Your thoughts on republishing?
Archive: 16 posts
(In the attempt to get it on the "cool pages") Personally I don't do it as I like having my levels filled with player comments rather than spamming it up with "this level has been republished"... The user reviews/feedback from LBPC members mean so much more than a bunch of short generic comments ever could. Thoughts? What's your stance on the republishing trick? I have a mini level in the works that I think the cool pages crowd would enjoy. When I eventually finish, I might try republishing it as a little experiement. Anyone else carried out an republishing experiment on the cool pages? Perhaps made a duplicate of your level, then republished like crazy? | 2010-07-27 12:58:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I always republish loads to get it to page one. This is because i like seeing what people think about my level so that it can give me an idea of what people like for any future levels i tend to create. I know people say its spamming but thats what the cool pages are for right? To get to the best page which is page 1. Its annoying that the comments keeping having the sentence "This level has been republished" and id rather that not be there! If i was to leave my level without republishing it once it wouldnt get as many plays as it would if i continually republished. In my opinion i feel more proud of my level if i see people playing it, if it was left to die id feel like ive wasted my time a bit. If you get what i mean? lol ![]() Oh and its nothing to do with the more plays the better the level or i need plays to show im better. Its about the feeling of happiness when someone plays your level and leaves a good comment! | 2010-07-27 13:07:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
I used to republish quite a bit although my quite a bit was only like once or twice an hour. I don't wish to drive my psn friends nuts with messages! I always stopped once I hit page 3. My last level, I sorta wish I had not republished at all as I think it diluted the ratings and heart to play ratio quite a bit from where it started. So next time, I might not republish at all and just see where it ends up. | 2010-07-27 13:19:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Honestly I see nothing wrong with it. Considering the state Cool pages is in now and frankly always has been it doesn't really matter. If you're not republishing someone else will. In saying that though I never republish, unless I actually need to fix something. One because I've only ever released 1 level and two I just couldn't be bothered to. If anything decent creators republishing levels they've actually worked hard on is improving the state off Cool Pages. | 2010-07-27 13:23:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
Thoughts? What's your stance on the republishing trick? I was under the impression that it doesn't work any more, since MM changed the rules a couple of days ago... I've been republishing a little bit to try and garner a few more plays on my part 2 (my target is 1k, already half way there then i'll stop, don't hate me ![]() ...which sounds as if the "republishing trick" now has a negative impact on your level's placing in the Cool Levels pages. | 2010-07-27 16:36:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
I was under the impression that it doesn't work any more, since MM changed the rules a couple of days ago... ...which sounds as if the "republishing trick" now has a negative impact on your level's placing in the Cool Levels pages. ![]() | 2010-07-27 20:10:00 Author: Fenderjt ![]() Posts: 1969 |
It probably still works but I never use it except once a day. | 2010-07-27 20:19:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
I usually tweak my levels quite a bit the first few days, so I'm getting twice the bang for my buck. I'm making improvements that will hopefully increase end user satisfaction while also keeping the republications going. I don't really do it for the Cool Pages sake, as my levels tend to be too hard for the Cool People that frequent the Cool Pages. | 2010-07-27 20:32:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
I was under the impression that it doesn't work any more, since MM changed the rules a couple of days ago... ...which sounds as if the "republishing trick" now has a negative impact on your level's placing in the Cool Levels pages. Interesting. Have you heard of any other confirmation besides the one guy? It may be a good thing if that's the case, but when I did the republishing trick, I got semi-random results. Like once I got to page 3 or better I'd stop, 'cuz the next one might bump me down to page 6 or something. Anyway, I'm all for it.... for the levels that are worth playing. Unfortunately, there's really no way to only allow good levels to be spammed, so cool pages is still a mess. The downside of republishing is you'll get a lower ranking if you care about that kind of thing. I spammed my latest mech, which is the most advanced thing I've ever built, and now it has a lower rating than pretty much everything else I've ever done, including my other less advanced mechs. I'm not worried though, 'cuz all the people whose opinions matter gave it good reviews. | 2010-07-27 20:58:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
It's the thing that got me back in to creating really. Knowing that I can at least guarantee myself of the level being played by a lot of people makes all the hours I put into the level worth it. If it wasn't for this "trick", I would have quit making levels back in 2008 and never looked back. Is it cheap? Heck yeah. I do feel cheap when I'm doing it. Is it a major moral crime? I think that's relative to each person. I don't feel bad about doing it since many other people with uninspiring levels are doing it anyways. What I have a problem is with people who say they never republish just to get plays and only republish when they need to. Well, you know you're gonna get more plays whether you republish for a reason or not. So if you want to be clean of sin, (or at least not be a hypocrite) publish your level only once, when you know there's nothing else to fix. To me, those who republish only a couple of times a day can't throw stones at those who do it a hundred times a day. Just because you create an excuse to fix something in your level doesn't make you holier than thou. The only other real way of getting a lot of people to play your level is to become popular on message boards such as these. That's not a real option for me as I'm an introvert and to me it feels like I'm whoring myself out going around kissing everyone's rear end. However, I am a big fan of the feedback for feedback option as an alternative. | 2010-07-27 21:45:00 Author: antman ![]() Posts: 84 |
I live in the illusion that my levels would be better than the average cool page levels, so I think I'm doing a favour to the 'cool people' by republishing. EDIT: And I don't have any friends to drive nuts with republishing ![]() | 2010-07-29 14:42:00 Author: Chamion B ![]() Posts: 124 |
That's a good point about upping the quality of the cool pages. I guess it comes down to if you want to sacrifice that heart to play ratio for an expanded audience. hmm! Hard desision. | 2010-07-31 11:45:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
What I have a problem is with people who say they never republish just to get plays and only republish when they need to. Well, you know you're gonna get more plays whether you republish for a reason or not. So if you want to be clean of sin, (or at least not be a hypocrite) publish your level only once, when you know there's nothing else to fix. To me, those who republish only a couple of times a day can't throw stones at those who do it a hundred times a day. Just because you create an excuse to fix something in your level doesn't make you holier than thou. Well, I've never republished a level unless I needed to. But even when I need to republish, I don't do it to use as an excuse so that my level will get plays, I do it because something actually needs changing or fixing. That's the whole point of feedback after all. I couldn't care less if my level gets a little bit more popular when I do it, I can't help that. Without ever using this trick (and republishing no more than 2-3 times a week to fix things) almost all my levels have made it onto the Cool Pages.* *Okay, so I admit most of my levels are survivals... but even the levels that didn't get on the Cool Pages I'm not too bothered about, I would prefer to see 10-20 people from here playing and enjoying it rather than a thousand 10 year-olds anyday. | 2010-07-31 12:10:00 Author: Nuclearfish ![]() Posts: 927 |
I only released a level around October 2009. I didn't use the republish trick, the result is that I got 76 people who finished it, 51 hearts, 3 stars rate and 900-ish plays after a month...and after the key was put in Cap'n Sackbeard (in which I worked with Comphy, rtm and Grant). Before the release of Cap'n Sackbeard my level had less than 25 hearts. So this happens if you don't use tricks. | 2010-07-31 12:27:00 Author: OmegaSlayer ![]() Posts: 5112 |
Republishing can be a double edged sword. Although it will certainly increase your number of plays, it will most likely drive a good star rating and hearts ratio into the ground. When I published Scrumpy Sack, I only published once and then promoted it in the showcase forum. People here generally seemed to love it and it held a steady 5 star rating for 4 days. After those 4 days, I decided to see how it would fare when presented to the wider community. I republished it around 20 times a day for the next 3 days, and by the end of the week my 5 star rating had dropped to 3 stars. My comments page was also full of constructive criticisms from random kids who had never even published a level, such as "it sucks!" That's not to say that every level constantly republished will suffer the same fate. Just bear in mind that the casual community like easy, generic platforming levels, so as long as you don't introduce them to novel concepts which their limited minds cannot comprehend (like apple scrumping survival levels), republishing can potentially provide a well needed boost for your level. Just think to yourself, "does my level have mass appeal or niche appeal?", before you risk it. | 2010-07-31 12:38:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
You can't say republishing is a good or a bad thing. It's the same with a knife: you can cut your vegetables or kill someone with it or even do both. So it really depends on what and who uses it. Concerning LBP there might be two types of people: The ones which just want to get "famous" by any means. They don't care about how the community evolves or if their levels are any good. They just republish because that's what get's their levels huge amounts of plays and hearts. The second groupe of people who've done something great and want to share it however, don't republish because they think it's a cheap trick. Result is what we call cool pages. So if you've done a good level just do it and do everything possible to promote it. Leaving it unnoticed while the 100th Shark survival get's most of the attention, would be the real crime. | 2010-07-31 12:44:00 Author: Vanemiera ![]() Posts: 329 |
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