and the weak piston starts pushing. When you release, the strong winch starts pulling, the weak piston stops pushing/starts pulling, and the strong winch quickly pulls the piece of material back to the dark matter.

Release-Reset Timed Output Switch

The "Release-Reset Timed Output Switch" is like a normal Timed Output Switch, but you can only activate it again after releasing and re-grabbing. You don't have to wait for the timed output to finish before you can reactivate it.

Grabbing extends the top piece of cardboard slowly and retracts the bottom-right piece of cardboard quickly. The keyswitch only detects the key for a short amount of time until the top cardboard extends completely. Letting go resets both pieces of cardboard.

Timed Output Adding Switch

The "Timed Output Adding Switch" uses incremental bolt ideas to work. Each time you grab, the timed output becomes longer.

There is one wheel and one rectangle, bolted on top of each other. The first, thick, bottom wheel is always spinning to the right but is slow and has low strength. The second, thin, top rectangle receives input from a flipper piston on top, which receives input from the grab switch. Each time you grab, the magnetic keyswitch activates for .1 seconds, which spins the top wheel a few degrees to the left very quickly. The small square of dark matter blocks the rectangle.

Toggle Logic

Toggle logic refers to different kinds of toggles, including higher-order toggles (incremental pistons and bolts.)

Toggle Switch1

The winch on this toggle switch uses a unique logic concept. The piston is 0-strength, for stiffness. The winch's flipper motion is set to "In" and receives 1-shot inputs. When you first grab, the winch pulls inward like many would expect. Grabbing again pushes the material back outward, and the reason for this has to do with the lengths of connectors. A length of "0" isn't really "0", it's 2.5 in units of connector length. When the material is touching the cardboard, the winch is essentially "-2.5", backwards, and will pull in another direction if you grab again.

This toggle switch is the most thermo-efficient. It is affected by gravity and must be placed horizontally.

Toggle Switch2

Unlike the last toggle, this toggle is instantaneous, making it slightly faster than the last one. It's harder to maintain, however, and the emmited pieces of dissolve are kept in place by gravity.

There are two emmiters, each emmiting a piece of dissolve that can be destroyed by other piece of dissolve. There must be one piece of dissolve on top of the dark matter at all times for the switch to work. The grab switch is hooked up to both emmiters. When you grab, one emmiter is blocked and won't emit, and the other emmiter will emit and destroy the dissolve material next to it.

Toggle Switch3

This is the logic pack's toggle switch. It is not zero-latency, but other than that, it isn't very different than the previous switch in terms of design benefits and weaknesses.

Grabbing the grab switch will emit a dark matter cube, and this triggers the emmiter to move upwards. Then, grabbing again will emit the cube higher, and the emmiter will move down again. A "Max Emmited At Once: 1" setting is very important.

Multi-Input Toggle Switch

The multi-input toggle switch demonstrates the expandability of the regular toggle switch. It is simply the first toggle switch but with an added toggling winch.

Ressetable Toggle Switch

The ressetable toggle switch is similar to the multi-input toggle switch, but one end of the "reset" winch is on the outside of the cardboard. Grabbing the reset button will pull the cardboard towards the dark matter if it is away from it.

Incremental Bolt Toggle Switches

These are incremental bolt toggle switches, ranging from 3-output to 10-output switches, except a 7-output switch, which is impossible.

Incremental bolt toggles work on the basis that a motor bolt's speed is how many degrees it turns in .1 seconds. On top of each incremental bolt is a piston that activates a magnetic key for .1 seconds each time the grab switch is grabbed. A 6-output incremental bolt, for example, needs to have a motor bolt with a speed of 60. Each time you grab, the 6-output incremental bolt spins 1/6th of the way, 60 degrees. Incremental Bolts with less than 6 outputs need stacked motor bolt wheels, which works just as well. A 7-output incremental bolt may be impossible because 360(degrees)/7 is not a whole number.

Incremental Piston Toggle Switches

Incremental Piston toggles use more thermo than incremental bolts, but have some advantages. Their shape can make them easier to work with, they use less layers than incremental bolts, and they are more expandable.

Each time you grab, the emmiters emit their piece of dark matter with a magnetic key on it. The switch uses the concept of emmiter blocking. The pistons push forward, but the magnetic key dark matter piece blocks them at each output. On the last output, a directional magnetic keyswitch detects the key and pulls the cardboard emmiter back until another dark matter key block is emmited, dissolving the previous one. A "Max Emmited At Once: 1" setting for the emmiter is crucial in this switch.

Set/Reset Logic

Set/Reset Switch1

The first Set/Reset switch is affected by gravity and only works horizontally. If both inputs are activated at once, the cardboard will not move.

Either piston has a strength of 5 and can overpower the other piston. If both inputs are h=grabbed at once, one piston will pull, the other will push, and the cardboard will not move.

Set/Reset Switch2

The second set/reset switch shares most of the advantages and disadvantages of the first, except it is easier to work with and easier to understand, but a clumsier shape that isn't as convenient or griddy.

Either winch pulls the cardboard when its input is active. Activating both inputs at once will cause the cardboard to stay still, but giving one winch a higher strength than the other will change that.

Set/Reset Switch3

Set/Reset Switch3 is useful because it's a griddy set/reset switch where the set input has priority over the reset input.

By default, the piston is pushing and the winch is pulling. The winch is stronger than the piston. Grabbing the reset input, the right grab switch, causes the winch to stop pulling. This causes the piston to continue pushing and moves the cardboard outward. Letting go of the reset grab switch will cause the cardboard to return to the middle. Grabbing the set input causes the piston to pull. Then, both the piston and winch are pulling, and the cardboard moves inward. Releasing the grab switch will cause the cardboard to return to the middle again. Hysteresis is what makes the magnetic key keep track of its last position, inward or outward.

Set/Reset Switch4

Set/Reset Switch4 is instantaneous/zero-latency unlike the other 4. It uses the same concept as the mutual exclusion switch, which as described a few switches down. Also, notice that it is the same switch as the Toggle Switch2, just wired up differently.

Set/Reset Switch5

The fifth and last set/reset switch is the lowest-thermo type of set/reset switch with 1-shot inputs. All of the set/reset switches here have directional inputs except 4 and 5. However, you can also have a mix of inputs with this switch. The set input could be directional while the reset input could be 1-shot, and vice-versa, depending on how the pistons are tweaked.

The switch works with hysteresis. The set input flicks the keyswitch towards the key, and the reset input flicks the key away from the keyswitch.

Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch1

A "Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch" is a set/reset switch with one set input and two or more reset inputs. This is a modified version of the Set/Reset Switch1, where a winch has been added that can pull the cardboard back towards the dark matter. The concept is expandable, and more reset inputs can be added by adding more winches. This specific Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch retains the properties of Set/Reset Switch1. If the piston set and reset inputs are both grabbed at once, the cardboard will not move. However, the winch reset input overpowers set because it isn't dependant on a strength of 5.

Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch2

This is a modified version of the Set/Reset Switch3, where a winch has been added that can pull the cardboard back towards the dark matter. The concept is expandable, and more reset inputs can be added by adding more winches. This specific Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch retains the properties of Set/Reset Switch3, where the set input can be tweaked to overpower one or all of the reset inputs.

Multi-Set/Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch1

Don't get confused by the heap of sets and resets in the switch's name. This type of switch simply has multiple set and reset inputs. The left two grab switches are set inputs, and the right two grab switches are reset inputs.

The set inputs emit pieces of dissolve material that have magnetic keyswitches on them that dissolve themselves along with mangetic keys on them that trigger the dark matter's magnetic keyswitch. The reset input emits dark matter magnetic keys that dissolve any set input dissolve rectangles.

Multi-Set/Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch2

The second Multi-Set/Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch is a more thermo-efficient version of the first.

The left winches pull to the left when activated, and the right winches pull to the right when activated. The piston is 0-strength, for stiffness.

Mutual Exclusion Logic

Mutual Exclusion logic goes over different versions of the Mutual Exclusion Switch.

Mutual Exclusion Switch

The Mutual Exclusion Switch can only have one output active at any time, making it "mutually exclusive", hence the name.

Any emmiter emits the same thing, a piece of dissolve with a key and keyswitch. The keyswitch on each piece is attached to its dissolve and faces up and has a radius that's almost 360, but a little less, so that it doesn't get activated by its own magnetic key. When a new piece is emmited, the keyswitch on the existing piece detects the newly emmited key and dissolves itself. If two inputs are activated at the same time, both of the pieces of dissolve will dissolve themselves.

Double-Output Mutual Exclusion Switch

This is similar to a regular Mutual Exclusion Switch, except two outputs can be active at once.

Each emmiter emits a magnetic key dissolve square over its repsective magnetic key switch and a dissolve rectangle over the existing dissolve rectangles. The keyswitches on the dissolve rectangles dissolve themselves and their partner dissolve squares. The keyswitches are angled so that the bottom dissolve rectangle's keyswitch will trigger when a third dissolve rectangle is emmited on top.

Duplicate-Allowing Double-Output Mutual Exclusion Switch

This switch is another Double-Output Mutual Exclusion Switch, but it can have duplicates.

It uses the same concept as the rectangles mentioned in the previous switch. The keyswitches are angled so that the bottom dissolve rectangle's keyswitch will trigger when a third dissolve rectangle is emmited on top.

Permanent Mutual Exclusion Switch

The inputs of a Permanent Mutual Exclusion Switch emit pieces of cardboard with a magnetic keys that block other outputs from emmiting. All the emmiters have permanent lifetimes.

Ressetable Permanent Mutual Exclusion Switch

With a Ressetable Permanent Mutual Exclusion Switch, the choice can be undone. The pieces are made of dissolve material instead, and the reset grab switch will emit a key on dark matter that destroys the emmited piece of dissolve.

Speed Logic

Speed Logic contains switches with speed outputs (excluding one.)

4-Gear Speed Toggle Output Switch

A "4-Gear Speed Toggle Output Switch" is a modified version of a 4-output incremental piston, and it gives a speed output of nothing, low, medium, and high that toggles with each grab.

Flicker Randomizer

You must hold this switch to see it work. The Flicker Randomizer is a strange but reliable and low-thermo switch that is most useful for flickering lights. The default switch has an on/off output, but by tweaking the radius and output, you can get many effects. It is in fact random. If you copy the same switch multiple times, connect them to the same input, and test it, they will all give distinctively different outputs.

When you grab, both strong winches will pull, causing glitches in the physics and making the glass circle twitch and turn all over the place.

Bomb Sequence Switch

This Bomb Sequence Switch is a switch that creates a sequence for sound effects and the explosion of a bomb. It has limited use, but it demonstrates how the speed output can slowly increase to make something faster, brighter, stronger, or higher-pitched.

Grabbing the grab switch activates a permanent switch that spins the wheel and activates different sound effects until the key triggers the final keyswitch, which would be used for an explosion. The wheel in the center then dissolves.

Effects Logic

This section goes over logic that can be used for novelties or special effects.

Moderate Shaking Camera Manipulation

Camera manipulation logic can add to the visual impact of a level, with earthquake effects, swaying effects, and more. Two example of camera manipulation switches are shown here.

Cameras can't be tweaked to be made visible, but the camera is on the smaller, thin wheel, on both of these switches. The "Track Player" setting is tweaked to the lowest possible on both cameras.

Grabbing the grab switch activates both motor bolts and the camera zone, making a moderate shaking effect.

Intense Shaking Camera Manipulation

This switch demonstrates how adding extra movement tools can add to the effect or intensity of camera manipulation.

However, these two examples are very rough and simple. The best camera effects are modified to suit the level itself.

Global Lighting Explosion Switch

The Global Lighting Explosion Switch, as the level demonstrates, is most useful for explosions. The grab switch activates the "explosion" global lighting tool, which has a timing a .1 seconds so that it activates immediately. The grab switch also flicks out the cardboard, and .1 second later, the cardboard will come back, and the keyswitch will activate and trigger the "reset" global lighting tool. The 'reset" global lighting tool has a longer timing, so the fog will slowly fade from explosion to normal.

Driving Logic

Driving logic goes over logic systems that are useful as driving controls, though not all of the systems are necessarily only good logic systems for driving controls.

3-Way Lever Control Switch

The 3-Way Lever Control switch demonstrates how two grab switches can be used to control an external lever. This specific switches uses 4 winches although only 2 are completely necessary, because the extra two winches make the switch slightly more fast, accurate, and reliable.

The left grab switch activates the inner left winch to begin pulling and the outer right winch to stop pulling. Likewise, the right grab switch activates the inner right winch to begin pulling and the outer left winch to stop pulling. Grabbing both grab switches at once will center the lever, but one winch group can be tweaked to have priority over another if one is given a higher strength setting.

Directional Toggle Switch

The Directional Toggle Switch pulls the lever in a different direction each time the switch is grabbed. It's my personal favorite driving control system.

The cardboard at the top pulls inward when the grab switch is grabbed, and the Toggle Switch1 at the bottom also toggles each time the switch is grabbed. Each magnetic key switch corresponds to a different direction of where the lever is pulled.

Tap-Toggle/Hold-Execute Switch

The Tap-Toggle/Hold-Execute Switch is similar to the Directional Toggle Switch, but a Tap/Hold Distinguisher Switch has been added. A tap will activate the toggle and a hold will retract the cardboard on top.

You can read more about tap/hold logic in the upcoming switches below.

Note: This is not the most recent version of the Tap/Hold Distinguisher Switch in my thread and level, and I may update it soon.

Forwards/Backwards/Rest Toggle Switch

The Forwards/Backwards/Rest Toggle Switch is simply a 3-output incremental bolt that's wired up to the 3-Way Lever Control Switch. However, it is another effective driving control system.

Mutual Exclusion Toggle Switch

The Mutual Exclusion Toggle Switch has two toggling grab switches. The first grab switch toggles the lever between left and middle, and the second grab switch toggles the lever between right and middle. If both toggles are on and all of the lever's winches are activated, the toggles reset.

The switch works with two Ressetable Toggle Switches that reset when both toggle are extended. Only one toggle is meant to ever be on at once, hence the mutual exclusion.

Grab Logic

Double-Tap Sensor Switch

The Double-Tap Sensor Switch is the same basic switch as the Toggle Switch3, but the emmiter has a short lifetime and the keyswitches are arranged differently.

Grabbing once emits a magnetic key on a square of dark matter. A directional magnetic key switch detects the key and extends the cardboard and its emmiter. Grabbing again will emit a new dark matter key square, ehich senses the double-tap if you've grabbed twice in a small enough amount of time.

Rapid-Grab Switch

This Rapid-Grab Switch is like an Octo-Grab switch. It demonstrates an expandable concept that can be used for just about any grab amount.

When you grab, a dark matter magnetic key square is emmited, and the piston extends, sesnsing a key switch. The switch uses the same concept as incremental pistons. After 8 fast grabs, the emmiter will emit a dark matter magnetic key switch square that triggers the final keyswitch.

Tap Sensor Switch

The tap sensor switch senses taps.

The cardboard on the left is not necessary for the switch, but it is a useful precaution again the glitch of 1-shot emmiters firing off when someone joins, when you unpause, or when you start the level. It extends when the sensor radius activates, the the sensor should be placed near the input.

Grabbing will extend the right piston, and when the key extends, the keyswitch emits a dark matter magnetic key rectangle to the left of the switch's dark matter. If you let go, the cardboard retracts, and if you let go fast enough, the magnetic keyswitch on the cardboard will detect the magnetic key on the emmited dark matter rectangle, sensing a tap.

Tap/Hold Distinguisher Switch

The Tap/Hold Distinguisher Switch distinguishes between "taps" (quick grab/ungrabs) and "holds" (grabbing and not releasing for a few seconds.) The switch is not perfect, as it is possible to have a tap output and hold output activated at the same time, but it's tricky to do so.

Grabbing the switch begins slowly extending the upper-right piece of cardboard (which retracts immediately when you let go.) The inverted grab switch is the key to how the switch senses taps. When you let go, the inverted grab switch activates and emits a mangetic key square between the dark matter and bottom-left cardboard square. If you hold the grab switch, the top-right piece of cardboard will extend completely, trigger a "hold" magnetic key, and pull the bottom-left piece of cardboard towards the dark matter. When the bottom-left piece of cardboard has been pulled towards the dark matter, it stops the "tap" emmiter from emmiting.

Tap/Double-Tap/Hold Distinguisher Switch

This is rtm223's black magic. I'm not even sure if I understand how it works, *cry*! -May Update Soon

Demonstration Logic

Demonstration Logic shows concepts that can be very useful for logic networks along with unique sensors that can be made with the game's tools.

Demonstration: Static Switches that can Affect Emmited Objects
http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/Demonstration_StaticSwitchesthatcanAffectEmmitedOb jects-2.jpg

Static switches that can affect magnetic objects are useful to know how to make. For example, there could be an emmiter that emits trigger explosives, and a static lever that can actually blow up the emmited bombs.

This is very possible with magnetic key and emmiter trickery. In the example here, the lever activates a permanent switch on the emmited dark matter light that turns the light on.

The lever is set to 1-shot and actually emits a magnetic key dark matter square when it is pulled to the left. The magnetic key triggers the magnetic keyswitch on the emmited light's permanent switch, turning the light on.

Also, emmiting a new light demonstrates another useful trick, a resetting lever that is pulled back by a winch.

Demonstration: Emmited Objects that can Affect Static Objects
http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/Demonstration_EmmitedObjectsthatcanAffectStaticObj ects.jpg

Emmited objects that can affect static objects is the opposite of the previous logic concept. Here, grabbing the emmited grab switch will turn on the light, and the light will reset when a new grab switch is emmited.

The grab switch on the base (that is touching the floor) emits a dark matter and polystyrene grab switch in the air. The grab switch in the air emits a piece of dissolve that triggers the light. The grab switch on the base also emits a magnetic key square that will destroy any emmited dissolve.

Demonstration: Destruction Sensor

The "Destruction Sensor" demonstrates how external logic can sense when emmited dissolve is triggered.

Here, the base's grab switch emits the switch you see in the air. Grabbing the dissolve in the air emits a dark matter magnetic key square, which triggers the "destruction sensor" magnetic keyswitch. By emmiting another switch in the air and grabbing it again, you can trigger the destruction sensor keyswitch over and over again.

Demonstration: Multitask Lever

The Multitask Lever demonstrates how switches can be put on the grabbable part of a lever. This has many uses. If the lever is set to speed, for example, and you want to give it 1-shot outputs too, this is impossible with a normal lever. The Multitask Lever can also be used to give different outputs depending on what direction it is pulled in.

For those who don't know: It is impossible to simply place a switch on the grabbable part of the lever. It will float, and not move when the lever's grab moves. Here, a circle of cardboard with a sprung bolt and magnetic key was attached to the grabbable part of the lever.

Demonstration: Impact Sensor

Using emmiters to make an Impact Sensor can be very effective. With this Impact Sensor, the grab switch pushes the cardboard into the sensor to demonstrate how it works.

The emmiter on the right is constantly emmiting cardboard magnetic key blocks with a frequency of .1 and a lifetime of .1. When the emmiter is blocked, the magnetic key senses it, and the magnetic key triggers a Charge Switch at the top. If the magnetic keyswitch is turned off for .2 seconds or more, the charge switch detects the "impact."

Demonstration: Motion Sensor

The Motion Sensor detects when it is moved. This version will not detect small movement, only major movement.

Like the Impact Switch, the magnetic key switch is attached to a Charge Switch that triggers if the magnetic keyswitch does not detect a key for .2 seconds or more. Only one dark matter key square is ever present at once, and if the circle is moved away from it, the charge switch will detect the motion.

Demonstration: Directional Motion Sensor

The Directional Motion Sensor is more advanced than the previous switch because it can sense the direction of its motion. No charge switch is necessary with this design, because the magnetic key is emmited between the keyswitches. When the cube is moved, the magnetic keyswitches will sense what direction the emmited piece is in.

Demonstration: Tilt Sensor

A tilt sensor can sense the angle of an object, and is perfectly accurate. In this example, thin gas is used, which is 100% accurate, as opposed to pink floaty which can stray up to 20 degrees off.

The pink floaty cube is connected to the base with string. The player can grab it and move it around to demonstrate the accuracy of a tilt sensor. The thin gas is bolted to the pink floaty and has a magnetic key on it.

Note: Thin gas is a glitch and has been patched, but an editable sample is available in Aya042's "Garden of Goodies" level.

Tracking Logic

Tracking logic is logic that uses proximity switches to follow, sense the speed of, or detect the player in special shape radii.

Also note that tracking logic can work with magnetic keys. In each of these examples, if the proximity switches are replaced with magnetic keyswitches with the same settings, the example will be able to track magnetic keys instead.

Bidirectional Multispeed Tracker

This sack tracker simply tracks sackpeople horizontally.

The multispeed concept is not necessary, but it can make the switch more accurate. There are 6 proximity switches that correspond to 6 pistons of 3 different kinds of strengths and speeds. The inner layer of pistons is slowest, and they'll follow sackboy on their own when he is walking. If sackboy runs, he can outrun the low-speed pistons that correspond to the two inner sensors, and he will trigger one of the middle sensors, which are fast. The outer sensors and pistons are the fastest. They are most useful if sackboy spawns far away from the switch. The farthest proximity switches will sense him, and the fastest pistons will pull the switch towards him.

The grab switch is set to on/off and connected to a stiff, 3-strength piston that makes the switch sturdier. Also, the switch works well in multiplayer. The proximity switches on the left are tweaked to "Require All", meaning the switch will always track whatever player is farthest to the right.

Multidirectional Multispeed Tracker

The Multidirectional Multispeed Tracker is a multidirectional continuation of the concepts of the previous switch.

The left and bottom proximity switches are set to "Require All" and the grab switch connects to two, stiff, 3-strength pistons.

The sensor area of this switch is made of invisible thin gas. To make most of the switch invisible, tweak the pistons and proximity switches to be invisible.

Bidirectional Speed Sensor

The Bidirectional Speed Sensor is a modified version of the Bidirectional Multispeed Tracker. It senses when sackboy is running too fast. This is also the first example of a switch with a large logic network.

The switch uses the multispeed concept to its advantage. "The inner layer of pistons is slowest, and they'll follow sackboy on their own when he is walking. If sackboy runs, he can outrun the low-speed pistons that correspond to the two inner sensors, and he will trigger one of the middle sensors, which are fast." With this switch, triggering the outer proximity switches in the right condition will sense when sackboy is moving too fast. On the left of the switch, from top to bottom, there is a Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch, AND Switch, and OR Switch. With the Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch, the proximity switch in the middle of the sensor area is "set", and the proximity switch on the dark matter and floating dark matter magnetic keyswitch to the right are "reset." This ensures that the switch will not trigger when sackboy is past its boundaries. The inputs to the OR switch are the outer proximity switches in the sensor area. The inputs to the AND switch are the OR Switch and Multi-Reset Set/Reset Switch. Therefore, when sackboy has triggered one of the outer proximity switches and he is not past the switch's boundaries, the switch will trigger.

Note: Because of the proximity switch radii, the switch must be about 5 small grid spaces above the ground to work well.

Angular Tracker

This type of angular tracker is very accurate at short ranges and uses very little thermo. It tracks the angle of sackboy.

There are two stacked motor bolted wheels. The two proximity switches have radii of 180 degrees and are set to speed. Each one triggers a wheel. The left proximity switch triggers a wheel that spins counter-clockwise and the right proximity switch triggers a wheel that spins clockwise. If sackboy moves to the right, for example, the right proximity switch starts to give a stronger speed output, the wheel turns in sackboy's direction, and the switch stops turning when it catches up with sackboy's angle.

Rectangular Sensor Area

The rectangular sensor area demonstrates how logic can be used to create sensors with more varying shapes, and not just circles or semicircles.

Each sensor has a radius of 90 and triggers one input of the AND Switch on top. If sackboy is in the area identified but the dark matter border, he will trigger both proximity switches, triggering the AND Switch.

Demmiter Logic

Demmiter logic goes over different kinds of "demmiters", switches that can be used to reset complex objects or "dissolve" undissolvable objects and materials.

Demmiter Switch

This kind of demmiter switch will emit something in one place when it it is activated and emit something in another place when it is unactivated. With a proximity switch instead of a grab switch, it can be useful for something that resets when a player spawns, for example.

When the grab switch is grabbed, the right piece of cardboard extends. First, it triggers the emmiter, and then, it retracts the emmiter's piston. When you release the grab switch, the emmiter is triggered again, and then the piston extends.

Permanent Demmiter Switch

A permanent demmiter switch is very low-thermo and very effective. It is most useful for "dissolving" undissolvable

To make it work, emit something in create mode, then move the emmiter. In play mode, when you trigger the emmiter, it will emit it in a new area.

[.4-Second] Demit/Remit Switch

A resseting demmiter resets an object. This is useful when you want something complex to reset completely, like a room with a lot of free-moving objects, logic, dissolving parts, or anything else that would be very hard if not impossible to reset without a demmiter.

A .4-Second Demit/Remit Switch is safe to use with loose objects, but it uses more thermo.

Grabbing will emit a magnetic key rectangle to the right or the dark matter, which pushes the right cardboard square up, which triggers the emmiter, then makes the left cardboard square retract. Then, the lifetime of the right dark matter magnetic key square runs out, the right piston retracts, the emmiter triggers, and the left piston extends.

[.2-Second] Demit/Remit Switch

A .2-Second Demit/Remit Switch will not work with loose objects. If the object is not glued to dark matter, the momentum of the moving emmiter will cause it to fly away when it is emmited.

Because it does not need added logic for pauses, it is a simplified version of the previous switch.

Incrementation Logic

Incrementation Logic is logic that a player can use to activate outputs "incrementally."

Bidirectional Incrementation Switch

Every grab of the left grab switch moves the cardboard and magnetic key one grid space to the right. Likewise, grabbing the right grab switch moves them one grid space to the right.

This switch uses the same dark matter blocking concept as the incremental piston switches. At the top of the switch is the Set/Reset Switch1. Grabbing to the left will "set" the set/reset directional magnetic key and pull the cardboard to the left. Likewise, grabbing to the right will "reset" the set/reset directional magnetic key and push the cardboard to the right.

Multidirectional Incrementation Switch1

This switch is a multidirectional version of the previous switch.

This switch has two bidirectional 4-way Incremental Bolt Toggles. The magnetic keyswitches on the right correspond to the 16 lights. [More information to be added soon.]

This switch isn't very expandable. The maximum amount of lights is 64, because there are 8 magnetic keyswitch colors. The incrementation of this switch can loop around and doesn't stop at the sides.

Multidirectional Incrementation Switch2

The second Multidirectional Incrementation Switch is more expandable, and it stops at the sides.

It uses a similar dark matter blocking concept that is used by the incremental pistons. Grabbing the left grab switch will activate the emmiter for the left side of the cardboard square and pull the left winch for .1 seconds. Likewise, the right grab switch will pull the right winch and activate the right emmiter. The Cardboard square can move horizontally because of two 0-strength, stiff pistons. The cardboard that moves vertically has a stiff, 2-strength piston, so it will only move when pulled, and isn't affected by gravity. Like with the horizontal winches, the vertical winches pull for .1 second if their grab switch is activated, and the same thing goes for the emmiters.

Randomizer Logic

Randomizers are switches that give a random output out of a few different outputs to choose from.

Automatic Output Randomizer

Once activated, an Automatic Output Randomizer chooses between 4 random outputs and chooses a new output every 2 seconds.

The player triggers the randomizer by grabbing the grab switch, which dissolves the dissolve material on top of the dark matter. The dissolve stops the outputs from emmiting. When the randomizer is active, every two seconds, a piece of cardboard with a magnetic key that corresponds to its output is emmited. It blocks other outputs from emmiting until its 2-second lifetime runs out. When a piece's 2-second lifetime runs out, whichever magnetic key is on will trigger a new output to emit.

Several tricks are used to ensure the randomizer is truly random. It is triggered by the player, which means it will not give a predictable output that's the same each time the player restarts. The two pieces of cardboard on the right of the switch move a magnetic keyswitch that is set to speed and wired to the spinning square. This causes the wsquare to speed up or slow down randomly, meaning there will not be a pattern in the outputs. The pistons have timings that create a pattern that doesn't repeat often. The magnetic key for the speed-keyswitch is on the spinning square, causing the keyswitch to have more jittery and random outputs. The keyswitch's radius is also thinner than the spinning square.

Manual Output Randomizer

The Manual Output Randomizer is a modified version of the previous randomizer. It doesn't give an output every 2 seconds. The output can triggered externally at any time.

The left grab switch activates the randomizer. A piece of dissolve will emit, and every emmiter has a permanent lifetime. The second grab switch emits a magnetic key on dark matter that destroys the current emmited piece of dissolve. After the dissolve is destroyed, a new piece emits.

Permanent Randomizer

The Permanent Randomizer, when triggered, permanently chooses a random output.

The permanent switch is the simplest because it does not need special logic to ensure there is no pattern in outputs that come at different times. When it is activated, depending on where the square is at that instant, an output will be chosen. The emmiters have permanent lifetimes and the emmited piece is cardboard.

Miscellaneous/Ungrouped Logic

Ungrouped logic features unique logic that does not fit into the other groups.

LED Counter Switch

[EDIT: I've added a picture that ViniciusBR11 kindly photoshopped, but I don't feel it's worth explaining how this switch works with LBP2 on the horizon.]

Note: Because of thermometer space, I had to put this switch in a different, otherwise logicless empty level.

Points Switch

The "Points Switch" demonstrates how a creature brain, when "popped", gives out 50 points.

You must hold this switch to see how it works. The emmiter emits creature brains that have 1-shot magnetic keyswitches wired up to them. When the creature brain is emmited, the magnetic keyswitch detects the magnetic key on the dark matter, and the creature brain pops.

XOR Switch1

An XOR Switch is a variation of an AND Switch. If neither inputs are active, or if both inputs are active, the switch remains off. If a single one of the two inputs is active, the switch will turn on.

With this XOR switch, the left grab switch pushes the left piston, and the right grab switch pushes the right piston. If the cardboard has one piston pushing it, it will enter the magnetic keyswitch's range. If both pistons are pushing, the cardboard and magnetic key will move out of the piston's range.

This XOR Switch uses 2 connectors and 2 moving parts. It may be the best, most thermo-efficient choice depending on the kinds of thermos that your level is using.

XOR Switch2

This XOR Switch works similarly, but in a different way. The left grab switch pulls one piston and the right grab switch pulls another. Either piston, alone, will only be able to pull the cardboard halfway to its course because of the spring. If both pistons pull together, the cardboard will pull all the way to the dark matter. If neither pistons are pulling, the spring will push and the cardboard will extend.

This XOR Switch has 3 connectors and 1 moving part. It may be the best, most thermo-efficient choice depending on the kinds of thermos that your level is using.

Release Switch

The "Release Switch", in this case, works similarly to an inverted grab switch, but will only activate (for a short time) once the grab switch has been grabbed and then ungrabbed. An inverted grab switch would always be on as long as the grab switch is not being grabbed. Also, a Release Switch can substitute parts of logic that fire off when a creator unpauses or a player joins the level.

Grabbing the grab switch extends the piece of cardboard. Ungrabbing will emit a magnetic key square and pull the cardboard back. The cardboard blocks the emmiter that is triggered by an inverted 1-shot grab switch, so when a player joins the level or a creator pauses, the switch will not fire off.

Permanent Release Switch

A Permanent Release Switch uses less thermo than a regular, resetting one.

When the player grabs, the dissolve material is dissolved. When the player releases, the inverted 1-shot grab switch detects this, and a dark matter magnetic key rectangle emits where the dissolve material was. The emmiter has a permanent lifetime.

Counter Switch

The Counter Switch counts how many times its input has been activated. In this case, it counts how many times the grab switch is grabbed.

Grabbing the grab switch fires a paintball at the vertical part of the dark matter. There are 10 paintinator switches, each with a different "Paint Required" number. From left to right, the paintinator switches' numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. When a paintinator switch is fully depleted, it sends out an output, giving this type of switch the ability to count and have a different output with each number.

Ressetable Counter Switch

The Ressetable Counter Switch is a modified version of the bidirectional incrementation switch. The difference is that it can only move incrementally to the right, or "count". The left grab switch counts and the right grab switch resets the cardboard to "0" by pulling it to the right. On top of the switch is the Set/Reset Switch5. The left grab switch triggers "set" and the right grab switch triggers "reset." When the switch is "set" the emmiter cardboard's piston pushes. When the switch is "reset", the piston stops pushing, and the winch contracts.

Incorrect Input Consequence Switch

The "Incorrect Input Consequence Switch" triggers when the "incorrect" sticker has been placed.

One sticker switch has been tweaked to detect the "Rainbow Shoe" sticker. The other sticker switch was left unspecified, so any sticker will trigger it. The Rainbow Shoe sticker switch flips the bottom piston inwards. The unspecified sticker switch flips the top piston inwards. If the Rainbow Shoe sticker is used, both sticker switches trigger and pull the pistons. If any other sticker is used, only the unspecified sticker switch triggers, only the top piston pulls inwards, and the magnetic keyswitch activates.

Note: I thought of an idea to make this more thermo-efficient (with 1 moving part.) It may be updated.

Sequencer Switch

The Sequencer Switch creates a sequence of outputs with intervals between outputs that can be tweaked precisely.

Grabbing the grab switch will dissolve the dissolve material and trigger the switch. The switch works because of a network of 1-shot inverted magnetic keyswitches. The top keyswitches are for the outputs and are not necessary for the switch to work. The first output cardboard square is emmited when the dissolve is triggered. When its lifetime runs out, the inverted 1-shot magnetic keyswitch detects the lag of a magnetic key, and triggers the second output's emmiter. Then, the cycle continues. To tweak the intervals between outputs, tweak the lifetimes of the emmiters.

Cheeseburger Switch


Special Thanks To:

comphermc, rtm223, Aya042, LordCanti007, shadowheaven, claptonfann, and Tamland for concepts or ideas.
comphermc for major optimization help and support (aka saying "Hurry it up already!")
Coldplay's music, for making the writing of this thread less boring.
All my friends, especially creator430, for playtesting (aka forcing them to play it) and support.
Sevhen for a piece of editable glitched thin gas that he gave me a long time ago.
LBPCentral, for just being frieking awesome. Keep up the good work.

Please comment! Questions, feedback, compliments, insults, additions, complications, and speculations are welcome.
2010-07-31 03:17:00

Posts: 3251

Very nice level and thread.

The logic is all the newest and very thermo friendly, also tutorial on the thread here is detailed and understandable.

and, now I know how to make a tilt sensor...
2010-07-31 04:27:00

Posts: 1578

Wow, this is really brilliant.
I can generally figure out logic on my own, but some of these switches use some pretty clever techniques I wouldn't have even thought of. Others just completely blew my mind because they were so genius.

All of these switches are pretty useful tools to have though.

Great stuff.
2010-07-31 04:29:00

Posts: 2536

This level is probably the most useful level ever, I learned a lot while playing this

btw, amazing effort with this thread, it took pretty long time before it got done right?
2010-07-31 14:03:00

Posts: 3871

Hooray, it's done!

I have another shake camera for you, if there's room. It's a little more natural than the circles. Nicely done otherwise. I always use the double piston set-reset, but the hysteresis version is superior and I will using that from now on. The same goes for the Perm AND/ORs. Never thought to incorporate hysteresis into those.

2010-07-31 14:13:00

Posts: 5338

omg, this is simply AWESOME!
This is the topic with the biggest logic info I've seen ever.
Keep this good work, Incinerator22! (and all the other guys helped ya)

Oh and the section with the grab/tap/hold switches should be named ''Grab Logic''
...Cheeseburger Logic?! o.o
2010-07-31 14:48:00

Posts: 546

Thanks! This is very useful, in fact, I'd say this is the most detailed thread relating to logic that I've ever read!

2010-07-31 17:46:00

Posts: 1800

A cheezburgah switch? Yahooooooooooooooo!!2010-07-31 17:59:00

Posts: 3607

OMG often work ... congratulations
to see if I can test it
2010-07-31 18:34:00

Posts: 63

You know, I made a Mutual Exclusion Switch just not as you have done.
Let me to publish it here?
2010-07-31 22:56:00

Posts: 63

You know, I made a Mutual Exclusion Switch just not as you have done.
Let me to publish it here?

Sure, go ahead.
2010-08-01 01:06:00

Posts: 3251

Excellent guide! I think I have to check out your level! And I'll probably print this page out, so I can look at it and find the thing perfect the job! 2010-08-01 04:00:00

Posts: 224

Very nice. I knew about most of these, but there were a few that I hadn't seen and it's nice to have them all in one place.

A couple of quibbles: your speed sensing sack tracker is overbuilt. All you need to detect if a sackboy is walking too fast is a tracker that will only move at the speed you want sackboy to walk and a second set of sensors to detect if he leaves the center. You didn't do anything with wheeley switches. Wheelies are awesome for hamster wheel controls and for speed relays. Why would you need a speed relay? Well, one example I can think of is for a chase sensor like the one on Skulldozer. It uses an inverted speed setting on a sensor switch, which is great except that it has no OFF setting (unless sackboy is right on the sensor). By making a speed relay and running it through an AND gate, you can have a switch that will pass a speed input through it if the directional input is also active. If that didn't make any sense, you can see it in my "Motion Sensing Searchlight" tech demo (yeah, it had nothing to do with the searchlight, but I didn't think it deserved its own level so I just stuck it in there.
2010-08-01 05:05:00

Posts: 2188

All you need to detect if a sackboy is walking too fast is a tracker that will only move at the speed you want sackboy to walk and a second set of sensors to detect if he leaves the center.

Most of that bit of extra logic creates a safe zone on either side of the switch.

Looking at it right now, I already see that I don't need the set/reset at all, and I could just put the "reset" inputs on the OR switch, just pulling it back when it's not supposed to turn on. It was one of the first switches I made, so it's a little outdated.

You didn't do anything with wheeley switches.

I don't really have the thermo, and rtm's level is already copyable and comprehensive with the different kinds of versions you can make. That's the same reason I didn't include an ordered inputs tool. comphermc's copyable ordered inputs tool tutorial is already copyable and comprehensive. I guess I should add a recommendations section to my post with links to rtm's logic blogs too. That's on my to-do-list.

Why would you need a speed relay?

ok, I'll see if I have enough thermo tomorrow.


Also: The levels are now copyable.
2010-08-01 07:38:00

Posts: 3251

It's finally done! How many years has it been in the making now?

Each time I've gone through this level with you I've understood a little more, but most of this stuff just blows my mind.

Really, this is worthy.
2010-08-01 07:57:00

Posts: 2454

Emitter toggle is not zero latency btw, switching on it is, but switching off it isn't.

Still it's cool to see a collection here of all these switches. It's kinda remarkable how the community has come along from where it was 18 months ago throught the collaboration and sharing of ideas on the forums :-)
2010-08-01 11:54:00

Posts: 6497

Epic Level, everything a decent creator needs, you always were the logic whiz 2010-08-01 14:02:00

Posts: 23

Emitter toggle is not zero latency btw, switching on it is, but switching off it isn't.

Still it's cool to see a collection here of all these switches. It's kinda remarkable how the community has come along from where it was 18 months ago throught the collaboration and sharing of ideas on the forums :-)

This is why yours is the best. XD
2010-08-01 15:11:00

Posts: 1578

Sadly I can't make use of the copy function. I don't have the history pack2010-08-03 21:05:00

Posts: 46

Sadly I can't make use of the copy function. I don't have the history pack
Don't worry, i'll remove the History Pack from it and Backup then send it for ya (You need a flash drive for this)
2010-08-03 21:27:00

Posts: 546

Just a thought, Cin. You've got a REALLY long post there and it's broken into nice neat sections. You might want to put each section into its own little spoiler tag so that people can open/close the section they wanna' look at instead of scrolling through the whole thing.2010-08-04 01:39:00

Posts: 2188

Sadly I can't make use of the copy function. I don't have the history pack

Don't worry, i'll remove the History Pack from it and Backup then send it for ya (You need a flash drive for this)

I thought I got rid of all the DLC besides MGS.... I don't remember using the history pack at all. Does anyone know where it is?

Just a thought, Cin. You've got a REALLY long post there and it's broken into nice neat sections. You might want to put each section into its own little spoiler tag so that people can open/close the section they wanna' look at instead of scrolling through the whole thing.

lol. ok.

EDIT: Done, and it looks much better now. Thanks.
2010-08-04 01:42:00

Posts: 3251

Sadly I can't make use of the copy function. I don't have the history pack

It Ok, i'm sending it for you now,
also, Incinerator22, the history pack is in the Hamburger Logic, the ''tic toc''.
2010-08-04 17:21:00

Posts: 546

It Ok, i'm sending it for you now,
also, Incinerator22, the history pack is in the Hamburger Logic, the ''tic toc''.

lol... ok, thanks. I'll replace it with the Miscellaneous's Warning sound.
2010-08-04 22:39:00

Posts: 3251

Thanks, Cin! I can finally copy your logic levels and publish them as my own

lol jk. But really thanks. This will come in handy.
2010-08-04 22:48:00

Posts: 673

Absolutely brilliant. I'm trying to catch up on what i've missed over the last few months and this guide and level is incredible. Thank you so much.2010-08-06 07:49:00

Posts: 533

Thank you so much! The cheeseburger switch helped me tremendously. Absolutely brilliant.2010-08-09 17:39:00

Posts: 607

Very nice level, idk why, but I understand the logic in your showcase better
than I did in the official logic pack. xD

Thanks a lot man.
2010-08-11 04:19:00

Posts: 195

Very nice level, idk why, but I understand the logic in your showcase better
than I did in the official logic pack. xD

Thanks a lot man.

Maybe because this just gets right to the main point? XD
2010-08-11 04:28:00

Posts: 1578

YAAAY! Nice thread boy o2010-08-14 21:27:00

Posts: 1030

Nice. I can really use this thread! Thanks for posting this.2010-08-15 01:31:00

Posts: 1010

Coldplay's music, for making the writing of this thread less boring.

Wait, Coldplay is like an audio Horse tranquilizer, how exactly did they make this LESS boring?
2010-08-23 15:00:00

Posts: 1874

Woah! I can't believe I missed this thread.. :/

You put so much work into this and it looks so awesome. Thanks for doing this, Tutorial Master.
2010-08-23 15:24:00

Posts: 2979

Yes, the cheeseburger switch is a thing of beauty. I've finally stopped eating McDonalds and lost 15lbs!!

Wicked level, wicked logic, wicked thanks!!
2010-08-23 16:36:00

Posts: 1737

Awesome tutorial, really want to check out the level soon! Can't wait for the Logic Concept Tutorials, have no idea what hystereritis (whatever ) is.

2010-08-26 22:11:00

Posts: 409

Awesome tutorial, really want to check out the level soon! Can't wait for the Logic Concept Tutorials, have no idea what hysteresis is.


Sorry, the logic tutorials probably aren't coming .

I don't have much free time anymore, and LBP2 logic is just around the corner.
2010-08-26 22:28:00

Posts: 3251

I mostly like the grab switches.2010-08-31 22:16:00

Posts: 637

Wow! Great help here! Thanks man!2010-09-01 03:46:00

Posts: 1536

Hey thanks for this!! how u went into detail with it all is really helpful for understanding logic better 2010-10-29 23:37:00

Posts: 277

Awesome. i will make sure i use this in my levels. thank you.2010-10-30 00:43:00

Posts: 585

This is awesome; I can't believe I went so long implementing these objects without knowing this thread existed. Thanks a bunch for pointing me towards it! It's really detailed and provides all you need to know to make your own custom ones.

I've always wondered though... Resettable bi-directional incrementation logic?? Was it not included because it might just require a logic network of some sort (left for the player to figure out), or just because its uses are so specific that it didn't seem worth it? Just been curious..
2010-10-30 19:30:00

Posts: 74

Resettable bi-directional incrementation logic??

It would just be messy. You would need a winch to reset the cardboard to the left, but the dark matter blocks on the left would block the cardboard. You'd have to substitute the dark matter blocks for dissolve glued to dark matter. The dissolve would be activated by a magnetic key that would be emmited by the switch when you grab the reset input.
2010-10-30 20:11:00

Posts: 3251

I couldn't go to the tutorials. How do you get there?2010-11-26 04:38:00

Posts: 1

I couldn't go to the tutorials. How do you get there?

Whut? .............
2010-11-26 04:54:00

Posts: 3251

Holy crap some of this is complecated. Ill try some of it in a new level though2011-01-09 23:31:00

Posts: 3

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