CoD4 Multiplayer: Your Level
Archive: 3 posts
I know there's been a lot of talk about this game around the place, and I know a considerable ratio of members have it, but I don't know where people are as far as multiplayer goes. So, if you have CoD4, please post here, and what level (and/or prestige, if applicable) you are in multiplayer. If you want, you could post up your favorite custom class, or something else of the like. I'm level 50. No prestige levels. I wasn't incredibly into it as far as playing it hours long each day. But I'd play it quite often for pretty much the entire Summer, so I got to a respectable, though hardly notable, level, and play it from time to time, although Battlefield: Bad Company captures most of my FPS attention. Also, I've been using the M14. I just really like the gun. Really satisfying for kills, and takes some real skill to use. | 2008-10-14 01:01:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
I know there's been a lot of talk about this game around the place, and I know a considerable ratio of members have it, but I don't know where people are as far as multiplayer goes. So, if you have CoD4, please post here, and what level (and/or prestige, if applicable) you are in multiplayer. If you want, you could post up your favorite custom class, or something else of the like. I'm level 50. No prestige levels. I wasn't incredibly into it as far as playing it hours long each day. But I'd play it quite often for pretty much the entire Summer, so I got to a respectable, though hardly notable, level, and play it from time to time, although Battlefield: Bad Company captures most of my FPS attention. Also, I've been using the M14. I just really like the gun. Really satisfying for kills, and takes some real skill to use. Oh I can get hooked to COD4 but I went through a long time when I thought no to prestige but by then done it at the moment level 20 prestige once but not gonna do it again , tbh it's just a badge. My favorite gun/class , is probably the least used gun : the skorpion , and I'm deadly with it long range or short range , I love it. At the moment bandolier : for extra clips , UAV jammer : that ensures that no one can see me especially with the silencer I am un-spottable , And final deep impact to ensure quick deaths. Also desert eagle for my secondary weapon. | 2008-10-14 01:13:00 Author: Kyashu ![]() Posts: 447 |
I sold my CoD4 a good while back, but I think I was level 45. I liked the AK47.. cause you know, its the first assault rifle (I think) and everbody ditches it for the carbine, but I'm better with it. Something about having a slightly different play style then the majority just satisfies me. I also played with the G3C4 (Or whatever that gun is...) but mainly I stuck with the AK. I agree the skorpion is awesome but for some reason only on hardcore mode. I used to win them all the time.. ![]() | 2008-10-14 09:51:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
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