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I made a Hind

Archive: 21 posts

Check out the level Mi-24 Hind if you want to see it in-game.






I call it my little pet hamster because it has cute chubby cheeks. <3
2010-07-23 15:18:00

Posts: 2454

I love it. You put a lot of time and effort into this i can see which resulted in an amazingly detail Helicopter!2010-07-23 16:12:00

Posts: 385

very nice work, but is it functional? even if it isn't its still an exceptional set piece. Bravo!2010-07-23 18:08:00

Posts: 255

Looks awesome. I really need to learn to do detail work like that on my vehicles.2010-07-23 18:42:00

Posts: 2188

Looks gorgeous! How many bars of thermo does it use?2010-07-23 18:44:00

javi haguse
Posts: 744

Amazing! The level of detail on this reminds me of the model kits I used to assemble as a kid, which might explain why I dig your creations so much. You've really got a knack for this.

Even the wheels have a great level of detail. :eek:
2010-07-23 23:19:00

Posts: 2536

Looks great! I love the way you used theck and thack layers.

The propellers, cammo, and shape are all perfect!
2010-07-23 23:35:00

Posts: 3251

OMG. The amount of detail you always put into your creations are just unbelievable.
Once again, marvelous job.
2010-07-24 05:07:00

Posts: 195

Thanks! I really appreciate it. <3

very nice work, but is it functional? even if it isn't its still an exceptional set piece. Bravo!
It isn't functional but Raduban is having a look at it to see if they can get it airborne.

Making something fly in LBP2 seems really easy to do from gevurah22's videos, so I might come back to this helicopter when LBP2 is released later in the year: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=28747

Looks gorgeous! How many bars of thermo does it use?
Around 2 bars I think. With logic, rockets and all that for flying it might come to just over a quarter.
2010-07-25 14:24:00

Posts: 2454

Wow! That is so awesome! My jaw has fallen to the floor...2010-07-26 15:49:00

Posts: 2979

Holy cow! With the direct control seat, you could make this thing shoot missiles and do barrel rolls!
Amazing work! If you do make levels, Id want to see that heli in a level of yours!
2010-07-26 15:57:00

Posts: 1990

2010-07-26 17:21:00

Posts: 192

I'm working on a rig that could be used to make it "fly". I've kind of gotten side tracked and left it unfinished but I bet it would work. I'll start a thread on my sea plane and post pics of the rig and how it works (or how it's sposed to).

edit: here it is (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31343-Sea-Plane&p=545424#post545424)
2010-07-26 17:27:00

Posts: 428

That's an awesome helicopter. Great job. If you go to my blog, you'll see that it's in my newest amazing objects post along with some other vehicles of yours.2010-07-27 01:43:00

Posts: 5208

that is insanely detailed!!!!!! words can not describe this masterpiece check out my ferrari and zonda aswell thanks2010-07-31 02:37:00

Posts: 338

Update that I've seen: Someone named raduban (who hasn't joined this fourm yet despite my yelling at him to do so) made a flying version. It's very cool. The front cockpit opens apart by stickering it. The top of it has driving controls. Leaning in either direction moves you left or right, and staying still makes it descend. The bottom part of the cockpit has a machine gun with the same kind of aiming mechanism. The side-door can open and close and hold more people. I personally tested it with raduban. He flew it, I controlled the machine gun, and two of my friends went in the cargo area behind the side door. It flies very smoothly.2010-07-31 04:52:00

Posts: 3251

The front cockpit opens apart by stickering it.

!!!! I can't believe I never thought of that! Anyway, sounds cool. Did he publish it (and get Ayneh's permission before doing so)? Sounds like it's worth checking out.
2010-08-01 04:09:00

Posts: 2188

!!!! I can't believe I never thought of that! Anyway, sounds cool. Did he publish it (and get Ayneh's permission before doing so)? Sounds like it's worth checking out.

It's not published yet, but I think it should be .

I'll talk to ayneh about it.
2010-08-01 07:50:00

Posts: 3251

Dude that helicopter is FREAKING AWESOME!!!!2010-08-01 07:54:00

Posts: 2442

Update that I've seen: Someone named raduban (who hasn't joined this fourm yet despite my yelling at him to do so) made a flying version. It's very cool. The front cockpit opens apart by stickering it. The top of it has driving controls. Leaning in either direction moves you left or right, and staying still makes it descend. The bottom part of the cockpit has a machine gun with the same kind of aiming mechanism. The side-door can open and close and hold more people. I personally tested it with raduban. He flew it, I controlled the machine gun, and two of my friends went in the cargo area behind the side door. It flies very smoothly.

Who says I haven't joined this forum , also I should say the Hind is a co-operation between me and SXS (Shadow-X-Soider).

!!!! I can't believe I never thought of that! Anyway, sounds cool. Did he publish it (and get Ayneh's permission before doing so)? Sounds like it's worth checking out.
No its not pubished yet and yes I did get ayneh's permission to make it fly. and like 22 said, we will talk about it.
2010-08-01 13:08:00

Posts: 23

Holy hell, that thing looks sweet. Nice work on that...2010-08-02 00:09:00

Posts: 68

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