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Macnme's Moan!

Archive: 28 posts


Just wanted to vent a little... as the trophies in LBP are starting to bug me.

I've got all of the trophies I can get (by myself) - but in order for me to go full platinum I have to rely on other people... it is entirely out of my hands.

I've tried all of the suggestions (showcased my levels on multiple forums - participated in review sessions etc etc - only for them to get drowned out in the tide of everyone else doing the same) - but the decision to heart me as a creator (which is all I need for the Gold Create Trophy) is not one I can make... it's down to other people.
And it seems that the majority of "Happy Gadders" left in the online community are 'creators' rather than 'players' - so they're not that interested in playing other peoples levels, and more interested in getting you to play theirs (at least, that's how it seems to me).

Take my last level I published " Judge Dredd 2000AD : Mega City Decaffination ";
I spent literally weeks creating that level - creating new gadgets like a Random Traffic generator for a driving scene - thinking deep and hard about the back story to the level - to give it some depth... put in jokes for 2000AD fans - even wrote a short little poem for the level discription.

And still - it doesn't get any plays or any hearts.

It has actually discouraged me from spending any more time creating levels.

I'm seriously one step away from starting to H4H (something I have been vehemently opposed to from the start) - just so I can unlock these **** Trophies.

It's just extra frustrating because I have to rely on the good-will of random strangers - who increasingly have less & less good will to share.

2010-07-27 15:20:00

Posts: 1970

And still - it doesn't get any plays or any hearts.

In order to get hearts, you need plays. Having a good level also helps, but it's not mandatory.

In order to get plays, you need to be on the first few pages of Cool Levels. Why? Because most players are too lazy to look elsewhere for levels.

In order to get on the first few pages of Cool Levels, you have to use the republishing trick. Why? Because so many other people use it, that if you don't, you don't have a chance.

Having said that, there are rumours that the republishing trick has been 'fixed', and if so, it's possible that deleting and republishing your level in a new slot might give your level a better chance of getting plays now.
2010-07-27 16:47:00

Posts: 2870

I have republished the levels many times over several months... do I need to just sit and repetatively republish-republish-republish every 30 seconds or so?
Because that's about the most rubbish game mechanic ever if so, which would give me even more (legitimate) cause to moan.

And my levels are good - I would certainly consider them above average (even if I do say so myself);
And the comments left such as "THIS LEVEL IS AWESOME" - and "AWESOME LEVEL DUDE" - make me think that those few people that have played it & were kind enough to leave a comment also feel the same;

Heart wise I've got quite a good ratio - roughly 10-15% of players who have played my levels have hearted them - but no-one really gives out creator hearts - which is all I need for the Gold Trophy - which in turn would give me the platinum trophy.

The only problem is - it's up to the community at large to give me these trophies.

and I'm so close yet so far;
Only need 6 hearts on one level to take it above 50 - and only need 8 more creator hearts to take me above 30.

But I have to just sit and repetatively republish my levels - again & again & again - if I want them?

Well.... that ****ing sucks

All that time & effort I went through making interesting & unique levels - when I could have just published an empty level called H4H and would probably have the trophies by now.

And people wonder why H4H is killing the game?
2010-07-27 18:09:00

Posts: 1970

...do I need to just sit and repetatively republish-republish-republish every 30 seconds or so?

Pretty much, but it only works for 7 days since it was first published.

Because that's about the most rubbish game mechanic ever...

True, but it (allegedly) no longer works that way. You will, however, have to republish in a new slot.
2010-07-27 21:18:00

Posts: 2870

Patience. Try to focus on something smaller, like advertising your level, without focusing to much on the big goal. It may take a while, but it will be well worth it in the end. 2010-07-28 04:13:00

Posts: 3262

Patience. Try to focus on something smaller, like advertising your level, without focusing to much on the big goal. It may take a while, but it will be well worth it in the end.

I've been playing this game since launch... just how patient do I have to be?!

suggestions like replublishing the level - and now even being told to delete the level and then republish in a new slot (won't that erase all of the plays and hearts I have aquired so far?) - is not the way Media Molecule intended the system to be used.

These trophies were badly thought out & poorly implemented... no amount of reasonable argument can convince me otherwise.
2010-07-28 13:01:00

Posts: 1970

I've been playing this game since launch... just how patient do I have to be?!

suggestions like replublishing the level - and now even being told to delete the level and then republish in a new slot (won't that erase all of the plays and hearts I have aquired so far?) - is not the way Media Molecule intended the system to be used.

These trophies were badly thought out & poorly implemented... no amount of reasonable argument can convince me otherwise.
Don't take this the wrong way but are they really that important?

What I mean is, you had fun creating your Judge Dredd level, did you not? But it seems these trophies are spoiling the fun and at the end of the day that's really all LBP is meant for. If I were you I would just put them out of mind and enjoy creating. You said yourself that people are leaving great comments on your levels, isn't that more satisfying than knowing you achieved a number?

As for actually solving your problem, I can't say anything more than Aya has.
2010-07-28 13:36:00

Posts: 2431

There is a quick and easy way to get hearts and get the Platinum Trophy...



2010-07-28 14:01:00

Posts: 1562

I'm a completionist... it's how I've always been with games.
Not having these trophies is like missing teeth in a smile.

I'm too proud to go down the H4H route

And to be honest... no, I didn;t have what I would call "fun" creating my levels.... it was a massive chore.
Sure initially it's fun to think up the idea's... but when your reprogramming your glitchy logic at 4 in the morning because of some random glueing error - it can (and did) get a bit tedious.

The only thing that kept me going was the prospect of a platinum trophy... something I am so close to achieving... and yet so far away... because it's out of my hands to get it... I have to rely on the kindness of strangers... and lets face it... most random internet strangers are douchebags.
And plus... the level I worked hardest on (and of which I am most proud) has the least plays and hearts of my levels... thanks to the level spamming antics of the rest of the community.

Hence the moan.
2010-07-28 14:54:00

Posts: 1970

I'm too proud to go down the H4H route

That's good! Getting your trophies the legit way is always the best.

And I don't actually support H4H in any way. I hate it myself.
2010-07-28 15:20:00

Posts: 1562

That's just another point of annoyance for me...

I could have forgone all the effort and thought I put into my levels, published an empty level called H4H - and I would probably have these trophies by now.

It's like a kick in the gut
2010-07-28 15:30:00

Posts: 1970

I could have forgone all the effort and thought I put into my levels, published an empty level called H4H - and I would probably have these trophies by now.

But would you still feel the same sense of achievement if you acquired it in this way?

If so, then just go ahead and do it. H4H really is no big deal - no-one really cares that much about it - at least no-one of any consequence.

If not, then bear in mind that the Create trophy is not merely awarded for creating a good level, but also for getting other people to play that level, and with over two million published levels, all competing for plays, that can be quite a challenge.

Everyone else has to go through the same process in order to get that trophy, so why do you believe that the same rules shouldn't apply to you?

I also feel that games whereby you're dependant on others in order to gain some of the trophies (this also applies to many other games besides LBP) are a tad harsh, but rather than wasting my time ranting about it, I make a simple choice between trying to gain those trophies regardless, or just deeming those trophies to be unfair, and ignoring them.
2010-07-28 16:43:00

Posts: 2870

You see this is why I hate the whole trophy system. Freakin' MS introduced achievements on the 360 and for some reason completely unfathomable to me, they were popular and touted as an advantage for the 360. Personally I was glad I was on the system without them, but then Sony implemented trophies. Can anybody tell me exactly what they do for you? They're for showing off to others, yes? Has anybody ever been genuinely impressed by another's trophy collection?

Anyway, it would all be harmless enough, I suppose, except that it leads to people pulling stupid stunts to get them. In some multiplayer games, people will screw over their teammates so they can do something to get a trophy, and then lbp has h4h. Mostly I ignore the h4h things, but occasionally they'll post in my level comments and it's irritating.
I agree that it's unfair that, if you actually care about trophies, you have to rely on others to get them. Still, I don't think they're too hard to get. I never gave the create trophy (that's the one you need hearts for, right?) any thought and it just sort of showed up one day. I didn't even have a full level published yet: all my stuff was demo levels for my mechs. The only trophies I don't have now are party person and socialite just cuz I've never cared enough to try to get them.

As for hearts, personally, I just use them for bookmarks, not as a reward for the creator. If I like a level enough that I'll want to play it again, I heart it. Simple as that. If a particular creator has two or three levels that I really like, I'll heart the creator so I can check them out later to see if they've got anything else. Occasionally I go through my hearted levels and clean out the ones I don't plan on playing again.

Anyway, as Aya said, it comes down to getting plays. To do so, first I would suggest making at least an above average level: one that's actually fun and has some interesting ideas or twists on old ideas. Second, give it an interesting and/or provocative title: of all my levels; the one with the most plays is the one I titled "The Most Advanced Mech in LBP: VT-5 Lightning." I figure it got most of those plays because of my ostentatious claim. Along with the title, give it an interesting icon (I'm actually guilty of not doing this myself). Aya has a guide on making custom stickers fit as icons without getting stretched. Give it a description that makes it sound good: definitely DON'T leave the description blank--that's one of the surest signs that a level isn't worth playing. Once you plublish it, upload some screenshots from the coolest looking parts of the level. As soon as you upload it, get all your friends to play it, five star it and heart it: with any luck, it'll get onto cool pages, and when all the kiddies start one starring and three starring it, your five stars from your friends will average it to four (personally, I never do this step, but then I don't care about stars and hearts). With that momentum, you're more likely to get more plays and therefore more hearts. Lastly, advertise the heck out of it. Post threads here, on lbw, and any other lbp sites you like. Make sure your ad threads include pictures (I don't know about anybody else, but I never bother to look up a level if the ad doesn't have pics) and if possible, a youtube vid. I'm pretty sure I got the create trophy because I uploaded a vid of my second mech to youtube. Personally, I'd be more inclined to do a flashy trailer than a simple walk-through vid (what's the point of playing if you've already seen everything the level has to offer?), but most people seem happy enough with straight walk-throughs. Another way of advertising is to post in other people's level comments. Personally, I hate that tactic and I delete ads from my level comments (unless it's something directly related, such as posting a "check out my mech" in the comments of one of my mech levels), but most people seem to be ok with it. It has the advantage that they can click on your name and be taken directly to your levels (so that even people too lazy to look up your level after seeing it on lbpc can find it). I'd recommend that you don't ask for hearts in the level or the threads about it: most people, myself included, find that irritating and will specifically withhold hearts because of it. Besides, I've never played a level that I thought was good enough to heart and that included a request for one.
2010-07-28 23:03:00

Posts: 2188

I dont has any platinum trophies. I don't even know how to view what trophies I do have.... But then I have this weird thing about playing games for fun, guess im just old fashioned like that eh ?;-)

If all you care about is the hoop jumping exercise of the trophies, then just do whatever it takes to get it, then give up on creating. Why get yourself all worked up over an activity that should be fun, and ultimately is not rewarding in itself and does not actully provide you with any enjoyment or any overall benefit?
2010-07-29 00:05:00

Posts: 6497

Trophies....pointless digital images and a 'Ding' sound. That's how I see 'em.2010-07-29 01:02:00

Posts: 1477

wise sensible advice

Well sure if you wanna' be mature and sensible about it Wait, you mean games are supposed to be fun?

I agree. I don't have any platinums either. For a day or so I set out to get the lbp platinum since I already had most of the trophies. After an hour or so trying to get a group of 3 strangers together, I decided I wasn't having fun and didn't care enough to keep at it.
2010-07-29 07:05:00

Posts: 2188

To me, Diamonds are just shiney rocks.... they are of no use or value to me.
The only value they would have to me is the value attached by someone else who would want to aquire it from me.
The only thing they do is look pretty... but I'm not interested in that sort of thing.

Where-as my (real-life) friends (one in particular) - are always ribbing me about how they have a higher gamer level than me, in fact they have the highest gamer level of our cirle of friends... and seeing as we're all gamers, he can use this as a 'trump' card when we're arguing about stuff (all be it in a very jokey way).

He doesn't have any platinum trophies how-ever - I just got my first in another game - the first platinum trophy amongst my group of friends - and it had strangely elevated my position in the group when we are discussing games.... that I can trump his "yeah, but I have a higher gamer score than you" with "Yeah, but I've got more Platinum Trophies than you";

This gives the trophies a use for me.... not only do they look pretty against you gamer card - they have a real world use for me in terms of bragging rights.
In this way they are not worthless to me... even though they may be worthless to you.
Things only have the value with which we ourselves attach to them.

One mans priceless Elvis artifact is another mans soiled hanky.

But I'm not a trophy whore, cheating or glitching or hoop jumping would lessen the value of the trophy - because I wouldn't have earned it legitimately - negating the value of it.
And that's not to say that my levels don't have merit... I worked **** hard to fill each one with as much interesting goodness as I could;
I'm into random generators, I built a random traffic generator for my Judge Dredd level - and a Random Zombie generator for my LBPT 4 Dead level.... though people only playing through the level once may think that it's carefully scripted - it is actually being randomly generated... though all this is hidden in the background.

But all this hard-work goes completey un-noticed.

And once LBP2 comes out, I think I will have missed my chance to earn the platinum trophy legitimately.

All I'm asking is for people to try my levels and give me hearts because I deserve them for the work I've put in... not because I'm begging for them - or because I'll give you hearts back.

Is this too much to ask for?

What also really annoys me... is that I have had a much better response from this moan thread... with more reads and replies... than I have for my level showcase threads, which get completely ignored.
2010-07-29 07:19:00

Posts: 1970

You only have one thread in the level showcase. It's got a short description, no pictures, you ask for hearts in the description, and the title includes "Judge Dredd." A short description may not necessarily doom your level, and you probably don't want to get as long winded as me, but it might help to try to "sell it" a bit more. Your description lists some legitimate good points, but does so in a pretty dry way.

The lack of pics is a HUGE deal breaker for most people. You're relatively new on this board, you've only got one bar under your name and you're a thread. Of course that doesn't mean you're not a good creator, but it means that nobody here knows anything about you. Since you haven't got much reputation built up here, you need to do something else to get the attention of the people who would otherwise ignore your level. There are tons of level threads here and I can't possibly get to them all (nor would I want to), so when I'm looking for levels to play, in addition to an exciting description, I want to see pictures: pictures are the easiest way to tell if a creator has any idea what they're doing. If you've got a few flashy pictures of stuff that looks like it might be fun and exciting, people will be more interested in playing your level.

Asking for hearts in the level description isn't bad enough that I'd call it a death sentence, but I can tell you that I've never played a level that asked for hearts. My thinking is that if the creator is asking for hearts, his priorities are in the wrong place and he's not the type of person who's going to make a level I want to play. Of course, that's jumping to conclusions and it can be argued that it's wrong of me to do so, but I'm not the issue here: I'm happy with the levels I find using my shallow judgment. If I were to broaden my horizons and be a nicer person, I'm sure I'd find more good levels, but I'd also spend a lot of time playing crappy levels, so you'll have to forgive me for being shallow. Ultimately, I think that by asking for hearts, you're going to end up alienating more people than you're going to influence into actually giving you hearts, but that's just my opinion.

As for including Judge Dredd in the title, it's declaring that your level is a knock-off of an established IP. Now that's not necessarily a bad thing (my all time favorite community level is a Tomb Raider knockoff (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21790-Lara-Cloth-Tomb-Raider-Helgardh&highlight=lara+cloth+helgardh)), but you have to admit that most of the knockoffs out there are crap. So seeing Judge Dredd in the title just makes a person like me that much more skeptical about the level quality. I'm not saying you should change the name, but it just makes it that much more important that you include a more interesting description and some pics.

So anyway, that's my two bits worth. Another thing you can try if you really want plays/hearts is a survival level. Now I'm certainly not advocating making a bomb or shark survival, but you could come up with an original idea that's fun to play. For some reason that I really don't understand, those levels get a lot of attention and positive feedback. Once again, good luck. I'll try to get around to checking out your level tomorrow: I'm not a Dredd fan (the movie was ok but kinda' meh and I never read the comic), but if it's done well, it could be a fun level.
2010-07-29 09:48:00

Posts: 2188

If it will make you feel better, I too do not have Platinum and the Create trophy. Too be honest, I just let things go it's course. Like one day while I was listening to my music player in my pod, the Feel the Love trophy popped up. I only have two levels that are mediocre but beautifully detailed. Long story short, don't let trophies run your game life.2010-07-29 09:57:00

Posts: 444

1 level showcase?

****, I'm on the wrong forum... how embarrassing.

I'm a member of about 3 or 4 LBP forums - as again, I read that this may improve my chances of more plays... I seem to have lost track of what I've posted & where.

My Bad.

I suppose I could do a better job of marketing the levels on this particular forum. Pics to follow shortly. .thx

And even though it's an existing IP, I've made 2 Judge Dredd levels so far - precicely because the quality of the Judge Dredd levels out there were abysmall - so I wanted to do it justice. It seemed a shame that they released a Judge Dredd kit - and noone seemed to do anything with it.

& There is no Judge Dredd film... if you mean that Sly Stalone/Rob Schnieder travesty - then any real 2000AD fan has completely disowned it.
2010-07-29 10:07:00

Posts: 1970

Yeah, pics or it didn't happen.
A link in your sig helps too.
I'll check out your Judge Dredd level sometime, I'm not familiar with the IP, but I wasin your situation and I feel your pain.
Props for not selling out.
2010-07-29 10:19:00

Posts: 2513

Hmmm, maybe that's why my levels get no plays then?!

Is Judge Dredd that well known outside of the UK?

I would have thought Judge Dredd was pretty popular - for such a long running comic series.
I mean... it was popular enough for MM to release a 2000AD costume pack ?
2010-07-29 11:09:00

Posts: 1970

Hmmm, maybe that's why my levels get no plays then?!

Is Judge Dredd that well known outside of the UK?

I would have thought Judge Dredd was pretty popular - for such a long running comic series.
I mean... it was popular enough for MM to release a 2000AD costume pack ?
I live in Australia and I only know 2 people who know about Judge Dredd and that's because they watched the movie with me. I didn't even know it was a comic book series.
2010-07-29 11:35:00

Posts: 2431

I live in Australia and I only know 2 people who know about Judge Dredd and that's because they watched the movie with me. I didn't even know it was a comic book series.


I'm speechless.

He's been around since the 70's?!

That's like saying "Spiderman? - What?! that movie with Tobey Maguire? Was that a comic book?"

I guess all of the referencial 2000AD jokes I've filled the levels with have fallen on deaf ears then
2010-07-29 11:48:00

Posts: 1970

Thanks for the advice guys... you have managed to placate my moan somewhat.

New Level Showcase available here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31681-Judge-Dredd-2000AD-Mega-City-Decaffination&p=551504)
2010-07-30 08:15:00

Posts: 1970

That's like saying "Spiderman? - What?! that movie with Tobey Maguire? Was that a comic book?"

"You mean spiderman was a comic -before- is was a movie? Is that even possible?"
Ha, Simpsons quote!
2010-07-30 08:22:00

Posts: 2513

"You mean spiderman was a comic -before- is was a movie? Is that even possible?"
Ha, Simpsons quote!

And I did react just like Comic Book Guy
2010-07-30 08:59:00

Posts: 1970

Its long way to the top, if you want to rock and roll.

I remember the process as pretty grueling. I didn't H4H, but I tried alot else. I never use the republishing glitch, but I did used to keep making small changes in my levels then republishing them (the small changes being things that actually improved the levels.

Every time I grubbed a new heart was great. I'd often publish a level twice upon launch, and keep the one that got more than 5 or so plays. I ended up with a level with more than a thousand plays, but how? I don't know. If I published a level that was decent at the time's standards, I might have ended up with a couple of author hearts while it was getting played. I can only advise making lots of levels. They don't have to be fantastic; survival challenges can be short and sweet. But I'm not talking bloody bomb and shark survivals, which i despise.

Just be original, and keep at it. That's what I did. Having lots of psn friends might help, as occasionally they might heart you. It may just be much harder now. People probably had lower expectations a year or two ago.
2010-07-30 09:45:00

Posts: 335

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