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Constant Point Generator

Archive: 3 posts

Hi, I'm not sure if this is already out there, but I recently created a Constant Point Generator (CPG). It generates 50 points every (x) seconds. All it is is a box of dark matter, with an emitter in the corner. The emitter generates a little contraption.:star:

Using the CPG, one can have the player gain constant points in a bomb survival if you don't want to include point bubbles; or an endurance challenge (the longer you do something the more points you gain); or anything else you might think of. Also, it could be used as a counter: instead of a dark matter box, it could be a dissolve box that one could set to dissolve when (y) ends. I will try to get pics of it soon...

:star:The contraption used [let's call it (C) ] is a box of dissolve with a small cube of dissolve material on the inside top of the box. The box has an unprotected creature brain on it. The little cube has a key switch, and the box has a magnetic lock (is that what it's called?) on the bottom of it that is connected to the creature brain and the dissolves on the cube and the box. As soon as the (C) is emitted inside the dark matter box, the little cube falls down onto the magnetic lock, thus causing the entire thing to dissolve. Also, fifty points are gained due to the fact that whenever ANY creature is destroyed, the player gains fifty points.
Next, after (x) seconds, the process starts over, all inside the dark matter box.

The dark matter box is very small and takes up little thermometer space. The CPG can be found in a designated level (yet to be created) ; to find it just search for DrShmoogle in the community.

I know that might've sounded a tad confusing, but thanks for your time... also, check out my other levels
2010-07-16 04:14:00

Posts: 115

This isn't new, but it's definitely a great tool to have. LBP2 will have Score Switches that do this and I'm looking forward to that too.

To save thermo and make the points more instantaneous though, you can put an inverted 1-shot magnetic keyswitch on the brain and attach the wire.
2010-07-16 04:23:00

Posts: 3251

Lol incinerator, must you make everything so simple?2010-07-16 09:45:00

Posts: 195

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