Need Sackboy with paintinator picture!
Archive: 1 post
Hey guys ![]() I'm after a pretty high res shot of Sackboy with a paintinator, preferably shooting it diagonally upwards. It needs to be a really simple image because I plan on it being painted on a black wall in white (so literally just the outline of Sackboy). (Or I guess this could just be done in photoshop?) If anyone knows of an image, (preferably renders from the release of the paintinator?) that would be awesome. http://www.threespeech.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/sackboy_blueprint_eu.jpg The sackboy in the left of that picture...that's the simple style that I want it in...but obviously with his feet in a running position and a paint gun in his hand shooting diagonally upwards ![]() If anyone has seen literally anything that or think think is could draw something close that would be amazing! ![]() Thanks! | 2010-07-19 20:51:00 Author: jackofcourse ![]() Posts: 1494 |
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