Vision Inc
Archive: 1 post
Vision IncBarnsy_AKA_ash A short visually nice level on the city rooftops. P.S this is an information level about my new creation group, Vision. It's for all you creators that make awesome levels and one that don't get many plays but are still amazing creators. This group will help any member become better and get more plays and feedback. Also we are a pacifist group so no comments saying that you think clans and groups are pointless because they end up in a war. Try this out as soon as possible. If you don't want to join or aren't interested in clans and groups then still play it as the level is visually nice and is a black and White city roof tops. Try out my other levels as well. ![]() Please leave feedback. PS. No screenshots. I'm on my iPod lol. | 2010-07-29 23:57:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
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