My Personal Pet Experience
Archive: 17 posts
I know there is a thread similar to this one, but this one isn't based on just pictures. I am using this thread to tell about my past with pets, and nearing the end I get very emotional, and felt that they deserved to get a thread all their own. I realize this is very long, as I have put a great deal of effort into writing it, but I would greatly appreciate it if you took the time to read the entire things, as it can tell you a thing or two about who I really am, and it is very special and meaningful to me. I currently own no pets, as I have had a bad history with them: Dog - I had it at a very young age. - I don't know its name or gender, in fact, I don't remeber it at all. Apparently it was hit by a car which caused its death upon impact. 3 Rabbits - None of them at the same time, but I had them all at a very young age. - One of them I don't even remember what happened to it, but I recall being kicked by it after holding it by the ears. One we released at the park for some unknown reason. The last I actually remember was named 'Brownie', and I came home one day to see that its entrails amongst the cage floor covered with ants (it was outside). Over 30 Fish - I had them at various ages. - None of them were named. Most of the fish that make up that number statistic were from a picture of my mother next to a fish tank. Some more were won from the Arizona State Fair, some carnival or fair in Las Vegas, and my elementary school carnivals. One I took home after catching it in a cup from Lake Pleasant (lake in Arizona), which I had put in a jar of water mixed with salt when misinterpreting the meaning of saltwater. 3 Birds - I had these around six or seven years ago, but not at the same time. - One was unimaginitavely named 'Tweety' and I believe it was a parakeet, but am unsure. It died due to cold weather (weird for Arizona huh) when it and its cage were left outside for an unknown reason. Another was given to us by my sister's friend (this one was a parakeet), who could no longer look after it, and was given to another friend a few weeks afterwards because my parents no longer wanted it in the house and because it couldn't be taught to say a darn thing (dumb parakeet, wasted all my money on those books....). Another was a raven found in our front yard with a broken wing, and was taken in by us in an attempt to aid it, and well, let's just say we weren't very good doctors. Hampster - I had this hampster a little before the first bird. - I don't remember its name, but I remember it a lot. It was cool to put it in one of those plastic balls and watch it run around. I came home one day and my grandmother told me it had run away (yeah right, I had top notch security on that cage). Tree Frog - I had this about five years ago. - I don't recall the name, just that we bought it from Petsmart for fun. It turned out not to be so fun. We returned it after two days. My Special Pets: Kitty (Miranda) - Cat - I got her about three years ago. - She was a tabby cat, which was rare because tabbies are more likely to be male. The reason why it says 'Kitty (Miranda)' is because we always called her 'Kitty' even though we named her 'Miranda' (which is more of a human name when you think about it). We got her from a lady that worked with my mother about a week after her birth (the kitty, not my mom). She was so cute, and when she was young, she used to try and get milk from my female dog, Lizzie (will be mentioned later). She also used to climb behind the entertainment systems throughout the house and tug on wires and cords. At least twice she pulled the plug on my PS2. She grew up and learned more ferocious things, like pouncing. She practiced on my dog, and performed on me. One time I wanted to put my face into her soft-looking fur while she was sleeping, and I ended up with the rude awakening. I received a scar across my eye (my eyelids really) which admittedly looked pretty cool, but was very painful. During the night she wanders the neighborhood and sometimes will 'meow' at my door. I remember one night I heard an extremely loud yelp and was alerted by my father that she had gotten into a fight with another cat. Apparently he had ran outside and chased the other cat away with a broom. My cat learned to scratch things, a lot. My parents wanted to give her away because of all the ruined furniture, but my sister had suggested getting her declawed instead. One of the best times was when we had her spayed. She had a large, bald, rectangular spot in her underbelly for a good two weeks. It was smooth and fun to tickle. After all those fun times with my cat, it was time to say goosbye because my parents decided to give her away to a friend after not wanting to spend the money to get her declawed. I'll miss you, Kitty. Lizzie - Dog - I got her about eight years ago. - Lizzie was awesome. She was my most favorite pet and I loved her the most. She was a papillion (French for butterfly, named because of their butterfly-shaped ears) and was black and white. We got her from a friend, not as a puppy, but fairly young. She had no teeth, and only gums (I have no idea why, it's just how she was when we got her) and so we had to hand feed her soft canned dog food. She was a huge amount of responsibility, because she had to be fed and she wasn't housebroken. When we first got her we didn't have a doggie door, so every night we had to lay down newspaper - everywhere, and had to clean up the mess every morning. My sister attempted training her, but all that got us was getting her to sit when we pulled out a treat. Eventually we got a doggie door and taught her how to go outside to the backyard to go to the bathroom (which had me crawling through it for example - more than once). She has been through so much in terms of injuries. She had been roughhoused by my cat as mentioned before. She had lost four toenails, which started out as loose, bleeding toenails in which we had to perform our own little surgey at home cutting the 'vein.' One of the most tragic things that happened to her occurred when I was at school. My sister and I got off the bus, and to our surprise our parents were there and we wondered why they weren't at work. They walked us home, my mother talking to my sister, and my father talking to myself. They explained to us that Lizzie had been hit by a car when my grandma let her go outside to play. I was devastated. I sat in my room and didn't do anything but worry. I went days without talking to anyone and tried hard to hide my sorrow. Luckily, after three days the veterinarian had told us that she'd make it. She left that accident with very weak legs and permanent blindness in her left eye. After that Lizzie became extremely inactive and did nothing but eat, drink, and sleep. She lived the next couple years pretty mellow, that is, until we discovered a gash behind her left hind leg. It was a strange yellow green color, and was clearly infected. We took her in to see the vet and we ended up having to get her surgery. That only kept it off for a little while until the persistent thing came back. She then stopped eating, stopped drinking, stopped living. We could do nothing else except that of which loving pet owners try to avoid the most - put her to sleep. It was a long drive there, and I sat in the back seat comforting her. We entered a special room and said our goodbyes. The nurse came in and carried Lizzie away as she struggled and whimpered. That was the last time I saw her. So, after living in three different homes, and after about seven, good, long, sometimes happy, sometimes sad years, Lizzie was gone. Goodbye, Lizzie. I miss you, Lizzie. I love you, Lizzie. Remember: All dogs go to heaven... | 2008-10-13 09:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Wow... A sad read there. Sorry to hear about all the tragic events concerning your pets, but they sounded like great friends. | 2008-10-13 10:57:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Aww man that is so sad ![]() On a more Chandler-esque humouous note...All robots go to hell, so :/ Futurama FTW! =D Ehm, getting back on topic...That was touching, made me miss my long lost cat Ginger (her colour was ginger ![]() ![]() And my dog Cleo, who I haven't seen in more than two years now :/ Poor frail german Shephard, no one takes her for walks and the such...she's pretty much decaying in the backyard in Lebanon ![]() | 2008-10-13 11:09:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
Aww man that is so sad ![]() On a more Chandler-esque humouous note...All robots go to hell, so :/ The only reason I'd go to hell is for the excruciating pain I'm about to put you through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() *begins charging lasers, loading missles, readying trigger finger* | 2008-10-13 11:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Yay, is that how much you love me? <3 | 2008-10-13 11:20:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
I'm a Robot, and even I'm not that uncompassionate. | 2008-10-13 11:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hey, that's why I said "Chandler-esque" Coz Chandler always has some kind of a joke ready in touchy scenarios, ya know, breaking the tension =D I'm sowwy x.x' | 2008-10-13 11:31:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
Chandler's epic >_< | 2008-10-13 11:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Chandler is epic. Clank, on the other hand, is getting angrier by the day. Maybe we need to send him some oil or something? Sorry to hear about the history with pets Clank, it always sucks when you lose a pet. I still miss my mice, they rocked. | 2008-10-13 13:31:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
The Lizzie story killed me. I've currenntly got a dog, my first dog, Toffee. We treat him as a person. He eats with us (except on the the floor), he follows us, he sleeps with us, ect. We got him in I think october 2004 with him being a young, playful 1 and a half year old puppy. And still is. Except his age has changed. Luckily he's had no injuries so far, but I am dreading the day I say goodbye to him. You moved me. Tears blurred my eyes. I just don't want to say goodbye ever. You are tough. I hope I can be this calm when I talk about his death like you can with your dog.. | 2008-10-13 17:29:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
Honestly, if you guys have not read "Mayley and me" you absoultely should. It WILL make you cry, but it's more than worth it. It makes me want a dog even more. | 2008-10-13 17:46:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
Darnit... am I really that coldblooded? I wasn't moved... at all... >_> We've had a plethora of cats over the years... many disappeared, most died, and some were stolen. I never even gave them a second thought until today. >_> Let's see now... I can count 19 of them off the top of my head... We also got a hamster once, but had to return it thanks to the crazy hag that claims to be my mother... Wait, what? >_< I'm not a very comforting fellow... meh... *shrug* | 2008-10-13 19:04:00 Author: ScytheOfGrim ![]() Posts: 438 |
I'm with the violent, guilty offender over there. ...Wait. I'm not in my lawyer role yet, am I? Sorry about that. Instinct impulse. But yeah...I wasn't moved. We've had numerous dogs and cats over the years. My sister also does dog boarding, training, and breeding as a hobby. So I may be pretty familiar with animals, but I've never been all that attached to them. And I'm sorry to all who disagree, but I really think that getting overly sentimental about an animal is ludicrous. Sure, have pets, and enjoy them. That's all fine and great. Personally, I think it's always good to have a dog around. But they're not people. Draw that line. | 2008-10-13 19:13:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
I'm with the violent, guilty offender over there. ...Wait. I'm not in my lawyer role yet, am I? Sorry about that. Instinct impulse. But yeah...I wasn't moved. We've had numerous dogs and cats over the years. My sister also does dog boarding, training, and breeding as a hobby. So I may be pretty familiar with animals, but I've never been all that attached to them. And I'm sorry to all who disagree, but I really think that getting overly sentimental about an animal is ludicrous. Sure, have pets, and enjoy them. That's all fine and great. Personally, I think it's always good to have a dog around. But they're not people. Draw that line. Hmmm. Strange to say that I actually expected quite the opposite from you. | 2008-10-13 19:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well scythe, you are an incarnation of Death in sackboy form, I expected you to be cold blooded... | 2008-10-13 19:20:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
SackDeath be my forum representatice, 'sall... >_> <_< D. Stroyer hit my point on the head. Although, if you were to ask me, death in general, animals or humans, shouldn't have a huge fuss-following. Chances are everyone here will disagree with me, but I've had relatives pass away without me feeling overly depressed. Sure, I'll be slightly sad, or sorry for the closer family members (wives/children), but I've never been one to weep for the passing of an uncle, aunt, or some other relation. Come to think about it... there's something wrong with me. @_@ Why am I saying these things?!?! >_< >_< >_< Of course, I'll feel more for the person than the animal. '>_> Okay... I'll shut up now... | 2008-10-13 19:36:00 Author: ScytheOfGrim ![]() Posts: 438 |
SackDeath be my forum representatice, 'sall... >_> <_< D. Stroyer hit my point on the head. Although, if you were to ask me, death in general, animals or humans, shouldn't have a huge fuss-following. Chances are everyone here will disagree with me, but I've had relatives pass away without me feeling overly depressed. Sure, I'll be slightly sad, or sorry for the closer family members (wives/children), but I've never been one to weep for the passing of an uncle, aunt, or some other relation. Come to think about it... there's something wrong with me. @_@ Why am I saying these things?!?! >_< >_< >_< Of course, I'll feel more for the person than the animal. '>_> Okay... I'll shut up now... *weep* That would be for the best. *weep* | 2008-10-13 20:22:00 Author: TheArmedReaper ![]() Posts: 1543 |
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