Is it possible to make the scoreboard bigger?
Archive: 5 posts
I think I saw in some lvl that the scoreboard was bigger than usual. how do i make the scoreboard bigger? | 2010-07-22 20:44:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
emitters. run the scoreboard through an emitter but resize it while erm.. designating the place to emit | 2010-07-22 20:50:00 Author: Kern ![]() Posts: 5078 |
emitters. run the scoreboard through an emitter but resize it while erm.. designating the place to emitoh so i just emit the scoreboard in a larger size? and then i capture it? if this is what i have to do then its easy ! but some stuff might happen like once i put the object somwhere it will dissapear...so do i have to put the emitter to infinite life time? | 2010-07-22 20:53:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
Yeah, just put the emmiter to infinite life time, and capture it for future use. If it's not set to infinite, it'll disappear when you place it. | 2010-07-22 21:01:00 Author: srgt_poptart ![]() Posts: 425 |
Yeah, just put the emmiter to infinite life time, and capture it for future use. If it's not set to infinite, it'll disappear when you place it.oh ok thats what i know ! thnx ! | 2010-07-22 21:17:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
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