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VMech Mark I

Archive: 3 posts

It's a mech with 4 legs and it uses sehvens' hamster wheel control pod. It works by running right to go right and running left to go left. You open and close the door by grabbing. Now with photos2010-07-27 19:56:00

Unknown User

Is it published? If so, what's the level's name. I always love a good mech.

Pictures aren't difficult to do: if you've managed to set up your own avatar, you can suss getting pics from lbp onto the web, and you'll get a LOT more attention for your contraptions that way.

Glad the control pod was useful to you. I get so sick of vehicles where you can only go one direction. I should actually have a better pod added to my vehicle tools level soon: I had to re-invent the 1 layer pod* for MobiuDT's monocycle (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31141-Monocycle), so I should be able to get an editable version rigged up without too much trouble.

* Technically it's a 2 layer pod as it exists in one thick layer and one thin layer, but the thin layer is all gas so it's collisionless and doesn't block anything. My old one-thin-one-thick used theck gas which has the unfortunate side effect of killing thecX-men (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=29506-Theck-Layer-Beware!&highlight=theck+beware).
2010-07-28 18:36:00

Posts: 2188

* Technically it's a 2 layer pod as it exists in one thick layer and one thin layer, but the thin layer is all gas so it's collisionless and doesn't block anything. My old one-thin-one-thick used theck gas which has the unfortunate side effect of killing thecX-men (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=29506-Theck-Layer-Beware!&highlight=theck+beware).

So, your new ones won't kill me anymore?

2010-07-28 20:12:00

Posts: 3251

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