Rude People that play LBP
Archive: 17 posts
I've been trying to get the last trophy i need in LBP. Its the Party Person trophy, which you need to complete a level with three other people that are on your friends list. Now since none of my friends have LBP (**** them all, although playing battlefield all together is loads of fun) I have to ask the LBP community as i play levels to help me out. Idk if any of you guys have ever tried to get this trophy by asking random people you play with to help you out, or simply just ask them to become their friend, but alot of people have been very rude about it. I will get people that text chat saying "Shut Up" and other variations of that, as well as people that just dont respond at all. If someone asked me to accept their friend request so they can get a trophy durring one of my random playthroughs, I'd be more than happy to. But these people are really getting on my nerves. | 2010-07-13 23:07:00 Author: Meta-Armor ![]() Posts: 80 |
... then make friends with people on here. I'm sure you'll find more than enough people on here willing to help you out. ![]() Better yet, just skim through the "Find Other Happy Gadders" thread and you're bound to run into someone! | 2010-07-13 23:09:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
... then make friends with people on here. I'm sure you'll find more than enough people on here willing to help you out. ![]() Better yet, just skim through the "Find Other Happy Gadders" thread and you're bound to run into someone! well i tried that, but the thing is that no one ever goes on that thread it seems like. I made a post there asking for someone to help and so far I only have one person saying okay, but we dont even seem to be online at the same hours of the day. | 2010-07-13 23:11:00 Author: Meta-Armor ![]() Posts: 80 |
well i tried that, but the thing is that no one ever goes on that thread it seems like. I made a post there asking for someone to help and so far I only have one person saying okay, but we dont even seem to be online at the same hours of the day. No worries! Just keep scavenging around the community and you're bound to receive assistance. Getting more involved in community stuff and socializing more would help out immensely for your situation. Just keep looking! Someone's bound to show up... | 2010-07-13 23:21:00 Author: Outlaw-Jack ![]() Posts: 5757 |
thanks, but these people that i've been asking in the game are really being rude though, its getting on my nerves. Whats so hard as accepting a friend request for just one level playthrough. I wait usually like 10min for 3 other people to just join already, as do the others (because i try to find these three other people using story levels that people are trying to get the x4 challenges.) Just the wait itself should earn me a trophy hahahaha let alone dealing with the sarcastic and other rude remarks. It's funny seeing such words come out of the cute little sackboys mouth actually hahaha | 2010-07-13 23:34:00 Author: Meta-Armor ![]() Posts: 80 |
I considered myself a bit o a rude player sometimes. I might hit or shoot someone off of a platform, and I'll fight for points. I guess I'm not rude then. | 2010-07-14 02:41:00 Author: ThisDudeRufus ![]() Posts: 170 |
Im afraid that that my friend, is life. People, especially those on the internet tend to be quite hostile and rude to people that they don't know. Because they are somewhat 'Anonymous' they feel as if they can do or say what they want, without any of the repercussions. Don't let these people get to you though, if they don't want to play with you, thats fine. Let them do what they want to do and that will be that. Only a handful of people that you meet are the nice ones; don't let them slip away. You'll miss them when there gone. Lol, excuse the life lessons. ![]() | 2010-07-14 03:40:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
I considered myself a bit o a rude player sometimes. I might hit or shoot someone off of a platform, and I'll fight for points. I guess I'm not rude then. I do that all the time hahahaha its just part of the LBP fun. I meant the people who make rude comments. and thank you, A_Morton, for handing down that life lesson from up above on your cloud ![]() | 2010-07-14 21:20:00 Author: Meta-Armor ![]() Posts: 80 |
Those would be the primary solutions (suggested above). Another way is to keep pressing "quick play" until you join a game with three other players. I've never run into anybody being rude on there, but that must just be luck! | 2010-07-14 21:24:00 Author: Weretigr ![]() Posts: 2105 |
I can help you out. I know lots of good people, who are almost always on and are very nice! I'll send you a friends request right away ![]() | 2010-07-14 21:35:00 Author: Laharl ![]() Posts: 152 |
I can help you out. I know lots of good people, who are almost always on and are very nice! I'll send you a friends request right away ![]() Thank You but I already got it now thanks to someone else on the forums. | 2010-07-15 03:04:00 Author: Meta-Armor ![]() Posts: 80 |
Those would be the primary solutions (suggested above). Another way is to keep pressing "quick play" until you join a game with three other players. I've never run into anybody being rude on there, but that must just be luck! THAT'S why people quit right off the bat like that. | 2010-07-15 03:17:00 Author: ThisDudeRufus ![]() Posts: 170 |
I'm sorry to say this but I absolutely HATE it when random people join the level I'm playing and constantly pester me "ADD ME, ADD ME, ADD ME!!" I do not know them I have not spoken to them, I do NOT need my friends list cluttered up by dozens of kids that believe that a slapfest is the pinnacle of entertainment. I'm not rude I just say "no", yet still they persist, "Y not??", "ADD ME!!" So I kick them | 2010-07-15 03:59:00 Author: Strangepom ![]() Posts: 445 |
I'm with strange on this one. If some Joe-bag-of-doughnuts says "add me" 30 seconds after appearing, my first thought isn't going to be "My, what a friendly person!". I'm more likely to think "Too Lazy/Stupid to send a request himself". Joe could be one of those rotten kids who rubbish and down-rate every one on their list. What ever the case, Joe is not my friend, so does not belong on my friends list yet. Usually I'll say something like "Why don't we play for a while and then see how we feel". Most of the time, Joe will just go poof, sometimes leaving a nasty comment in his wake (classic punk-move). If you play LBP in the spirit of having fun with others, that trophy practically earns it's self. | 2010-07-16 00:00:00 Author: swanbrown ![]() Posts: 898 |
I'll help ![]() | 2010-07-16 00:05:00 Author: Jord-bord ![]() Posts: 153 |
i just hate it when people r rude | 2010-07-16 01:34:00 Author: lightningbug1 ![]() Posts: 515 |
Okay, since you have now achieved your trophy (congratulations ![]() | 2010-07-16 06:52:00 Author: BabyDoll1970 ![]() Posts: 1567 |
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