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Memorabe Game Quotes

Archive: 47 posts

What do you think is a memorable game quote?

Obviously 'Do a Barrel Roll!' - Peppy, Lylat War on the N64 is the best one ever. Pretty much everything he says is legendary.
2010-07-15 17:16:00

Posts: 559

'I'm quite, handy' Mr Hand in Timesplitters, was just the way he said it. 2010-07-15 17:24:00

Posts: 3701

Ready for an essay? Off the top of my head -

"If you **** on people too long eventually they'll pull down their pants and return the favor" (paraphrased ) - Mr. Marston, Red Dead Redemption
"If I wanted to shoot out your brains I'd aim at your ***!" - Random MP character taunt in Red Dead Redemption

"God was a dream of good government. You will soon have your god and you will have made it with your own hands." - Morpheus, Deus Ex

Actually, how about every other convo in Deus Ex?

"We're not tools of the government or anyone else. Fighting is the only thing I was good at, but I always fought for what I believed in." (paraphrased) Grey Fox, Metal Gear Solid

"Don't touch that, we don't know where you've been." Narrator, Space Quest

Still Alive from the ending to Portal. Plain epic.

"I'll be here... I'll be 'waiting' here... I'll be waiting for you, so... If you come here... You'll find me... I promise..." Squall , Final Fantasy 8 - It takes like 3/4 of the game for this line to be fully realized and the meaning really hits you hard when it does. **** fine game.

"But we had twice the flavor!!!" Brewmaster Glukkon before blowing up in the Abe's Exoddus perfect ending.
"Don't think - drink!" Ad slogan for Soulstorm brew from the same game.

"Don't be a cheap *******, buy something!" The Corley Motors souvenir stand salesman in Full Throttle
"When I'm on the road I'm indestructible. No one can stop me, but they try. " - Ben, Full Throttle
"Whenever I smell asphalt I think of Maureen..." - First line of Full Throttle by Ben

"It's like trying to find a bride in a brothel." - Sully, Uncharted

"We take the flavor and we SPANK it!" - Some chef NPC in Super Paper Mario for Wii , I forgot the name, sold the game a year ago
2010-07-15 17:43:00

Posts: 2278

Urgh my grammar nazi skills activated, you misspelled Memorable. Sorry its like a small OCD part of me that has to say it xD

Hmm as for the quote

"No, I know now, without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts is Light!"
2010-07-15 20:21:00

Unknown User

"Green elf...ate...the food." - Gauntlet. That effing green elf.. allways eating the effing food!2010-07-15 22:24:00

Posts: 898

Context: You are being held hostage by a powerfull mob Boss for killing one of his employees.

- Mob Boss: Do you think it's fine to kill my people?
- Protagonist: If he's an *******, yes...
- Mob Boss: You're right... (pulls out gun and randomly shoots one of his employees)
2010-07-16 00:04:00

Posts: 5891

CJ you trippin'

try and guess the game
2010-07-16 00:07:00

Posts: 623

Each and every GLaDOS quote from Portal...

"OBJECTION!" - Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice Ace Attourney

"FALCON-PAWNCH!" - Captain Falcon, F-zero, Super Smash bros.

"All your base are belong to us" - Zero Wing

"HAIII!!!" - Kirby
2010-07-16 00:17:00

Posts: 1106

*Gun pointed to head*
"Cant we all just be friends?!" - Roman

"Oi, Suzy!" - Captain Macmillan

2010-07-16 00:18:00

Posts: 769

"A surveillance camera?"
- Solid Snake

"If Michael Angelo lived today, he'd make levels"
-Kareem Ettouney
2010-07-16 00:40:00

Posts: 1712

"Snaaaake! It's not over yet!"2010-07-16 01:11:00

Posts: 1477



2010-07-16 01:18:00

Posts: 3767

"Got it memorized?" -Axel, Kingdom Hearts II.

Pretty much everything GLaDOS says in the final boss of Portal

"Two words...ATTACK!"- Phill, Kingdom Hearts
"GET ON THE HYRDRA'S BACK!"- Phil, Kingdom Hearts II (memorable for a BAD reason)
2010-07-16 03:33:00

Posts: 3262

GET BONUS!! - Sin and Punishment

and pretty much everything in House of the Dead Overkill. "How's a brother supposed to pacify a *****?"
2010-07-16 04:11:00

Posts: 1361

"A man chooses, a slave obeys."
-Andrew Ryan, on the true nature of things

"I never cared about justice and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero. I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate. If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"
-Zero, on why people who hold to the sanctity of human life even for unrepentant, irredeemable murderers are full of themselves

"Target verified. Commencing hostilities!"
-Nineball, on why you'd better start moving like hell
2010-07-16 04:42:00

Dapiek Absaroka
Posts: 512

"War, war never changes" -Fallout 3-.

"Pink Elephants! D8" Ollie the Magic Bum -Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4-.
2010-07-16 05:40:00

Posts: 837

"War, war never changes" -Fallout 3-.

"War has changed." -MGS4

"Plants need to have water poured on them because they have no hands to hold glasses of water."

"I work in the sewers."
"Gross, I would never let you date my daughter."

"Oh no! Goggalor is headed for the orphanage!..
"No, wait, that wasn't the orphanage!...
"Oh no, that *was* the orphanage!... for dogs, it was the puppy orphanage everyone!"

"I hate to be so blunt but you have the insanity of a manatee!"
Every word is gold.
2010-07-16 05:57:00

Posts: 105

I have fury! - Fawful Mario and Luigi series
Lets show that creep the Super Power of TEAMWORK!!! - Sonic Heroes memorable for bad cheesy reasons.
Pretty much anything Eggman/Robotnik repeats over and over during his boss fights in the recent Sonic games (Get a load of THIS, You know what they say the more the merrier!)
Bite my crunchy brown *** - Gingerbread Man: Timesplitters 3
Thank you ---- but our princess is in another castle! - Toad: Super Mario Bros.
Hey! Listen! Watch out! Link! etc etc Navi: Ocarina of time
Round 1! FIGHT! - just about every fighting game.
I am error. Zelda 2 The adventures of Link
You Spoony Bard! Tellah : FF4
Go talk to a wall: Squall FF8
Show me ya moves! Captain Falcon, Super Smash Brother series
You're too slow! Sonic - Brawl
The wind.....it is blowing Ganondorf : LoZ: Wind Waker

Also surprised this wasn't mentioned even if it is 2 words
MAMA MIA! - Mario: in just about every mario game for the past 10 years.

Also I had to post this video for good laughs with all the memorable lines from Star Fox 64
2010-07-16 06:18:00

Posts: 1125

Pretty much anything Eggman/Robotnik repeats over and over during his boss fights in the recent Sonic games (Get a load of THIS, You know what they say the more the merrier!)

Wasn't it the more the barrier?
Or was it just that one fight in Shadow the Hedgehog, I can't remember.

Show me ya moves! Captain Falcon, Super Smash Brother series

2010-07-16 06:58:00

Posts: 559

" Don't Break Up The Team ! Carlon & Peters, Page 823 " - Beyond Good & Evil 2010-07-16 09:51:00

Posts: 1305

Uncharted 2:

[Drake wakes up from unconsciousness]
Nathan Drake: What's going on?
[Drake groans in pain. He touches his stomach and realizes there is blood all over him]
Nathan Drake: That's my blood. That's my blood. That's a lot of my blood.
[Drake is hanging from a ledge just under a roof]
Harry Flynn: There's a guy above you, there's a guy above you!
[Drake reaches up and grabs the guard, pulling him off of the roof and into the water below]
Harry Flynn: There's a guy below you, there's a guy below you!
2010-07-16 12:29:00

Posts: 5891

Played you like a violin and cut your strings - Joker, Batman: Arkham Aslyum2010-07-16 16:28:00

Posts: 2278

Carol has dysentery.
Carol has died of dysentery.
2010-07-16 23:08:00

Posts: 812

-The Cake Is A Lie.

2010-07-18 08:16:00

Posts: 218

God **** Son Of a ***** - Marcus Fenix (When jamming your gun)2010-07-18 08:22:00

Posts: 6419

"However, it cannot accompany you for the rest of test and unfortunatly must be euthanized"

- portal, GLaDoS

I never forgot what I had to do
2010-07-18 08:42:00

Posts: 2824

'Uh-Oh. The truck have started to move' - Metal Gear2010-07-18 08:53:00

Posts: 280

CJ you trippin'

try and guess the game

Grand Theft Auto Sanandreas (No idea how you spell that).

"In LittleBigPlanet you're a Sackperson" - Try and guess the game.
2010-07-18 08:57:00

Posts: 5592

"Link, nobody blows grass like you!" - Some girl in a village in Twilight Princess
"Found Tifa's Orthapedic Underwear" ... Final Fantasy 7

"Sorry, the autographed Nancy Reagan 'Just Say No' Condom had to be removed for the retail version" - Space Quest 3

Space Quest 6 :
"Don't touch that, we don't know where you've been."
"I bet you can't fit that in your pants. ... Well, you must have a lot of spare room in there!"
"The information superhighway - wow! ... This makes my nipples hard!"

Space Quest 4:
"The air is damp and oppressive, like a wet nun."
2010-07-21 14:53:00

Posts: 2278

"We've both said alot of things that your going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science, you monster." GLaDOS, Portal 2 Trailer


"Well I can't do it if you're watching." Wheatley, Portal 2 Trailer.

2010-07-21 20:14:00

Posts: 2068

''or you can run like your scaking depends on it''

''every time you type in a bad word a sack person dies''

2010-07-21 20:21:00

Posts: 85

You mean run like your sacking depends on it?

"Starting now, there will be a lot less talking and a lot more killing (Or something like that)

"The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak."
"The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Companion Cube cannot speak. In the event that the Companion Cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice."
2010-07-21 20:36:00

Posts: 2105

I Am Lightning. The Rain Transformed.

- Raiden
(Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The "LA LI LE LU LO"!)
2010-07-21 22:44:00

Posts: 918

**** you gods of bad weather!
- Red Dead Redemption, media dude.
2010-07-22 02:22:00

Posts: 2278

"Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost."
-Pandora, God of War III

"The hands of death could not defeat me, the sisters of fate could not hold me...you can no longer Hide Behind The Skirts Of Athena"
-Kratos, God of War III

"Tingle, Tingle, Kooloo-limpah! "
-Tingle, Legend of Zelda, Wind Waker
2010-07-22 03:14:00

Posts: 1712

All my base are belong to you? 2010-07-22 03:16:00

Posts: 1355

"Now, It's time to make a scene, no not like the hissy fit you threw at the bakery when they ran out of croissants."

Oh the memories
2010-07-22 03:27:00

Unknown User

All my base are belong to you?

This reminds me of this valentine's card on of my friends had a loong time ago...

"Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, All my base are belong to you."

Epic win...
2010-07-22 05:21:00

Posts: 2068

I've used this in my sig a couple times.

"War. War never changes." -Fallout 3
"War. War has changed."- MGS4
2010-07-22 06:53:00

Posts: 3664

Red Dead Redemption is full of them. Here's a few from John Marston.

(After Ross says he robbed at least 40 banks) "They told us there was a prize when you got to 50."

(To Uncle) "You want a long sleep Uncle? That can be arranged."

(To Irish, after Irish proclaimed to be familiar with guns)"You're gonna be real familiar with mine if things keep on this way."
2010-07-22 10:52:00

Posts: 1114

"It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!" - The Legend of Zelda

"Your princess is in another castle!" - Super Mario

How has no one said these yet? O_O
2010-07-22 11:23:00

Posts: 1913

(After handing Gordon Freeman a new crowbar) "I'm startin' to run outta these."
-Barney Calhoun

Sheckly: "Good luck Dr Freeman!"
Griggs: "Remember! Be adequite."
Sheckly: "What the h*ll is that supposed to mean?"
Griggs: "I dunno, sounds like something the Vorts would say."
Vortiguant (in lift with Freeman): *Looks at Gordon and rolls eye dismissively*

-Rebel mine outpost, Half Life 2 Episode 2
2010-07-22 12:16:00

The Gentleman
Posts: 360

The sailor song in Black and White... lol, annoying but I can't forget it.

I'm not putting my lips on that - Ben, Full Throttle when you use the Mouth icon on something he can't use it on.

Intimidating? Me? But I'm your friend, my name is Manny Calavera - I'm your new travel agent - Intro to Grim Fandango while in the grim reaper outfit.

Touch the demon inside me. - The Black Maiden from Demon's Souls

Every line by Murray the evil skull in the Monkey Island series.

You fight like a Cow - Monkey Island series
2010-07-22 14:04:00

Posts: 2278

"Hehehehehe!" - Stupid Annoying Dog from Duck Hunt2010-07-22 14:32:00

Posts: 5551

"You're getting fatter!"

Fast Food for Atari 2600
2010-08-18 16:02:00

Posts: 2278

i got a few

"a bomb" - jc denton, deux ex
"in the navy" "cll the ymca" "sail the 7 seas" "my mothers my sister" "get a move on" "yep, iv been drinking again" "im gonna kiiiil you" "you cant say that its not in the book" "ALRIGHT< DROP DOWN NOW!!!!" "TAKE HIM DOOWWN" "im hot and your not" "sombody call a mmmedic" - random pedestrian and cop quotes from gta 3
"jerk***" "***HOLE" - peds talking and shouting in gta 1

and although it isnt a quote, more a written message who can forget



if anyone gets this

"mind that child"

2010-08-18 16:39:00

Posts: 207

" It's not a lake, it's an ocean... "
-Alan Wake

That is the best quote in a game EVER, period.
2010-08-18 16:39:00

Unknown User

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