The Party Wheel
Archive: 8 posts
The Party Wheelxero11215 A survival level, created by myself and my good friend darth-exis. It consists of a massive spinning wheel with various hazards within. Survive as long as you can! Side note: This is my first ever published LBP PS3 level. Please tell me what you think! | 2010-07-20 07:31:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
Hey, well I'd say thats not a bad go for your first level and a survival level. You had all the required stuff to make it fun. The most important thing you did right which many fail at is making the danger/rewards escalate. Thats a must for a good survival challenge. If you got time please try my "A Realm Forgotten" and leave a comment on my thread, Thanks! | 2010-07-25 07:35:00 Author: Lockstitch ![]() Posts: 415 |
Thanks for the feedback Lockstitch! I too have noticed the lack of escalating difficulties in survival levels among the community. This level started out as just me and him messing around, but we ended up liking the result and publishing it. Also, I left some feedback in your thread. Go check it out! | 2010-07-26 08:55:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
The level has been republished, meaning version 1.1 is now up. Please take the time to check out the great new changes! | 2010-08-13 06:48:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
I had fun! :o In a survival level!? What the? Reminiscent of the dreaded bunker wheel gameplay wise. Lovely colours. Weirdest thing was getting used to running left with the camera angle (I think I would like to play a flipped version, running right is the norm for western gamers.) The most annoying thing was how if you hit the side of the spike crusher you died, which I found unfair. Also took a while to start rotating. I got impatient on replays. There is a little cheat if you are patient enough, you can just hold onto the sponge, go round and round collecting points, but it's pretty slow. Did you try the music called "skipping syrtaki"? (the pic is 3 pillars) It's a fun song with a tempo that gets faster and faster, which might fit your level too. Some survivals have a music selection which is always a nice thing to have. F4F link (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=12795-F4F-quot-sound-n-space!-quot-An-experiment-in-navigating-via-sound-%28with-pictures!%29) | 2010-08-13 08:55:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
This level was fun.... Positives: +Very Unique +Fun +Obstacles +Way you designed it Overall Good Job::star::star::star::star: F4F my level Comix Zone: Night of The Mutants | 2010-08-13 18:53:00 Author: Sabre_ ![]() Posts: 653 |
Im not a big fan of survival levels, but I loved your PSP levels, so ill give it a try! | 2010-08-13 20:24:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
Firstly, I'd like to say thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it. New in 1.1 was the electric outline around the entire wheel, the lighting changes, the intro requiring you to press R1 to begin, increased size to the gas pit and the sponge swings over it, as well as slight speed modifications to the wheel's rotation and bubble emitter. In the 1.0 the wheel started almost right away, but due to the new modifications it seems it takes a second to start up. I'll address that for 1.2 immediately! Ah, the crusher. Quite dangerous, isn't it? Perhaps a little too dangerous, hm? More than once I've found myself victim to it's evil ways. I do agree with you, and I will stop it from killing players on the side when I get around to it. As for the camera angle and direction, it took me a while to get used to going from right to left as well. I just felt it was something that set it apart and made it different. Once you get past it, it's really not so bad... I promise! As for the "cheat", being able to hold onto the sponge... I knew there was a reason they weren't in the original version! I can't believe I didn't think of this before I republished it! I may keep them in anyway, just because they're really fun (and "cheating" requires a lot of patience and free time... it's not entirely a cheat if they still have to work hard, albeit in a different manner than originally intended). I'll add some... "preventative measures". I had thought of implementing a choice of music, but at this point, I'm not sure how it would fit in without redoing most of the wheel. Once again, thanks for your feedback everyone, and I'll play and review your levels right away. | 2010-08-14 04:46:00 Author: xero ![]() Posts: 2419 |
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