Johnny Got His Gun (Not a thread for people who like happy books)
Archive: 8 posts
Yeah, after I heard a lot of good stuff about this book, I decided to get it, and I don't regret that decision. It is literally one of the greatest books I have ever read. The book was banned during WWII due to being 'un-american' and Trumbo had to leave the country and write under a pseudonym. He was also a communist - How cool does this guy get? It's a pacifist novel by Dalton Trumbo, published in '39, two days after WWII started. It's about a soldier of the great war who loses his hearing, sight, speech, sense of smell, arms, legs, face, everything - apart from his sanity. In the book he slowly comes to realise the extent of his injuries, and spends the rest of his time trying to break through to communicate with his nurses. He originally wants them to kill him, but he changes his mind and asks for them to tour him around the country, showing him to normal people to warn them of the realities of warfare. It's a really eye-opening book and I know I certainly won't be enlisting any time soon. If you haven't read this book already, read it. Edit: Listen to this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzgGTTtR0kc), you won't regret it! Another edit, 'cos I'm cool like that: They were taking part of his bandages off. He could feel the coolness the sudden drying of sweat on his left side. They were working on his arm. He felt the pinch of a sharp little instrument grabbing something and getting a bit of his skin with each grab. He didn't jump. He simply lay there because he had to save his strength. He tried to figure out why they were pinching him. After each pinch there was a little pull in the flesh of his upper arm and an unpleasant point of heat like friction. The pulling kept on in short little jerks with his skin getting hot each time. It hurt. He wished they'd stop. It itched. He wished they'd scratch him. He froze all over stiff and rigid like a dead cat. There was something wrong about this pricking and pulling and friction heat. He could feel the things they were doing to his arm and yet he couldn't rightly feel his arm at all. It was like he felt inside his arm. It was like he felt through the end of his arm. The nearest thing he could think of to the end of his arm was the heel of his hand. But the heel of his hand the end of his arm was high high high as his shoulder. Jesus Christ they'd cut his left arm off. | 2010-07-19 18:01:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
"It was written by a communist, how cool does this guy get?" Thanks for giving me enough reason to ignore your thread completely. Fail politics is fail. *Throws thread into proverbial trash heap.* Edit: On second thought, maybe I'll check it out. If FDR hated it (it was banned for being un-American), there had to be some common sense there. God, I hate FDR. But, still, communism is a purely evil political philosophy, and I hope this book isn't preaching it - I get enough communist propaganda after ten seconds on Media Matters. | 2010-07-19 18:09:00 Author: Voltergeist ![]() Posts: 1702 |
You don't seriously think I am a communist? :L I know how bad it is, I just find the fact that the book is written by a communist funny. And it never mentions communism in the book, he only 'came out' as a communist in the 50s. | 2010-07-19 18:24:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
Metallica made a song about it - now that makes it cool. I've actually been meaning to read this, or at least watch the film, for about 5 years now (based upon numerous recommendations ... and I still haven't :blush: | 2010-07-19 18:39:00 Author: rtm223 ![]() Posts: 6497 |
Metallica made a song about it - now that makes it cool. I've actually been meaning to read this, or at least watch the film, for about 5 years now (based upon numerous recommendations ... and I still haven't :blush: I can't believe I forgot to mention that song. *Facepalm* | 2010-07-19 18:50:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
It sounds like it has a happy ending though =/. | 2010-07-19 19:41:00 Author: AbstractFlesh ![]() Posts: 837 |
Definitely sounds like a book I'd like. Does that make me weird? Maybe be a little. | 2010-07-19 19:52:00 Author: nitewalker11 ![]() Posts: 222 |
It sounds like it has a happy ending though =/. I don't want to spoil the story for anyone, but: They tell him that being shown around the country as a testament to the horrors of war are 'against regulations' and he spends the rest of his life as a vegetable, presumably going crazy. Definitely sounds like a book I'd like. Does that make me weird? Maybe be a little. No, it's a brilliant book. | 2010-07-19 20:09:00 Author: resistance1 ![]() Posts: 812 |
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