Invisible background on stickers
Archive: 12 posts
Hey , I've seen some pretty cool stickers where there is a see throguh background so you can place it on any material ( just like MM stickers ) . Does anyone have an idea of how on Little Big Planet you do this ??? ![]() | 2010-07-26 13:53:00 Author: G-Hustla ![]() Posts: 81 |
I dont know but i have heard it is fixed. I dont know if there is another way to do it though. So im useless if you want help with it. | 2010-07-26 13:54:00 Author: extreme2fl ![]() Posts: 86 |
Hey , I've seen some pretty cool stickers where there is a see throguh background so you can place it on any material ( just like MM stickers ) . Does anyone have an idea of how on Little Big Planet you do this ??? ![]() The only way to do this is with a texture glitch that occurs randomly. A material gains a black appearance, and when you take a photo of it with the in-game photo tool, the background of the photo is transparent | 2010-07-26 13:58:00 Author: Starchy ![]() Posts: 353 |
ive done this once or twice to make an invisible sticker what i did ( i think there is more ways to do it but this is the only way i know) is i took a white sticker in my pod and made it big so big it got invisible and then some and when i took a picture of my pod it was invisible i think if i fudge around with how big the sticker is you can get some things to show up. its hard but possible. | 2010-07-27 04:55:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
God , that sound confusing! I think I'll just cut-out a thin layer logo instead . ![]() | 2010-07-27 07:04:00 Author: G-Hustla ![]() Posts: 81 |
God , that sound confusing! I think I'll just cut-out a thin layer logo instead . ![]() yea it sorta is i would show u online but im on vacation =) and i cant =( | 2010-07-27 17:07:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
Hey , I've seen some pretty cool stickers where there is a see throguh background so you can place it on any material ( just like MM stickers ) . Does anyone have an idea of how on Little Big Planet you do this ??? ![]() It's a random profile glitch that nobody knows how to consistently reproduce. A material will glow black to whoever has the glitch, and the black material will not appear in photos. It will just be transparent. By moving logos or objects in front of the black material and taking a picture, you can make semi-transparent stickers. It's very rare, and it seems to be more common with slower and older PS3's. The reason there are a lot of transparent sticker levels is because of Creator_B. He once took requests. People were sending him objects and he was taking semi-transparent photos of them. ive done this once or twice to make an invisible sticker what i did ( i think there is more ways to do it but this is the only way i know) is i took a white sticker in my pod and made it big so big it got invisible and then some and when i took a picture of my pod it was invisible i think if i fudge around with how big the sticker is you can get some things to show up. its hard but possible. That makes a completely invisible photo, not a photo of an object with a transparent background. | 2010-07-27 18:15:00 Author: Incinerator22 ![]() Posts: 3251 |
It's a random profile glitch that nobody knows how to consistently reproduce. A material will glow black to whoever has the glitch, and the black material will not appear in photos. It will just be transparent. By moving logos or objects in front of the black material and taking a picture, you can make semi-transparent stickers. It's very rare, and it seems to be more common with slower and older PS3's. The reason there are a lot of transparent sticker levels is because of Creator_B. He once took requests. People were sending him objects and he was taking semi-transparent photos of them. That makes a completely invisible photo, not a photo of an object with a transparent background. oh ya i forgot about that i had a more reliable way to do it but still not very reliable =( but i had that happen. i was looking at an old level and all of the bombs glowed white so i took a pick to show ma fends and it was transparent! =O but i moved the bombs and it did not work anymore =( and i have not done it myself but one of my frends did have a partly invisible photo using what i said | 2010-07-27 21:13:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
ive done this once or twice to make an invisible sticker what i did ( i think there is more ways to do it but this is the only way i know) is i took a white sticker in my pod and made it big so big it got invisible and then some and when i took a picture of my pod it was invisible i think if i fudge around with how big the sticker is you can get some things to show up. its hard but possible. Interesting... I got to do some research on that method to see if I find some way to make it work... | 2010-07-27 22:44:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
i know it works but i might have missed a step or 2 | 2010-07-27 23:52:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
Woah ! I've started quite a disscussion here ! ![]() | 2010-07-28 13:57:00 Author: G-Hustla ![]() Posts: 81 |
i found out how to do and i don't recommend it ITS NOT WORTH IT!!! it works like Incinerator22 said. its not 100% going to work but if you have a lot of lights it might cause enough lag and make it work. and for me when i first got it it did not glow black (that not even possible lol black is the absence of color but i know what u mean) it was glowing white. | 2010-09-03 00:39:00 Author: slidedrum ![]() Posts: 189 |
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