4 LBP Reviews :)
Archive: 28 posts
Meristation (http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.meristation.com%2Fv3% 2Fdes_analisis.php%3Fpic%3DGEN%26id%3Dcw48e78e0b1d fdf%26idj%3Dcw45efa291376a6%26%26iframe%3D1&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=es&tl=en) (Translated) - 9.5 HardGame2 (http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fps3.hardgame2.com%2Fartic ulo.php%3Fid%3D3232&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=es&tl=en) (Translated) - 10 GameBump (http://www.gamebump.com/go/gb_preview_snag_some_little_big_love_in_little_big _planet) Eurogamer (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=259015&page=3) - 9 Eurogamer's was interesting - some problems they had with the game (9 is a fantastic score and I'm only putting the problems they had so we can discuss them): The promise that anyone could create something simple and fun and personal with LittleBigPlanet hasn't come true. In a way, it's the opposite of Spore, which makes it easy and fun for every single player to have creative input, but doesn't let any of them change the fabric of the game. LittleBigPlanet lets them run wild, with unprecedented results, but it locks the majority out of the creative process, because it's time-consuming and simply not very enjoyable. And yet, it's still really quite hard to make things. That's partly down to some minor niggles with the interface (the laborious undo command, the counter-intuitive "pause" rules, the inefficient lack of shortcut commands). It's mostly down to the overwhelming depth of customisation and parameter-tweaking that's possible, but that can't be a bad thing. Can it? Then there's the checkpoint lives system, which gives you an infinite number of lives for a level, but only three (or on too-rare occasions, six) for any given checkpoint. Although checkpoints are generously and well placed, three lives just aren't enough for some of the harder sections, and if you lose them all, it's back to the start of the level. Abandoning lives completely would have stripped all the tension out of the game, but this inflexible system creates half a dozen chokepoints of almost unbearable, teeth-grinding irritation that simply didn't need to be there. But there's the slightest lack of precision and definition to the floaty jump, a hint of stickiness, the timing's off by a fraction of a fraction of a second. When the game presents you with exacting challenges of dexterity and timing, as it occasionally does, that's a minor annoyance. When it's combined with the vague, slow and over-zealously auto-corrected movement between the game's three planes of depth, it's a problem. | 2008-10-13 00:25:00 Author: Burrich ![]() Posts: 1018 |
the game is just a 10 for sickkknesss. I wish I have the game early but Just have to wait. | 2008-10-13 00:45:00 Author: muffinman701 ![]() Posts: 37 |
Yeah, I can understand why the reviews are going to be a little mixed like that. I expect GameSpot's review to be a 9.3. Or at least somewhere between 9.0 and 9.5. They're usually pretty realistic, for lack of a better word. IGN will likely be somewhere between 9.5 and 10. But for certain, LittleBigPlanet is going to be very, very well received. A 9.5 will likely be average, between the 10s hailing it as revolutionary, and the 9.0s stating it as complicated. | 2008-10-13 00:48:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
Yeah, I can understand why the reviews are going to be a little mixed like that. I expect GameSpot's review to be a 9.3. Or at least somewhere between 9.0 and 9.5. They're usually pretty realistic, for lack of a better word. IGN will likely be somewhere between 9.5 and 10. But for certain, LittleBigPlanet is going to be very, very well received. A 9.5 will likely be average, between the 10s hailing it as revolutionary, and the 9.0s stating it as complicated. yeah i totally agree with you | 2008-10-13 01:07:00 Author: RAINFIRE ![]() Posts: 1101 |
didnt much care for euros review, had some great points and all, but i didnt like how they said its not easy to create levels, i completely dissagree, but i guess thats just me | 2008-10-13 01:36:00 Author: Gondito ![]() Posts: 1082 |
I haven't really like Gamespot since the whole Gertsman thing. | 2008-10-13 01:46:00 Author: dobilay ![]() Posts: 60 |
I agree with: "the vague, slow and over-zealously auto-corrected movement between the game's three planes of depth, it's a problem." I HATE the fact the game chooses where you go. The amount of times I've died because the game wants me to go back to the layer with spikes or w/e. I wish you could choose if you want the game to handle movement between layers. As for create being difficult, I disagree 100%, anyone can make a level. In fact, me and my (seven year old) niece made a level that was pretty good. If a 7 yr old can do it, I'm pretty sure anyone can! ![]() Alex. | 2008-10-13 02:02:00 Author: alexbull_uk ![]() Posts: 1287 |
I agree with: "the vague, slow and over-zealously auto-corrected movement between the game's three planes of depth, it's a problem." I HATE the fact the game chooses where you go. The amount of times I've died because the game wants me to go back to the layer with spikes or w/e. I wish you could choose if you want the game to handle movement between layers. As for create being difficult, I disagree 100%, anyone can make a level. In fact, me and my (seven year old) niece made a level that was pretty good. If a 7 yr old can do it, I'm pretty sure anyone can! ![]() Alex. They know about the z-axis problems, and they're going to fix them (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=254347) ![]() I agree that it's sometimes hard to stick the jumps, but the checkpoint thing doesn't bother me. We're getting too used to games being easy and forgetting the roots of video games. Yeah, it adds some tension, but it's not frustrating and doesn't annoy me at all really. As for the level editor: I don't think they'd like any level editor Mm came up with. It's the most intuitive possible with the amount of options available. If they wanted it super simple and easy to use then you'd only be able to create limited crappy levels. The tutorials are so helpful in telling you everything you need to know. They're just being babies about it. Anyway, the level editor isn't for everyone, it's more for really creative people. Still, I can see sitting down with my brother and just messing around with it for fun, not to create anything really innovative but just to play off of each other's ideas. I think that's going to catch on more, but then we'll see the diehard fans create ridiculously awesome levels (there were already some gems in the beta), and that's what they should've recognized as the outcome of the game. Elton | 2008-10-13 06:27:00 Author: Eptiger ![]() Posts: 128 |
Good to know about them fixing the auto plane switching. It's messed up some parts where I have wanted to do a secret area. O_o | 2008-10-13 06:35:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Now that I've played the beta, I can have an actual, experience based opinion about the level creator. ![]() There are issues in the game, but the game does so much right that it's hard to be turned off by them. The only things that bother me are the cross-layer controls and the gluing system. Everything else is fantastically done, and I can't wait for the final version. | 2008-10-13 06:37:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
The only things that bother me are the cross-layer controls and the gluing system. Everything else is fantastically done, and I can't wait for the final version. Are you talking about how somethings randomly become unglued? (why does randomly look like it's spelled wrong...) | 2008-10-13 06:41:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Are you talking about how somethings randomly become unglued? (why does randomly look like it's spelled wrong...) That, among other things. Part of me hopes that it is a beta-exclusive glitch, as Eurogamer didn't even mention it in their review. | 2008-10-13 06:46:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
The cross-layer issue turns off casual gamers, though. | 2008-10-13 07:55:00 Author: aer0blue ![]() Posts: 1603 |
Gamespot can only rate in .5 increments, why doesn't anyone know this? | 2008-10-13 08:08:00 Author: Sambo110 ![]() Posts: 162 |
I think a problem with reviews may be that as game reviewers, they want to make something of high quality. When you're just mucking about building stuff without trying to make a professional grade level, I've noticed the create mode is both actually very easy and fun for inexperienced players | 2008-10-13 08:19:00 Author: Dropbear ![]() Posts: 272 |
I agree with Cartman - the niggles that exist in the game (and they DO exist across the PLAY and CREATE modes) are hammered into submission by the overwhelming quality of every other facet. The depth of creation, the expansive concept of playing environments and challenges, the sheer, unbridled FUN of the whole thing, far and away dominates the experience. LBP is going to have detractors, and that's right and fair. But if even 50% of the people who give it a whirl then fall in love with the beauty and joy at the heart of this genuine gaming revolution, who are we to complain! | 2008-10-13 10:14:00 Author: mrbobbyboy ![]() Posts: 304 |
Gamespot can only rate in .5 increments, why doesn't anyone know this? I do, I know this! What do I win? =D | 2008-10-13 10:21:00 Author: Stix489 ![]() Posts: 2080 |
I must admit, the auto plane switching can get irritating, it's usually most prevalent on user created levels, but it can crop it's head up during the MM levels too. It is irritating, especially for casual gamers such as my other half. She loves playing, but if she gets stuck or dies because of what is essentially a flaw in the game, it frustrates her and she wants to stop playing. Personally, I can live with it, but I'm happy MM are looking into fixing it. Best bit of the beta, as I've said elsewhere, the sheer qualoty of user created levels. I'm consistently pleasantly surprised by how good some of them are. | 2008-10-13 10:34:00 Author: flakmagnet ![]() Posts: 1084 |
The promise that anyone could create something simple and fun and personal with LittleBigPlanet hasn't come true. In a way, it's the opposite of Spore, which makes it easy and fun for every single player to have creative input, but doesn't let any of them change the fabric of the game. LittleBigPlanet lets them run wild, with unprecedented results, but it locks the majority out of the creative process, because it's time-consuming and simply not very enjoyable. I totally disagree with this. Firstly it's not possible to have a creative game in which really EVERYone can create something good. However I think it should be possible to make some quite good levels in LBP for the majority, as the tools are quite simple to use. You just have to think about how to put them together. I also played Spore and I also totally disagree that it's "easy and fun for every single player" to create stuff. Making good stuff in there is quite hard and I didn't find it that much fun at all, it even got annoying after not too long, and I'm probably not the only one who has that impression. And the gameplay was... mediocre. Also while creating something does indeed take quite some time, I found it incredibly fun to make my level and it was hard to just stop.. so whats "simply not very enjoyable"? And yet, it's still really quite hard to make things. That's partly down to some minor niggles with the interface (the laborious undo command, the counter-intuitive "pause" rules, the inefficient lack of shortcut commands). It's mostly down to the overwhelming depth of customisation and parameter-tweaking that's possible, but that can't be a bad thing. Can it? I think they definitely haven't played for too long. While undo and the "pause-rules" may be quite confusing at the beginning I found them very useful after I got used to them and didn't have any issues at all (aside from beta issues, of course). I agree with ConfusedCartman on the gluing system though. Sometimes gluing isn't an option, because it will just glue to everything that's behind, some room for improvement here. I agree that there should be more shortcuts, for example saving parameters of a piston so you don't have to tweak it everytime you create a new one, but it's not really that bad. Also how is the parameter-tweaking overwhelming? There's not much parameters to tweak at all, just what's really neccessary. I sometimes even thought that there could be some additions here and there. So it's definitely not quite hard to make things tools-wise. The only thing that's quite hard is that if you run into a point where you need some complex mechanisms, you have to sit down and think about how to do it. Everything I wanted to do until now was somehow possible though and I also found it enjoyable to sit down and kind of invent new devices to make my idea work. Then there's the checkpoint lives system, which gives you an infinite number of lives for a level, but only three (or on too-rare occasions, six) for any given checkpoint. Although checkpoints are generously and well placed, three lives just aren't enough for some of the harder sections, and if you lose them all, it's back to the start of the level. Abandoning lives completely would have stripped all the tension out of the game, but this inflexible system creates half a dozen chokepoints of almost unbearable, teeth-grinding irritation that simply didn't need to be there. This is wrong. There are no three/six live checkpoints. They are four/eight lives. But I agree here. Why isn't it possible to place a checkpoints with as many lives as you want? Placing more than one checkpoint isn't that effective either, as you will still die if the activated checkpoint has no lives left. Even if there's a full one right beside it. I really hope MM fixes this.. But there's the slightest lack of precision and definition to the floaty jump, a hint of stickiness, the timing's off by a fraction of a fraction of a second. When the game presents you with exacting challenges of dexterity and timing, as it occasionally does, that's a minor annoyance. When it's combined with the vague, slow and over-zealously auto-corrected movement between the game's three planes of depth, it's a problem. I find it surprising that almost everyone thinks the jumping controls are that unprecise. I also was quite sceptical at the beginning and the jumping felt quite strange. After some time I got used to it and if there's somewhere I want to jump than I can do that like 95% of the time and I don't think its that unprecise at all. You just have to know how sackboy jumps and how to control it. My experience with the automated layer-changing was opposite though. While it felt right at the beginning I ran into more problems as I went on. Sackboy just jumps on anything that you can stand on even if you don't want to go there. You can't even jump down to the back layer if your standing on a platform in the front layer. I'm really glad to hear that MM wants to fix this. | 2008-10-13 12:19:00 Author: Shiwayari ![]() Posts: 167 |
I do, I know this! What do I win? =D You win the chance to send me money! This is an honour to win, and everyone wants it. | 2008-10-13 13:12:00 Author: Sambo110 ![]() Posts: 162 |
I expect GameSpot's review to be a 9.3. Or at least somewhere between 9.0 and 9.5. They're usually pretty realistic, for lack of a better word. IGN will likely be somewhere between 9.5 and 10. Gamespot can only rate in .5 increments, why doesn't anyone know this? Because it didn't use to be like that? I was going to say that they changed it but a lot of people don't know this. Nobody's all knowing like you Sambo. On topic, a 9 from Eurogamer...wow. That's truly amazing. I'm expecting the same score from Edge, since they are alike. And Gamespot, I'm thinking about 9.5. Remember guys, a 10 doesn't mean it's perfect. Every game has it's flaws. Just don't get angry if you see more biased reviews later on. | 2008-10-13 14:39:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
I think it comes down to this. It's not a perfect game, but there is nothing even close to this for anyone wanting to create or be creative. Banjo Kazooie has a vehicle creation mode, but doesn't come close to this. People are put off by Spore it seems. This is just very accessible, gorgeous looking, family friendly, and more innovative than probably any game released in the last 7-8 years. I do agree with the undo parts they mention. It feels forced and quirky. But this game is totally ace. Just amazing from what I've played. LBP | 2008-10-13 15:07:00 Author: lbp ![]() Posts: 423 |
Biggest dissagreement on this review would be the enjoyment of creating... Sometimes I will sit at work and have a "genious" idea of how I can make something, and I can't WAIT to get home to try it out! Esp in the beta, playing the same user-made levels over and over got tiresome, so when I thought about playing, I would usually turn on the game just to fool around in create mode on a blank backdrop to create items for future level drops. Me and my partner spent a good 12 hours straight building a level, and, honestly, it was an amazing time! I heart the dynamics this game brings, but also the simplicity it offers. :hero: | 2008-10-13 15:58:00 Author: RedPanda ![]() Posts: 191 |
Gamespot can only rate in .5 increments, why doesn't anyone know this? Really? (http://www.gamespot.com/games.html?type=games&platform=5&mode=all&sort=score&dlx_type=all&sortdir=asc&official=all) Sure it isn't just that they tend to half-points on the scale? | 2008-10-13 16:26:00 Author: Mark D. Stroyer ![]() Posts: 632 |
Really? (http://www.gamespot.com/games.html?type=games&platform=5&mode=all&sort=score&dlx_type=all&sortdir=asc&official=all) Sure it isn't just that they tend to half-points on the scale? Honestly, why do I even bother posting? They changed it. According to GS, it's more accurate that way. | 2008-10-13 16:30:00 Author: Forsaken ![]() Posts: 950 |
best to keep track with Metacritics! they're awesome! http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps3/littlebigplanet | 2008-10-13 16:53:00 Author: illyism ![]() Posts: 146 |
i believe that you have to give game some bad point and no game is perfect, most people say that the layer thing is annoying. i dont think that eurogamer is saying that it hard to make things it think they trying to say for those who are impatiant it will be hard to make level as it is time consuming the thing you guy have to rememeber they said all the bad point and gave it a 9 so they still think the game is great, from what i have seen i think it should be 10 and because of the some of the flaw it should be taken to 9, that the way i look at making score for game, 1 point for control (if they are bad minus), 2 points Gameplay, 2 for grafics, 3 points for grafics, 2 point for anything new, pints are taken off if their are bugs, it didnt live up to it hype, the grafic are rubbish | 2008-10-13 18:04:00 Author: panzer3000 ![]() Posts: 362 |
On topic, a 9 from Eurogamer...wow. That's truly amazing. I'm expecting the same score from Edge, since they are alike. And Gamespot, I'm thinking about 9.5. Remember guys, a 10 doesn't mean it's perfect. Every game has it's flaws. Just don't get angry if you see more biased reviews later on. We need to get away from the 10 is perfect idea (and the 7 is average) mentallity. I like the descriptions edge used to give for the ratings. 0 Nothing 1 Disaterous 2 Appalling 3 Severely flawed 4 Disappointing 5 Average 6 Competent 7 Distinguished 8 Excellent 9 Astounding 10 Revolutionary. | 2008-10-13 18:32:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
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