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just something cool i made

Archive: 3 posts

ok i'm new to this and dont know how to do alot of stuff (like upload pics) but you can come check out the mechanized robot i made.
been working on making it better since i made it a long time ago.
just go check it out. mikemorsyl just something cool i made
2010-07-26 09:38:00

Unknown User

Sounds pretty cool but I'm sorta busy planning 5 games for LBP2 so......2010-07-26 12:22:00

Unknown User

Sounds cool, but if you want to upload pics just take 'em directly from LBP and export them to HD and later us a memory stick or flash to put them on your computer, if you dont have a memory stick use a psp.2010-07-26 17:43:00

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