my glitch
Archive: 8 posts
i think i founded it i found it a year ago and just found the level. it is the dry ice glitch. step 1: take a peice of basic glass make any shape of basic glass then turn it gas. step 2: turn the gas into basic glass sttep 3: put it into the first glass then enjoy you can do any thing with it as long as it is glued in the glass | 2010-07-27 20:32:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
Sorry, you are too late my friend ![]() | 2010-07-27 20:36:00 Author: Jonaolst ![]() Posts: 935 |
who did it then. | 2010-07-27 21:00:00 Author: lbp is awespme ![]() Posts: 657 |
A lot of people! | 2010-07-28 03:26:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Srry dude, there's no "Claiming a glitch" in LBP, that counts for the PSP version as well. ![]() You may think you found the glitch, but odds are it was already found by many others long before. Believe me m8, claiming something like that is not really that easy, there are plenty of people that will calim they found it around or before that time as well, and since no one has any way to prove it was done before anyone else did it, its almost impoosible to say "I discovered the glitch," and actually be right. Only a few glitches have an original founder, and its still not 100% sure THEY found it. Besides, does it matter? Do you think people are gonna say "ohhh he found this glitch, lets give him credit and thank him and whatnot."? Nope, they'll just use it and claim they themselves discovered it. Unless you're really desperate for attention of course. ![]() (Note: There's a difference in going into a forum and saying "I found a glitch, and explain it throughtly, and see if others already know about it, and going and actually claiming "I found this glitch, it belongs to me and me only and you gotta give me credit for using it." (Which probably won't happen either way. ![]() So in short, I'm not saying you're not, just that its not for sure that you are either m8. ![]() | 2010-07-28 03:59:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
The thing with claiming glitch's is dont tell them how to do it right away or they will say they found it and know how to do it(even if they just read how to do it on your post) and if you dont tell them how and som1 posts they know how to do that glitch(ad shows you how) you know they didint just read how to do it off your post first. see what i mean? and i found this pretty cool glitch where you control a bock with left and right ![]() | 2010-07-28 04:27:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
At least I know that the glitches in my sig were founded by me. I'm 100% sure of that.![]() and i found this pretty cool glitch where you control a bock with left and right ![]() I love that glitch. Even if it has a few bugs(falling of the block). Note: If use put the block on a invisible floor, it would look neat. ![]() | 2010-07-28 04:31:00 Author: ConverseFox ![]() Posts: 2333 |
Yea your right! im thinking about making a robot suit with it and you just move left and right and shoot with [ R ]![]() | 2010-07-30 00:15:00 Author: SketchNZ ![]() Posts: 1668 |
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