PaintGun Invisibility help
Archive: 14 posts
I've looked all over this site, google and youtube but I couldn't find what I wanted.![]() So my question is: How do you make it look like you are getting the paintinator without seeing the base or the light without putting up something that blocks whats happening. I need to make it look like its coming from something else like a block. Or in my case a broken tube that spilling out green liquid in the form of glass and you fill your gun with this liquid ( not an actual animation of you filling your gone with the liquid just you getting the powerup). If anyone knows how to do this please explain it or if you know where to find how to do this could you put the link up? thx. | 2010-07-23 00:41:00 Author: IIIDevoidIII ![]() Posts: 86 |
Heyyy.... you stole my avatar... D:< | 2010-07-23 00:43:00 Author: illuminationx ![]() Posts: 860 |
I came back to this thread in hope of someone aswering my question and now I'm dissapointed. With your "accusation: it depends, when did you put your avatar up? I did it when I made my acc. | 2010-07-23 00:48:00 Author: IIIDevoidIII ![]() Posts: 86 |
Maybe tiny paintgun powerups? Or you can hide the paitgun behind scenery. | 2010-07-23 00:49:00 Author: gdn001 ![]() Posts: 5891 |
Oh.. sorry for the disappointment. I'll see if I can help you in anyway. And same here. Had this changed on the...day after I created this account. EDIT : And what gdn001 said. You can try to make it as small as possible, and have a REALLY thin piece of wood/material that would block the view of the gun. | 2010-07-23 00:50:00 Author: illuminationx ![]() Posts: 860 |
I used a different technique when hiding my paint gun - I got the idea from a level by sneakysteve. Have a look at my level Tunnel Vision (And I'm not just saying this to get plays by the way!), and you'll see a method I used. If you want to know how it works, and you're happy with that kind of design, just ask. Sorry, but it's the best suggestion I can come up with!![]() | 2010-07-23 01:02:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
I can't make it small enough so it doesn't have light and to make it invisible its too small too be practical. It is also impossible to hide behind scenery but thx for advice. I also can't put anything thin in front because of the room below it wouldget broken in the process. *sigh* And, illuminaznx since we put it there the day we made acc or slightly after we never really "stole it". I hope to get a better sig so I can get a better avatar when I'm fuzzball. Edit: lol you changed it for me illuminaznx just for me? Standby: Could you please explain? I won't be getting wifi anytime soon =( | 2010-07-23 01:03:00 Author: IIIDevoidIII ![]() Posts: 86 |
OT, but s'all good mate. I'm waiting for a drawing from a member on the forums, so it was gunna be changed anyway ![]() I just wanted to mess with ya ![]() Back on topic : In my opinion, you should just leave it as it is. Because it would be kinda freaky if you're walking around the level and all of a sudden you pick up an enhancement. | 2010-07-23 01:07:00 Author: illuminationx ![]() Posts: 860 |
Well thx for not being "mad" *wink, wink, nod nod* anyway it wo'nt fit with a ciil war era theme. | 2010-07-23 01:09:00 Author: IIIDevoidIII ![]() Posts: 86 |
I can't really explain it... basically a paintinator that is underneath the level on a piston (Flipper motion). It's on a one shot switch on a patch of grab material just above, so when you press the grab switch, the piston shoots the paintinator up and down very quickly, therefore arming your sackperson. Make sense? I'd have to show you but obviously that's not an option right now... I'll take an in game picture to show you what I mean - will post back here some point later on. ![]() | 2010-07-23 01:21:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
That makes perfect sense thx. I'd have to tweak it a little to fit but otherwie it'd work great. | 2010-07-23 17:33:00 Author: IIIDevoidIII ![]() Posts: 86 |
Awesome. Sorted, or do you still want me to show you in pictures? | 2010-07-24 16:54:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
I had to edit a whole ton of the level but it was worth not to have that ugly paintinator in there. Its all sorted now =) | 2010-07-24 23:19:00 Author: IIIDevoidIII ![]() Posts: 86 |
i think most people make a box delelte the inside, then cut out the bottom and put the paintanator in there, then get a thin square piece to to make it look like a regular box, but you make sure the bottom part of the power up is there soo people can still acess it. idk if that make's sense but i didn't know how to explain it very well. | 2010-07-24 23:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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