Invisible Brains
Archive: 13 posts
I tried making a creature, putting the brain on something else and attaching it with an invisible string but nothing happened. Help? I don't really want brains to be visible and I don't want super small brains | 2010-07-26 21:10:00 Author: Jwei44 ![]() Posts: 46 |
Did you put the brain on before or after the string? The brain should be last. | 2010-07-26 21:44:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Also make sure that you did not place it directly on dark matter as dark matter cannot die with a creature brain. Just use a basic material with dark matter in the middle to hold it up. I know you said you don't want them to be 'visible, but most people just don't want the sound effect that comes with it. If you place a sound object on the item to be destroyed, you can set the trigger mode to 'on destruction' and it will make the sound you choose instead of the default. | 2010-07-27 00:52:00 Author: tanrockstan34 ![]() Posts: 1076 |
Also make sure that you did not place it directly on dark matter as dark matter cannot die with a creature brain. Just use a basic material with dark matter in the middle to hold it up. I know you said you don't want them to be 'visible, but most people just don't want the sound effect that comes with it. If you place a sound object on the item to be destroyed, you can set the trigger mode to 'on destruction' and it will make the sound you choose instead of the default. What do you mean by sound object? The speaker things? And also, howdo you set that todestroy? Isn't it only proximity? I made my enemy. Put legs on it. Made a small block of wood. Attached it to my enemy with string. Then when I put a brain, the legs don't do anything | 2010-07-27 01:05:00 Author: Jwei44 ![]() Posts: 46 |
did u try putting the brain behind the creature? | 2010-07-27 03:08:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
Also make sure that you did not place it directly on dark matter as dark matter cannot die with a creature brain. DM can be destroyed with a creature brain that was directly attached to it. I just tried it by jumping on an unprotected creature brain, and also by using a switch activated protected brain. | 2010-07-27 03:27:00 Author: RoharDragontamer ![]() Posts: 397 |
you could put the creature brain inside the creature and then cover it up | 2010-07-27 04:55:00 Author: buddy_hamster123 ![]() Posts: 376 |
DM can be destroyed with a creature brain that was directly attached to it. I just tried it by jumping on an unprotected creature brain, and also by using a switch activated protected brain. Well it never worked for me directly attached. Yes the sounds objects are the things I was talking about. If you scroll through the options menu you can find Trigger Type: On Destruction. | 2010-07-27 11:41:00 Author: tanrockstan34 ![]() Posts: 1076 |
did u try putting the brain behind the creature? Well that wouldn't work. What if you wanted to have the creature in a single layer? Or what if the player was supposed to be able to walk past the creature? The player would become stuck on the brain if you just stuck it to the back of the creature. you could put the creature brain inside the creature and then cover it up That would work, although what if you still wanted to jump on it to detroy the creature? EDIT: Never Mind, why would you want to jump on it to destory it when you want it invisible anyway? So yeah, do that or just do the string attached to seperate brain thing and have a sound effect set to 'On Destruction' on it. | 2010-07-27 11:42:00 Author: Limesta- ![]() Posts: 559 |
Behind the creature wouldn't work because I want some people to walk past and inside is a hassle. The string thing wot work Dx. I might resort to small brains | 2010-07-27 19:07:00 Author: Jwei44 ![]() Posts: 46 |
ya just put it on the side and put something thin in front of it. | 2010-07-27 22:36:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
I seen someone who made the creature, opened a small hole inside it for the brain, and then covered it with thin layer material. | 2010-07-27 22:40:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
I seen someone who made the creature, opened a small hole inside it for the brain, and then covered it with thin layer material. I do that too, but if you want to edit the brain you have to cut out some of the material. It isn't much of an annoyance so you could just do that then. | 2010-07-28 09:55:00 Author: Limesta- ![]() Posts: 559 |
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