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Community Project- LBPC Chessboard 3! DONE, Final Image in First Post
Archive: 305 posts
Wow, you guys did that quickly O-o Completed: http://a.imageshack.us/img227/9143/pixelthingall.png Rules - You must fill 1 square. No more, no less. - If there is a gray outline around your box, you must fill it in (At the thicker edges of the grid, only draw on the inside pixel/s) - You must say when you are taking a turn, and when you have finished your turn. This is so other people know if they can have a go or not. - If you say you are taking a turn, but do not submit your piece within 2 hours, your turn is invalidated, and it goes onto the next person. - You can only say you're taking a turn AFTER the last person has posted their edit. - Try to make your piece fit in with any surrounding pieces. - PNG File Format only! (Important >=O) - Try to upload to somewhere such as tinypic if necessary. - Pixel art only. This means you can use MS Paint too. - Do not modify anyone else's block unless you have that person's permission. - If there's any confusion regarding the rules, just ask. The squares are deliberately small, so it's easier for the "less artistic" to join in too. - Basically, if you want a turn, just say you'll have one, then copy the previous image into your editing program and edit away. Don't forget to edit your post and put it in. - If someone has called a spot, then everyone else must wait for said sackperson to finish their square. However, if they take more then a few hours, then do not wait for them. - Only call a square if you are going to work on it RIGHT then. Do not hold anyone else up. :kz: Edited it a bit at the end, but yeah. Any questions? Old thread. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=5865-Community-Project-LBPC-Chessboard) Starting Square: http://i28.tinypic.com/n173a9.png rseah: 3 RockSauron: 3 UltimateClay: 2 CyberSora: 2 Snrm: 1 SR20DETDOG: 1 Doopz479: 1 Fastbro: 1 The Forgotten: 1 robotiod: 1 OneEyedBanshee: 1 moleynator: 1 Now, get cracking, LBPC :kz: | 2010-07-19 03:20:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
The return of Sage has reminded me of an awesome project from way back when, and it should return Copy pasted rules: Edited it a bit at the end, but yeah. Any questions? Old thread. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=5865-Community-Project-LBPC-Chessboard) Starting Square: http://i28.tinypic.com/n173a9.png Current Square: http://i28.tinypic.com/n173a9.png RockSauron: 1 Now, get cracking, LBPC :kz: I CALL SHOTGUN! (taking a turn) | 2010-07-19 03:27:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Called the next spot! working on it now EDIt ive been sniped, i guess i will get 3rd | 2010-07-19 03:27:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
4th omnomnomnom | 2010-07-19 03:30:00 Author: rseah Posts: 2701 |
http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard.png Here is my super awesome entry made of greasy bacon. Also, before Rock points it out, you cant take a turn until the previous turn is completed. Like mine is right now. | 2010-07-19 03:40:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
My turn!!!!!! Done ug i was too lazy to upload it to photobucket. Next time i will so its bigger on the forum. But it wont affect with you guys working on it | 2010-07-19 03:41:00 Author: Snrm Posts: 6419 |
Mine is done http://i25.tinypic.com/245x6dw.png | 2010-07-19 07:08:00 Author: rseah Posts: 2701 |
Interesting, however- Most of the fun of these Chessboards is to connect random pieces together. As such, do not just work on already existing spaces, but also work on spaces not connected. Then we'd need to connect them in ways of awesome. ... Yes. So next person, please do not make your square adjacent to the existing squares | 2010-07-19 12:56:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Why not finish the other one first? Almost done and looking good... http://i40.tinypic.com/290rnkm.png | 2010-07-19 13:01:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
Taking a turn! | 2010-07-19 13:01:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Why not finish the other one first? Almost done and looking good... http://i40.tinypic.com/290rnkm.png Because that was all done by people a long time ago, and I'd assume everyone would want to make a new one from scratch instead of continuing someone else's from eon's past? >_> | 2010-07-19 13:06:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Because that was all done by people a long time ago, and I'd assume everyone would want to make a new one from scratch instead of continuing someone else's from eon's past? >_> It hurts to stare at an unfinished project Also, there were a lot of veteran members who still visit that worked on it, and it'd be a shame to have their work go to waste. | 2010-07-19 13:09:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard2.png Is it a string? An energy beam a river? OR A TURKEY? So um yeah..my turn is over now. | 2010-07-19 13:10:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Well while the issue of which one to use is getting sorted I'm going to work on the new one. EDIT: Here you go, added a bit of abstraction in there for y'all. http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab311/SR20DETDOG/Other%20Junk/chessboard2.png | 2010-07-19 13:13:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
I call turn! EDIT: Finished! http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/2417/chessboard2.png Taste my lighting rseah! I end my turn. | 2010-07-19 13:18:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Alrighty, I is going next. I THINK I can fuse the two squares together- but everyone, please keep in mind not to go when someone alreadyc alled it and if you call it to go quickly. :kz: Edit: http://i25.tinypic.com/29o1sph.png | 2010-07-19 14:37:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
looks coolio! | 2010-07-19 15:49:00 Author: lightningbug1 Posts: 515 |
I'll have a go next! KTHXBAI. EDIT: http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af273/Doopz479/LBPCCHessboard.png NEXT! | 2010-07-19 17:29:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
My turn! http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/4143/lbpcchessboard.png End turn. | 2010-07-19 19:45:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
My turn next! EDIT: Done! http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/dfgdg.png | 2010-07-19 20:11:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
My Go! If I don't do it, I'll post here with my most sincere apologies... EDIT:Here it is! http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af119/TheForgotten-Jysgdcv/Chessboard.png | 2010-07-19 21:10:00 Author: The Forgotten Posts: 316 |
I will take a go then. http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss314/robotiod/Chessboard.png | 2010-07-19 23:16:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
I'll add something now! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/Chessboard.png | 2010-07-20 00:24:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
k im calling it after oneeyedbanshee http://i27.tinypic.com/21b9ma1.jpg | 2010-07-20 01:00:00 Author: rseah Posts: 2701 |
Took your time... http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard.png | 2010-07-20 01:02:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
lol shh, I swear I am the pickiest person ever! I must have done about 20 separate ones and thought meh then done something else lol. | 2010-07-20 01:07:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
lol shh, I swear I am the pickiest person ever! I must have done about 20 separate ones and thought meh then done something else lol. It said you called it 4 minutes ago so I though, "oh that won't be long." Then I made mine in about 5 minutes and waited about 20 odd minutes to post it. At least yours will be easier to join up. I made mine as difficult as I could. EDIT: Oh yeay, I sprited for about 2 years on and off so I got quite good. I lost a lot of talent since I stopped though. I have always wanted to start up again, but I don't know anyone that will do it with me. By that I mean real life people or people that I know well. | 2010-07-20 01:12:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
Eh, meh, I won't constantly update the first post with the current one. Too much work. <_< >_> But I'll still maintain the scoreboard. And I'm going next. :kz: Here it is! http://i29.tinypic.com/1zvy6pj.png Now I better do that thing for LBPC The Game... >_> /runs | 2010-07-20 01:14:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
Eh, meh, I won't constantly update the first post with the current one. Too much work. <_< >_> But I'll still maintain the scoreboard. And I'm going next. :kx: You might wanna add mine or Rseahs square to whichever one you copied. I kind of didn't know we could reserve places so I made it ready. :s | 2010-07-20 01:16:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
Well, too late for that... now. Anyone else wanna do it FOR me? Basically just copy them both to paint, and cut the missing one from rseah's into my latest one. Also... you want to sprite moley? ... rpgs require spriting... ... I wonder if Clay is still going to do that with me or if he's sitll ticked off I didn't like the LOSt finale O-o | 2010-07-20 01:29:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard-1.png There you go. Imma taking the next one too. | 2010-07-20 01:35:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
my turn!! http://i30.tinypic.com/2gufeyu.jpg EDIT: oops accidental invade o.o http://i31.tinypic.com/2yoeufd.png | 2010-07-20 01:41:00 Author: ViniciusBR11 Posts: 546 |
my turn!! http://i30.tinypic.com/2gufeyu.jpg EDIT: oops accidental invade o.o http://i31.tinypic.com/2yoeufd.png You muppet. Ive already called it. I'll add yours on... http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard-2.png | 2010-07-20 01:49:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
You muppet. Ive already called it. I'll add yours on... http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard-2.png oops srry e.e | 2010-07-20 01:54:00 Author: ViniciusBR11 Posts: 546 |
It's free for anyone to take over now. | 2010-07-20 02:06:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
I'm going to take another go http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss314/robotiod/chessboard-1.png Done | 2010-07-20 02:11:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
mine ima going now actually ehh pass my computer is being funny... | 2010-07-20 02:36:00 Author: rseah Posts: 2701 |
I call dibs after rseah! EDIT: Done! http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/5859/chessboard1.png Your turn! | 2010-07-20 02:54:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Taking a turn! Edit: http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard3.png | 2010-07-20 03:48:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
k im going after | 2010-07-20 03:50:00 Author: rseah Posts: 2701 |
Okay, then I go after rseah... again! | 2010-07-20 03:53:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
I made one but um yeah if one of you take the slot it's fine. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard1-2.png | 2010-07-20 04:13:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
No freaking way.... I call it after whomever called it last. | 2010-07-20 04:35:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
Where's rseah? I'm still waiting for him. :/ | 2010-07-20 06:30:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Where's rseah? I'm still waiting for him. :/ - If you say you are taking a turn, but do not submit your piece within 2 hours, your turn is invalidated, and it goes onto the next person. According to the rules you can actually go now since it's beeen 3 hours since rseah posted. | 2010-07-20 07:16:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
kk you guys can go then edit: done http://img697.imageshack.us/img697/3381/chessboard.png | 2010-07-20 08:01:00 Author: rseah Posts: 2701 |
I have no idea who is supposed to be going... So I added a square. http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard-3.png | 2010-07-20 11:42:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
OK TIMEOUT: You cannot request turns, you can only take turns when the previous turn holder has finished. If said turn holder doesnt post their entry in 2 hours, you can attempt to grab the turn again. No "I call turn after rseah!" or "I call turn after guy who called a turn after rseah!". This makes it a lot less confusing and for the greater good of mankind. | 2010-07-20 14:26:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Ok I shall add a square. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard-3.png | 2010-07-20 15:09:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
ME next turn! EDIT: Done: http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3381/chessboard.png NEXT! | 2010-07-20 15:29:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
My Turn! Again! EDIT: Here it is! It will be hard to put something next to it... http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af119/TheForgotten-Jysgdcv/Chessboard-1.png | 2010-07-20 16:16:00 Author: The Forgotten Posts: 316 |
I'm having next one! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/Chessboard-1.png | 2010-07-20 17:27:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4140/4812221263_d1c2805e65.jpg wormy thing | 2010-07-20 17:30:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
Wow, this is going well, apart from a certain part which I can't see fitting together at all... My turn now. EDIT: http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af273/Doopz479/LBPCCHessboard2.png I made an island (My go over) | 2010-07-20 17:55:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Mah turn EDIT: Bahaha, never mind. The computer's acting nutty. | 2010-07-20 18:19:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
Have it your way! I'ma make another now! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/LBPCCHessboard2.png Oh and I tweaked one of my tiles, I was in an uber rush because I had to collect my nephew like 2 mins later so I didn't notice a particularly rough edge | 2010-07-20 18:53:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Ill take next turn http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard4.png kthxbai | 2010-07-20 19:10:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Um.. I'm addicted, again! | 2010-07-20 19:18:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
I doneh oneh!!! (Human Talk: I done one!!! ) http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/9798/lbpcchessboard2.png EDIT: Uh oh ultimate clay sniped me I hope Rock can put them together. | 2010-07-20 19:20:00 Author: Jovuto Posts: 2345 |
Another note: Say your taking a turn before doing the puzzle, k? K. thx. bai. | 2010-07-20 19:29:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Ok I merged them. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/LBPCCHessboard2-3.png | 2010-07-20 19:41:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Mah turn!!1eleven! EDIT: Here you go: http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/4302/chessboardu.png | 2010-07-20 20:28:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
EDIT: Uh oh ultimate clay sniped me I hope Rock can put them together. Or someone else can. Or you can. It's your mess. You didn't read the rules. I'm not here to clean up after you. :kz: owait, didn't see taht wasn't last page.. ... /runs | 2010-07-20 20:52:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
owait, didn't see taht wasn't last page.. ... /runs http://superdestro.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/coice.gif | 2010-07-20 21:02:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/xdsxdasdasd.png New section done. | 2010-07-20 21:59:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
I'll be next! EDIT: @Fastbro, you edited an outdated picture! EDIT2: Nevermind, I added your square to the picture and also added mine: http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/3940/chessboardl.png | 2010-07-20 22:01:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I call turn! EDIT: Done! http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/3940/chessboardl.png I found a way to combine that purple thing with the desert section! And I end my turn. | 2010-07-21 00:14:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
taking a turn http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard5-1.png | 2010-07-21 01:16:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Okay, my turn. EDIT: Finished. http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/872/chessboard51.png I end my turn. | 2010-07-21 03:28:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Taking a shot again! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/LBPCCHessboard2-4.png | 2010-07-21 03:35:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Taking ANOTHER turn http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard6.png | 2010-07-21 03:48:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Im not working on this anymore. flamingemu saved it as jpeg and now the quality is messed up forever. :/ I hate working on jpeg'd things. | 2010-07-21 03:55:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
Im not working on this anymore. flamingemu saved it as jpeg and now the quality is messed up forever. :/ I hate working on jpeg'd things. So that's why the image size jumped and subtle colour differences popped up everywhere? I shall add another. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/LBPCCHessboard2-5.png | 2010-07-21 04:08:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Im not working on this anymore. flamingemu saved it as jpeg and now the quality is messed up forever. :/ I hate working on jpeg'd things. Wait, so that's why- Nevermind, Banshee said it. @flamingemu CURSES, BOY! READ THE FINE PRINT! -PNG File Format only! (Important >=O) | 2010-07-21 04:27:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
OK, I think my computer's recovered. Mah turn. EDIT: http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/Frinklebumper/LBPCChessboard2-1.png :kz: | 2010-07-21 04:35:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
I found a way to combine that purple thing with the desert section! And I end my turn. NOOOOO!!! Nice work though. Alrighty I'm all done http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab311/SR20DETDOG/LBPCChessboard2-1.png | 2010-07-21 07:01:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
I'm going. EDIT: Done! http://i30.tinypic.com/midzrn.png | 2010-07-21 09:18:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
It's meh turn! EDIT: Done! http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/8164/midzrn.png Sorry Sage, but I couldn't resist! | 2010-07-21 12:04:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Oh my I didn't realise this had started up again, I shall be contributing later today. | 2010-07-21 12:19:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
my turn now edit: Head asplodes http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss314/robotiod/chessboard-2.png | 2010-07-21 12:40:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
D: flaming emu ruined it? NO! Ok, everyone who posted a square AFTER flamingemu ruined it, your squares are now void, and we must do it all over again... IN PNG. IF we do not... then... ... uh... I can't do anything... but still, we must fix this | 2010-07-21 12:46:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
So what's actually wrong with it? | 2010-07-21 12:54:00 Author: SR20DETDOG Posts: 2431 |
The quality. When flamingemu saved it as something other then png, the quality of it all faltered. Which means that now it is all ruined. RUINED I TELLS YOU. So we must save the picture so it can return to it's glory! .. oh, btw, someone else here want to keep track of who does what and how many spaces? <_< >_> <_> | 2010-07-21 12:59:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
because everyone else saved in PNG the new boxes are safe, So I transfered all the new boxes into the pre Jpeg image, to get us back to the right quality. http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss314/robotiod/bob.png | 2010-07-21 13:09:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
I shall be doing the next then. Edit: There, i merged the high platform with the bottom part: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/6528/chessboardm.png | 2010-07-21 13:45:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
MYTUR EDIT: Done!! http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/6528/chessboardm.png Look at bottom left | 2010-07-21 15:57:00 Author: Jovuto Posts: 2345 |
Now me turn!!1!/onehundredandeleven/!11!! Here: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/3381/chessboard.png Cmon guys, let's finish it! | 2010-07-21 16:15:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Me again, and lol, didn't realise just how many little squares there is! Maybe not even half done XD. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboardm.png | 2010-07-21 16:25:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Me next!!! http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/lololololololololololo.png | 2010-07-21 16:39:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
I'll take another. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboardm-1.png | 2010-07-21 16:44:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Sorry Sage, but I couldn't resist! D: How could you?! | 2010-07-21 16:45:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
Ok, I'm going next :kz: http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/2417/chessboard2.png I have no idea what that thing is. D: | 2010-07-21 16:59:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
My turn now!!! http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/3381/chessboard.png Come on next! | 2010-07-21 17:15:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Fine, I'll do it! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboardm-2.png I tidied it up a bit further too, I noticed some areas with the jpeggy look to it so I cleaned up all the subtly different colours. Seems to have knocked a kb or so off lol. One other tiny bit I noticed was missing so I recopied that and edited to match colours. One other area I am unsure if the colour differences are intentional, but the bottom left. You can't see the differences on actual scale but zoomed in there is quite a few different tones, maybe that can be cleaned up too. | 2010-07-21 17:28:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Can I has turn? EDIT: *Waiting for OneEyedBanshee* EDIT2: just realized that reserving turns was forbidden... BUT I WAS SNIPED So that makes it ok Not really but I'm still doing it... EDIT3: whatever, I'll reserve it again... | 2010-07-21 17:28:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_71_kWayeQ1Q/R3KkchBIxSI/AAAAAAAAAB4/1i4GWYQ9DF0/s288/screen001.jpg @napero7, I think that reserving turns is forbidden at all. But you can call your turn when O.E.B is done. | 2010-07-21 17:36:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Ok, that makes sense... sniping is unfair F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5... EDIT: MY TURN NOW! EDIT2: http://i27.tinypic.com/2i8i1oj.jpg YAY! Now the skeleton has a futuristic tank. | 2010-07-21 17:38:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
Next next next! Done: http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/4969/chessboarda.png | 2010-07-21 17:56:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I'll think I'll take a turn. Edit: Done! http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad72/Sar150/chessboarda.png Death Star! | 2010-07-21 18:05:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
This is looking good | 2010-07-21 18:19:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
Maybe it might get finished this time. | 2010-07-21 18:22:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
I call turn! EDIT: Done. http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/4969/chessboarda.png And with that, I end my turn. | 2010-07-21 18:27:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
I call turn! | 2010-07-21 18:37:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
*comes to take a turn* *sees I got sniped AGAIN* http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/Tress85/fuuuuu.png | 2010-07-21 18:40:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
*comes to take a turn* *sees I got sniped AGAIN* http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/Tress85/fuuuuu.png I'm so adding that to the chessboard. | 2010-07-21 18:43:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/4315/pixelthing.png Next next next! | 2010-07-21 18:56:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
i call a turn! | 2010-07-21 18:58:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
******!!!!!!!!! Whenever I come here someone's already taken the next turn! | 2010-07-21 19:04:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
******!!!!!!!!! Whenever I come here someone's already taken the next turn! It's because I'm more awesome, than you | 2010-07-21 19:08:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
I call turn! EDIT: I cant see your pic Cowboy :S oh well I just take the url and continue | 2010-07-21 19:29:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
Done. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4142/4815485615_ba6b44e84e.jpg next one! EDIT: sorry CrazeAlec flickr has a new design so i used wrong url xD | 2010-07-21 19:30:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
Ok I see now I call turn for real! EDIT: Done http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/728/pixelthing2.png Next! | 2010-07-21 19:31:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
I call turn! EDIT: http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/Frinklebumper/LBPCChessboard3.png | 2010-07-21 19:39:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
turn! !!!!!!!! EDIT: SNIPED | 2010-07-21 19:40:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
turn! !!!!!!!! EDIT: SNIPED Man, this is probably a new record for you, huh? | 2010-07-21 19:41:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
It's my turn now! EDIT: looks like smelling cowboy saved his version as jpg... I'll try to fix it, I'm sure it's possible EDIT2: It's now fixed, I tried to recreate the part in smelling cowboy's pic that looked compressed, and then copypasted in the 2 new ones that were png so the actual square was fine... now on to my own square. EDIT3: http://i28.tinypic.com/nbf79h.png | 2010-07-21 20:14:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
Woah, you guys are working fast O-o ... Anyone here want to make a scoreboard of who did what square/ who did how many squares? It's getting to be too much for me XD Though I haven't done that for a few days, but eyah. And it's looking ;o | 2010-07-21 20:54:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
actually, I DID save it as a PNG. so, don't know what happened there :S | 2010-07-21 20:55:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
You must have mistakenly saved it as jpeg because if we go to save it it says jpeg, yet everyone elses says png. Anywho, I'll add another! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboardm-3.png | 2010-07-21 21:03:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
You must have mistakenly saved it as jpeg because if we go to save it it says jpeg, yet everyone elses says png. Anywho, I'll add another! maybe flickr changed it :S | 2010-07-21 21:07:00 Author: flamingemu Posts: 1872 |
My turn! Finally! http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af273/Doopz479/lbpc3.png | 2010-07-21 21:20:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Does anyone know what the purple is? That's one area I would like to see finished but genuinely have no idea what's going on lol. The brown and black below I take as a city silhouette, can't be sure though. R4 and R5 =? | 2010-07-21 21:31:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
My! My! Meu! Turn!! Here: http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1815/chessboardf.png | 2010-07-21 21:44:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Gah, what the heck. I'll take another turn. http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee117/Frinklebumper/LBPCChessboard4.png The second star to the right... | 2010-07-21 21:57:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
Wow this is looking great, I don't think an image has ever been edited on this many computers, I'm probably going to take another turn later but I'll leave it to others for now. Its a shame the other chessboards didn't get finished, but they never had this many contributers either. | 2010-07-21 22:17:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
Nother turn EDIT: http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard7.png Its a um..portal thingy. | 2010-07-21 22:19:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
My turn!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7.png Clay even though the colours don't seem right for it I looked at it as an aurora. But um yah, the sky in that area is a bit crazy! | 2010-07-21 22:35:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Scoreboard (including Banshee's unfinished turn): RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 7 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 7 Doopz479: 3 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 12 moleynator: 3 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 8 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 2 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 1 napero7: 2 Starchy: 1 CrazeAlec: 2 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 | 2010-07-21 22:43:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Oh shi.. wha!? 12? really? woo, I have done 12th of the board lol | 2010-07-21 22:51:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
In order OneEyedBanshee: 12 gdn001: 8 CyberSora: 7 UltimateClay: 7 RockSauron: 4 Doopz479: 3 Fastbro: 3 Frinklebumper: 3 moleynator: 3 robotiod: 3 rseah: 3 CrazeAlec: 2 Joruto: 2 napero7: 2 SR20DETDOG: 2 The Forgotten: 2 flamingemu: 1 Sage: 1 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 Snrm: 1 Starchy: 1 ViniciusBR11: 1 EDIT: Oh btw, my turn. | 2010-07-21 22:51:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
I see I am in fourth place. How..dissapointing | 2010-07-21 22:57:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I am curious are we going to incorporate FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU?! I think it needs at least 4 squares to look recognisable, there is only 1 9 square slot left if Napero doesn't take one in his turn. | 2010-07-21 23:02:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Actually you are on third, with CyberSora. http://i29.tinypic.com/ubtp2.png THE TREE IS ON FIRE ZOMG! | 2010-07-21 23:03:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
My turn zomg | 2010-07-21 23:03:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Oh noes! Fiyah! Imma steal another slot! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/Tress85/fuuuuu.png | 2010-07-21 23:04:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
OneEyedBanshee: 12/144 gdn001: 8/144 CyberSora: 7/144 UltimateClay: 7/144 RockSauron: 4/144 Doopz479: 3/144 Fastbro: 3/144 Frinklebumper: 3/144 moleynator: 3/144 robotiod: 3/144 rseah: 3/144 CrazeAlec: 2/144 Joruto: 2/144 napero7: 2/144 SR20DETDOG: 2/144 The Forgotten: 2/144 flamingemu: 1/144 Sage: 1/144 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 /144 Snrm: 1/144 Starchy: 1/144 ViniciusBR11: 1/144 Total: 71/144 EDIT: wow sniped umm.. feel free to copy and update this. | 2010-07-21 23:08:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard8.png :awesomefaic: | 2010-07-21 23:18:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
My turn agaiN!!!!!!!!!!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-1.png | 2010-07-21 23:20:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
My turn agaiN!!!!!!!!!!!! You've already done like 12 D: Raspberries suck! | 2010-07-21 23:22:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
I claim a turn. I deserve at least one. EDIT: Never mind. | 2010-07-21 23:25:00 Author: Arkei Posts: 1432 |
I claim a turn. I deserve at least one. BANSHEE is doing one, you need to wait for him to be done | 2010-07-21 23:27:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
You've already done like 12 D: Raspberries suck! Hahaha, Alec you do realise what you just whispered? I win! Oh and yeah I shall leave it a bit now for others to do some, I have another pic to be taking care of right about now! Before I go got a suggestion. It says in the rules we can edit others tiles if given permission to do so. There is a little bit next to Doopz gunman, now I dunno what that sky/ground/ is doing there? I think it would look better if it was moved left so it looked like it was pouring out of the tube. Just my thought, do with it what you will! Or I might steal a slot and do it! | 2010-07-21 23:40:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
So what's happening atm then??? As OEB has only just posted the pic does that mean I can go now as I've just done it, but if Arkei is doing one atm then I'll wait to copy mine into theirs ????? | 2010-07-21 23:46:00 Author: dorien Posts: 2767 |
I think we should let Arkei do one now... EDIT: or whoever hasn't done one (or 13... not looking at anyone here) yet | 2010-07-21 23:48:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
I'm not doing mine, because there's really nothing I can do with the awful Win7 paint. Maybe later. | 2010-07-21 23:48:00 Author: Arkei Posts: 1432 |
ok mines done anyhoo, so I'll post in 2 mins EDIT: Here you go.... Had a go at sorting that pink mess out lol http://i176.photobucket.com/albums/w197/dorien360/chessboard7-1dorien.png | 2010-07-22 00:00:00 Author: dorien Posts: 2767 |
Mah turn. EDIT: http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad72/Sar150/chessboarda-1.png | 2010-07-22 00:02:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
Ok I'll take a turn Just kidding | 2010-07-22 00:02:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
I can't resist! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-2.png | 2010-07-22 00:29:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
i can't resist! omg noooooooooooo D: | 2010-07-22 00:32:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
Me please Don't worry guys! I'm hard at work... I'm just slower.. http://i28.tinypic.com/2h3rn2u.png Sorry, sorry! But there it is! | 2010-07-22 00:36:00 Author: piggabling Posts: 2979 |
The next one is for this banana http://hometowncolumbia.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/banana1.jpg ...which also means that it's mine! EDIT: http://i30.tinypic.com/2e0jqtz.png | 2010-07-22 01:15:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
MAI TURN!!! Heh... heh... | 2010-07-22 01:22:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
65 tiles left, that means well over half way there. edit: 64 | 2010-07-22 01:24:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
http://i29.tinypic.com/1zft084.png Taddaaaa | 2010-07-22 01:44:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
Me again!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: http://i26.tinypic.com/wlsmky.png | 2010-07-22 01:47:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
I'll take another turn. EDIT: Never mind, someone else can go. | 2010-07-22 01:56:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
Good one Napero Ok my turn again so..! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-3.png | 2010-07-22 01:57:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Aww I was going to... well I'm going to sleep so OneEyed can do 10 more during the night... (or what's left of it, it's 4:30 here) | 2010-07-22 02:30:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
There is still time! | 2010-07-22 02:39:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
I'll go again... | 2010-07-22 02:51:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
Score so far including Sage's unfinished request: RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 8 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 7 Doopz479: 3 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 15 moleynator: 3 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 8 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 2 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 3 napero7: 5 Starchy: 2 CrazeAlec: 2 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 dorien: 1 piggabling: 1 | 2010-07-22 02:54:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Wootz! http://i31.tinypic.com/ezpuog.png I've contributed only 3 times?!? Gotta step up my spam game... | 2010-07-22 02:59:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
Ill go I guess Here you go: http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard9.png Awesomefaic: Completed | 2010-07-22 03:01:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I shall go again! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-4.png | 2010-07-22 03:13:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/2417/chessboard2.png http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/3381/chessboard.png Woah, woah, woah... I had thought it got darker... | 2010-07-22 05:18:00 Author: Sage Posts: 2068 |
My turn!! poo! EDIT: All done!! http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/300/chessboard74.png | 2010-07-22 07:07:00 Author: Jovuto Posts: 2345 |
My turn! http://i28.tinypic.com/epnk7q.png Those whom remember, nice one. | 2010-07-22 08:27:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
my turn! EDIT:done! http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4120/4817260565_f805290e85.jpg next one! EDIT 2: oh sorry | 2010-07-22 09:28:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
my turn! EDIT:done! http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4120/4817260565_f805290e85.jpg next one! Try saving it properly next time. We can't use this. SAVE AS PNG!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 2010-07-22 10:09:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
Since smelling has saved as a jpeg, give him 1 hour to correct it or someone go from the previous picture. | 2010-07-22 10:18:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
My turn! http://i28.tinypic.com/epnk7q.png Those whom remember, nice one. Sorry if I am double posting, but im using an awful computer!! Chez! I remember. I love chessboards. I call next turn? Well if he needs to do it again he can add it to this. http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard-4.png | 2010-07-22 10:27:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
My turn! EDIT: Done! http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/6004/chessboard4.png Space Invaders FTW! | 2010-07-22 12:00:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
My turn! W00t! Did anyone notice I fixed up a few colours when I had my last turn? http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af273/Doopz479/lbpchessboard.png | 2010-07-22 13:05:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Turn. Edit: http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr79/UltimateClay/chessboard10.png | 2010-07-22 14:20:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Okay, my turn. EDIT: Finished. http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/1793/chessboard10.png I end my turn. | 2010-07-22 14:36:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
My turn! Yay! Be back soon! EDIT: http://i30.tinypic.com/1zal5j.png Done! This is so fun! End turn | 2010-07-22 14:52:00 Author: piggabling Posts: 2979 |
I call Mom Turn! EDIT: Done: http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/8277/pixelthing3.png Next! | 2010-07-22 16:26:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
Ok, can someone edo the Chaz thing (the random pink blob in the upper right) It just doesn't blend in at all. D: | 2010-07-22 16:40:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I call turn! Next person can edit the pink blob, because I can't be bothered. EDIT: Naughty Alec went slightly over the line. Tsk tsk. I'll fix that. EDIT #2: http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af273/Doopz479/lbpcchessboard4.png Hooray for badly drawn Kirby who I've just realised has no arms! EDIT #3: I've also just noticed either paint or photobucket (probably paint) glitched and cut a tiny bit of the edge to the right, not sure if anyone wants to fix that. If you must, just don't use mine. | 2010-07-22 16:44:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Back to steal a slot! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-5.png I re added smelling cowboys piece, tweaked some colour stuff, added a piece of course and um yeah I wasn't sure what was wanted to be done with the pink head in the upper right so I left it.. Doopz you can edit teh kirby to have arms if you want. Oh I moved that thing I mentioned to the tube so it looks like it's pouring out, can be easily undone if wanted but yeah. I will leave it to ya'll for now! | 2010-07-22 17:02:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Back to steal a slot! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH | 2010-07-22 17:04:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
All in favour of this being OEB's last turn, say aye. Aye! | 2010-07-22 17:07:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Aye. Doopz had my under gun hold D: And I call turn! Edit: http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3946/pixelthing4.png Next! | 2010-07-22 17:24:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
I go now! http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/3381/chessboard.png | 2010-07-22 17:37:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I'll take a turn nao. EDIT: http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad72/Sar150/chessboarda-2.png Done! | 2010-07-22 17:53:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
Ok, can someone edo the Chaz thing (the random pink blob in the upper right) lol, it had me laughing. chaz's legacy continues Oh, and like the shoop da woop, smiley face, and other crazy things fit in | 2010-07-22 18:01:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
Ok, can someone edo the Chaz thing (the random pink blob in the upper right) It just doesn't blend in at all. D: .......... lol, it had me laughing. chaz's legacy continues Oh, and like the shoop da woop, smiley face, and other crazy things fit in | 2010-07-22 18:03:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
I like the chaz thing It looks funneh! | 2010-07-22 18:10:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
Mah turn. | 2010-07-22 18:28:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
*Waits patiently...* | 2010-07-22 18:34:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
42 squares left. | 2010-07-22 18:40:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
Score (including Bumper's unfinished request) RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 5 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 17 moleynator: 4 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 9 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 4 Sage: 3 napero7: 5 Starchy: 3 CrazeAlec: 4 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 | 2010-07-22 18:59:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
You have to keep the pink thing! It may not fit in perfectly, but it's a symbol of someone's work! Every square, no matter what, is part of our community's chessboard! Thanks for the update too, Clay | 2010-07-22 19:14:00 Author: piggabling Posts: 2979 |
I like the chaz thing It looks funneh! It's called a Puddloflaj. http://www.flanimal.com/images/flanimals_puddloflaj_illustration.jpg I might do a square for this eventually. It's looking great! | 2010-07-22 19:15:00 Author: Rhys125 Posts: 841 |
It's called a Puddloflaj. http://www.flanimal.com/images/flanimals_puddloflaj_illustration.jpg I might do a square for this eventually. It's looking great! There was a member called chaz that had that as an avatar, that's why I said chaz thing, lol. | 2010-07-22 19:23:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
Gah, sorry! My computer crashed a few minutes after I said I was going to take a turn. Someone else can go. | 2010-07-22 20:05:00 Author: Frinklebumper Posts: 941 |
Score (including Bumper's unfinished request) RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 5 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 17 moleynator: 4 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 9 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 4 Sage: 3 napero7: 5 Starchy: 3 CrazeAlec: 4 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 You forgot me. (I did the Chaz O'Skulls memorial) | 2010-07-22 20:14:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 5 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 17 moleynator: 4 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 9 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 3 napero7: 5 Starchy: 3 CrazeAlec: 4 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 Boomy: 1 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 Updated! | 2010-07-22 20:17:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 5 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 17 moleynator: 4 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 9 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 3 napero7: 5 Starchy: 3 CrazeAlec: 4 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 Boomy: 1 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 Updated! I get to manage the list | 2010-07-22 20:25:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I get to manage the list I made you focus on the list so I could: I call turn! EDIT: http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/9014/pixelthing5.png next! | 2010-07-22 20:27:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
i get to manage the list i made you focus on the list so i could: I call turn! Owned!! | 2010-07-22 20:32:00 Author: Jovuto Posts: 2345 |
The problem with the Chaz thing is the same problem with the Chaz thing from before- it doesn't blend in with the other squares. There is no blending from space to a pink blob, it just is there, and the picture as a whole suffers for it. Remove it now, or face BANHAMMAH :kz: ... or the deletion of this thread. ... Yesh. :kz: | 2010-07-22 20:34:00 Author: RockSauron Posts: 10882 |
I call a turn ! EDIT: More Chaz XD http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/LBPCChessboard-1.png Just kidding... real one coming soon. Edit: Real one down below. | 2010-07-22 20:37:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
My turn!!!!1! | 2010-07-22 20:46:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I call a turn ! EDIT: More Chaz XD http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/LBPCChessboard-1.png Just kidding... real one coming soon. We should rename this thread, "Community Project- LBPC Chazboard 3" | 2010-07-22 20:46:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
I call a turn ! EDIT: More Chaz XD http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/LBPCChessboard-1.png Just kidding... real one coming soon. Wait... YOU FOOLED ME!!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/Tress85/fuuuuu.png (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v429/Tress85/fuuuuu.png) I already edited that pic lol. | 2010-07-22 20:54:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/LBPCChessboard-2.png Here ... A river peanut. | 2010-07-22 21:00:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
Is this blended enough Rock? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/Donotusethischessboard.png It's a trap! Don't use this chessboard! We should rename this thread, "Community Project- LBPC Chazboard 3" As you wish... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/Chezzboard.png | 2010-07-22 21:02:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Is this blended enough Rock? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/Donotusethischessboard.png It's a trap! Don't use this chessboard! As you wish... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/Chezzboard.png http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/2985/susto.gif EDIT: I think this "Chaz" thing killed the topic | 2010-07-22 21:10:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Wait... no one has the turn? I'll take it! EDIT: http://i27.tinypic.com/md2q2a.png I fixed a lot of stuff here, the lazor looked a little odd on the new square, then I did that rainbow and fixed on it on my old square, too, so now it looks great. | 2010-07-22 22:53:00 Author: napero7 Posts: 1653 |
Ok, then i'll go next. EDIT: I'm going to edit the rainbow corner so the green side merges with the maroon side. http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/3381/chessboard.png If anyone wants to improve the color transition between the dark green and maroon (over the rainbow), feel free, you got a blank check | 2010-07-22 23:03:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
I'll take another turn. EDIT: Done, finally. http://i923.photobucket.com/albums/ad72/Sar150/chessboarda-3.png | 2010-07-22 23:41:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
Scores (cluding Starchy's unfinished request) RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 5 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 2 robotiod: 3 OneEyedBanshee: 16 moleynator: 4 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 10 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 3 napero7: 6 Starchy: 4 CrazeAlec: 5 Smelling-Cowboy: 1 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 Boomy: 1 Incinerator22: 1 | 2010-07-22 23:57:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I'll do the next one. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3940/chessboardg.png | 2010-07-23 00:39:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Meee turn! http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af273/Doopz479/lbpchessboardzmg.png Hmm... that castle is strangely bigger on the right then it is on the left! | 2010-07-23 00:48:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
I'll take a turn. EDIT: http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/255/dfgdfgd.png | 2010-07-23 01:12:00 Author: Arkei Posts: 1432 |
I call turn. | 2010-07-23 02:10:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Fine I shall do 1 more if you demand it! XD http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-6.png | 2010-07-23 06:08:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Ok I'm taking a go. http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss314/robotiod/chessboard-3.png | 2010-07-23 07:38:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
The problem with the Chaz thing is the same problem with the Chaz thing from before- it doesn't blend in with the other squares. There is no blending from space to a pink blob, it just is there, and the picture as a whole suffers for it. Remove it now, or face BANHAMMAH :kz: ... or the deletion of this thread. ... Yesh. :kz: And your telling me the bright yellow smiley in the cave or the shoop-de-woop or the awesome smiley in space do fit in? | 2010-07-23 09:00:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
Scores (cluding Starchy's unfinished request) .... Smelling-Cowboy: 1 .... I have 2 acctualy because OneEyedBanshee was so kind to put my picture back in because i saved it as an .jpeg THX OneEyedBanshee | 2010-07-23 09:52:00 Author: Smelling-Cowboy Posts: 668 |
I call a turn http://i997.photobucket.com/albums/af98/HumveeMaster/LBPCChessboard-3.png Look at the orange L. Perhaps it wants to spell LBPC? | 2010-07-23 11:59:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
My Go... EDIT: Done! What could that Blue thing be? http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af119/TheForgotten-Jysgdcv/Chessboard-2.png I think I'm getting better at this... | 2010-07-23 12:27:00 Author: The Forgotten Posts: 316 |
After the forgotten finishes there will be 30 squares left. | 2010-07-23 12:34:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
Score: RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 6 Fastbro: 3 The Forgotten: 3 robotiod: 4 OneEyedBanshee: 17 moleynator: 4 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 11 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 3 napero7: 6 Starchy: 4 CrazeAlec: 5 Smelling-Cowboy: 2 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 Boomy: 1 Incinerator22: 2 Arkei: 1 I don't think Ill be doing this anymore. Letting other people have their turns. | 2010-07-23 13:49:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
I shall go next! EDIT: Look at the orange L. Perhaps it wants to spell LBPC? I think it does: http://img833.imageshack.us/img833/3381/chessboard.png | 2010-07-23 13:49:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
29 out of 44 left. :o This one didn't take very long. I'll take a turn! http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn95/molejack/chessboard-5.png 28 left now! | 2010-07-23 14:49:00 Author: moleynator Posts: 2914 |
I shall fill a gap. THIS IS THE ACTUAL PICTURE: http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/442/chessboardy.png -------------------------------- EDIT: Is it me or the picture got darker? http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/9014/pixelthing5.png http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/442/chessboardy.png | 2010-07-23 15:12:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
Yeh it definitely has.. Uh oh | 2010-07-23 15:21:00 Author: Boomy Posts: 3701 |
Ok I call a turn I shall fix teh LBPC logo! And um yeah, how the heck did it get THAT dark? It appears to have happened very gradually, so I dunno what is going on! | 2010-07-23 15:21:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
I was planning on making a square that said W, to spell LBW (Little Big Worksop), as another joke, but then make the real one. I'm too late . Anyway, I made the L orange because it's orange in the logo. The other letters should have different colors. I copied the exact color from the logo itself in the top-left of the page. | 2010-07-23 15:43:00 Author: Incinerator22 Posts: 3251 |
The dark version looks meh D: | 2010-07-23 15:49:00 Author: Alec Posts: 3871 |
I'll take a turn. /OEB sniped | 2010-07-23 16:04:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Cyber I am going! I fixed the LBPC logo colour cin and also I am trying to fix the brightness. believe me over time this thing has darkened viciously. Going back as far as I can to get right colours but um yah. some I might just not be able to match because they've been darker for so long now. Anyway I am nearly done, bare with me! Little while longer I found a version so bright it'd melt your eyes! Just trying to match up | 2010-07-23 16:06:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
Cyber I am going! I fixed the LBPC logo colour cin and also I am trying to fix the brightness. believe me over time this thing has darkened viciously. Going back as far as I can to get right colours but um yah. some I might just not be able to match because they've been darker for so long now. Anyway I am nearly done, bare with me! Oh God dang it man! You should have told me this before I started to edit the picture myself! So... yeah... I'm just going to delete the changes now. | 2010-07-23 16:25:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
Oh God dang it man! You should have told me this before I started to edit the picture myself! So... yeah... I'm just going to delete the changes now. He did clearly post | 2010-07-23 16:37:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
He did clearly post He said he was fixing the logo. I was fixing the brightness. BUT, he didn't tell me he was also fixing the brightness, too. So yeah, I've been sniped again by the "Evil Eye". | 2010-07-23 16:44:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD! D: I was working away I swear so close to getting it right again and guess what? POWER CUT! I hadn't saved in a while, NOES!!! I shall see where it's at but um yeah, my morale has hit the floor lol ZOMG! it's bad, REALLY bad, feck! | 2010-07-23 17:01:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDD! D: I was working away I swear so close to getting it right again and guess what? POWER CUT! I hadn't saved in a while, NOES!!! I shall see where it's at but um yeah, my morale has hit the floor lol ZOMG! it's bad, REALLY bad, feck! CURSES! YOU MADE ME DELETE EVERYTHING! So, who's going to fix it now? | 2010-07-23 17:25:00 Author: CyberSora Posts: 5551 |
I am still lol it'd take more than a power cut to stop me! Like maybe the computer exploding.. well here is an update. I just have to do the bottom left I think. You can see the difference I pasted a couple like mario. I just have to hand paint in the rest of new ones. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-7.png __________________________________________________ ___________ Final updated: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-8.png The brighter bg colours mess with how much some things stand out so tweaking is yet to be done. I'll let everyone decide what the best course of action is though. Area just above tank skeleton isn't adjusted but whoever edits that area can adjust it easy enough. Hopefully it won't get any darker but we have this one to fall back on at least | 2010-07-23 17:30:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
I take turn!! | 2010-07-23 17:33:00 Author: Jovuto Posts: 2345 |
I take turn!! The image isn't ready yet. | 2010-07-23 17:34:00 Author: robotiod Posts: 2662 |
The image isn't ready yet. Yes it is. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-7.png | 2010-07-23 17:45:00 Author: Doopz Posts: 5592 |
Me, me, me!!! EDIT: Done... http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k294/thedoctorwho/y67uuuj6uuyyyyyy-1.png | 2010-07-23 17:47:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
Yes it is. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-7.png No, OEB's still working on it. He just put that there to show progress. | 2010-07-23 17:48:00 Author: Starchy Posts: 353 |
lol Sorry for the confusion! I'm done with it now just scroll up a few or um if your too lazy Before and after to appreciate just how freakin' dark it got! http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/442/chessboardy.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v239/Almwitch05/chessboard7-10.png Edit: also just got McD's! I'm happy again Edit: Added yours Fastbro | 2010-07-23 17:52:00 Author: OneEyedBanshee Posts: 1370 |
confusion like this is hard for the scroing But yeah, incase anyone is wondering, heres the score. MAY be off a little due to this darkeneded thing, so sorry. RockSauron: 4 UltimateClay: 10 Snrm: 1 rseah: 3 SR20DETDOG: 2 CyberSora: 9 Doopz479: 6 Fastbro: 4 The Forgotten: 3 robotiod: 4 OneEyedBanshee: 18 moleynator: 5 ViniciusBR11: 1 gdn001: 13 flamingemu: 1 Joruto: 3 Frinklebumper: 3 Sage: 3 napero7: 6 Starchy: 4 CrazeAlec: 5 Smelling-Cowboy: 2 dorien: 1 piggabling: 2 Boomy: 1 Incinerator22: 2 Arkei: 1 | 2010-07-23 18:24:00 Author: Testudini Posts: 3262 |
Wowzers! It got REALLY dark! Thanks for doing this OneEye! | 2010-07-23 18:26:00 Author: Fastbro Posts: 1277 |
The I'll do the next HERE: http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/3381/chessboard.png | 2010-07-23 19:09:00 Author: gdn001 Posts: 5891 |
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