Some Problems and Theoretical Fixes
Archive: 12 posts
OK, so I apparently "copied my user data from another profile", have the agree to the EULA every single time I start LBP, get a message in pod every single time I start up LBP, I do not gain trophies, and that bruises my pride. I've thought up a theoretical list of stuff I can do to remedy this, seeing as I did copy my data from one PS3 to another, in the nick of time before the old one died. Keep in mind I need proof, and this is what I think SHOUlD work, not will. Step 1: Back-Up Profile Step 2: Copy backed-up profile to USB device Step 3: Sync current LBP trophies to PSN Step 4: Delete saved Data on PS3 Step 5: Delete game Data on PS3 Step 6: Reinstall/or whatever I'm supposed to do on LBP Step 7: Copy profile from USB device to PS3 Step 8: Import Profile to LBP Step 9: Sync Trophies from PSN to account Step 10: Collect the few trophies I need for platinum... Voila? I just need someone to tell me whether this will work or not. Please tell meh? | 2010-07-15 15:49:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
Well, im pretty sure if you copy your profile all trophies are locked..FOREVER. Kind of stupid imho | 2010-07-15 15:51:00 Author: Testudini ![]() Posts: 3262 |
I just need someone to tell me whether this will work or not. Please tell meh? The "You have copied your data" thing will only come up if both of following two criteria are met:- The ACCOUNT_ID* of the local user account from which you copied the profile doesn't match the ACCOUNT_ID of the account to which you copied it. The PSN ID associated with the local user account from which you copied the profile doesn't match the PSN ID of the account to which you copied it. It sounds as if your old PS3 is dead already, so the best way to make your profile work correctly on a new PS3 is unavailable (i.e. the Data Transfer Utility). It's a little unclear as to how you copied your data from the old PS3, so I'm gonna assume you copied an LBP profile backup from the old PS3 to the new one, rather than a complete system backup/restore. In theory, as long as both accounts are associated with the same PSN ID, you shouldn't get that message, as I've done the same thing in the past. * This is a 64-bit integer expressed as 16 hexadecimal characters, and can be viewed by loading the PARAM.SFO into a text editor. | 2010-07-15 16:30:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
Hmm... So If I were to back up and delete my save data, change the PS3 user account name (not psn, ps3) to match the old PS3's name, and recopied the data, it would work? Or do I have to delete my game data (now that it's been updated as well, when the saved data got copied over). I do have another account user that I renamed to a different name (Richasackboy). It looks like the old game data for that one is still there. ![]() | 2010-07-15 19:25:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
In theory, as long as the PSN accounts match, it should work. It might help to explain exactly what you've done so far. | 2010-07-15 20:00:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
How odd. The PSN accounts match perfectly, but what I read from your previous post suggests that the account you log into (The System Account) should have the same name as the one you logged into on your old PS3. What I'm asking is, will the system log-in ID (NOT the PSN one) have an effect on the problems I'm talking about? Or is it all in the PSN account. | 2010-07-15 20:15:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
The PSN accounts match perfectly, but what I read from your previous post suggests that the account you log into (The System Account) should have the same name as the one you logged into on your old PS3. I said the ACCOUNT_ID, which I said is a 64-bit number. That ID is randomly assigned when you create a new local user account on the PS3, and you won't be able to make those match between the old and new PS3s unless you're restoring from a full system backup, or you've used the data transfer utility. I believe the actual name you give the account is irrelevant, but just in case it isn't, I'd ensure it also matches the account name you used to use on the old PS3. | 2010-07-15 21:23:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
You said both of them. which is strange, seeing as the PSN is exactly the same as the old one. ![]() | 2010-07-15 21:54:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
Maybe if I explain what happened to me:- About 6 months ago, I made a profile backup (via "Profile Settings", "Backup Profile") and copied it onto my PC. About 1 month ago, my fat PS3 YLOD'd, so I bought a PS3 slim. I set up a new local user account on the slim with the same local username I used on the fat PS3. I associated that account with the same PSN account I used on the fat PS3. I ran LBP, and installed all the patches. I then copied the profile backup from 6 months ago onto the slim. I then chose "Profile Settings", "Restore Profile", and select that backup. The result was a fully working profile which didn't have the annoying "You've copied this profile... blah...blah..." message. I did subsequently manage to repair the YLOD'd PS3, and recover everything else I'd lost, but it did at least work prior to that. | 2010-07-16 01:01:00 Author: Aya042 ![]() Posts: 2870 |
My first PS3 died, and I didn't have a Profile backup. I logged into PSN with same account on new machine and started over... ![]() | 2010-07-18 03:54:00 Author: SledKnight ![]() Posts: 93 |
I see. So reinstalling LBP could be what I need to do? Because I did delete game data and saved data, then copied saved data from a USB device onto the PS3 Slim I have now. | 2010-07-19 17:56:00 Author: Richasackboy ![]() Posts: 619 |
Maybe if I explain what happened to me:- About 6 months ago, I made a profile backup (via "Profile Settings", "Backup Profile") and copied it onto my PC. About 1 month ago, my fat PS3 YLOD'd, so I bought a PS3 slim. I set up a new local user account on the slim with the same local username I used on the fat PS3. I associated that account with the same PSN account I used on the fat PS3. I ran LBP, and installed all the patches. I then copied the profile backup from 6 months ago onto the slim. I then chose "Profile Settings", "Restore Profile", and select that backup. The result was a fully working profile which didn't have the annoying "You've copied this profile... blah...blah..." message. I did subsequently manage to repair the YLOD'd PS3, and recover everything else I'd lost, but it did at least work prior to that. You truly are a sack-geek. ![]() | 2010-07-19 19:58:00 Author: Emogotsaone ![]() Posts: 1030 |
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