"Failed to Connect to Players" Error Message
Archive: 8 posts
I get this once a day or more...this is quite anoying,i wana play with friends but this keeps showing up for a few minutes,and then it fixes again automaticly. Will there be a update to fix this message stop showing up? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2010-07-22 04:45:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
not likely. updates don't help this problem. It is more to do with connectivity to the servers. If there is too much lost information when connecting into LBP sessions the connection attempt will fail. But it may not happen to all your friends, the connection between you and Joe may suffer less packet loss than between you and Bob. I believe it depends on traffic load on the web. If you have been experiencing it within the past hour and it has 'fixed itself' there is still a good chance that you will get "game disappeared" or some such message. Being in NZ (the end of the world) I get this a lot. I mean a LOT 50-60% at least. | 2010-07-22 05:45:00 Author: Strangepom ![]() Posts: 445 |
How's your internet connection? If you're getting a lot of bit errors, it can cause some nasty latency and prevent connections or make you drop connections. It can be especially nasty because your internet connection may seem perfect when you test it and then 10 minutes later a noise spike can screw everything up. Do you lose connections with other players pretty often or does it only seem to affect you when you're trying to connect in the first place? Do you ever have youtube or other streaming videos suddenly need to stop and buffer for a while? Is your ps3 hard-lined or wireless? Sorry, that's a lot of questions, but if you're having problems all over the net (not just lbp) then you may need to see about improving your connection. If you think that's your problem and you need any more info, let me know: I probably won't be able to do much, but I should at least be able to point you in the right direction (up until a few months ago I was a cable repairman and I was the best in my area at troubleshooting internet connections). You may also want to consider that it might be your friends' connections that are the problem. Most of my friends and I can connect pretty well, but there's one guy on my friend list that's always getting dropped. Do you run into connection problems with particular friends or with everybody? | 2010-07-22 05:53:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
oh ok , thnx guys | 2010-07-22 14:17:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
Yeah, internet connectivity. i had the same issue you and Strangepom have described and there were some friends that I could NOT connect to no matter how or when we tried. we even checked that we were on the same NAT region or signal or whatever it's called (and we were.. NAT 2).. THEN, we upgraded our wireless router to a new combined modem/router and moved it nearer to the ps3 and now I have no problems whatsoever (but the ps3 down the other end of the house can't pick up internet now). SOunds to me like you've got a wireless modem and router. Wireless is fraught with problems, but proximity can make a huge difference. | 2010-07-23 00:20:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
Not to mention the ps3's wireless doesn't work especially well: at least the early models (I haven't tried any others). Mine used to read 100% signal strength but I'd get less than a quarter the speed I should have been getting. Now I've got a line straight from the router to the ps3. | 2010-07-23 01:37:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Not to mention the ps3's wireless doesn't work especially well: at least the early models (I haven't tried any others). Mine used to read 100% signal strength but I'd get less than a quarter the speed I should have been getting. Now I've got a line straight from the router to the ps3.same here ! | 2010-07-23 04:21:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
Thanks to you guys I now know what my connection problems are too. I just hate seeing messages like "Game disappeared" and Failed to connect to players". | 2010-07-23 20:28:00 Author: siberian_ninja15 ![]() Posts: 444 |
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