2000AD Judge Dredd : Mega City Decaffination
Archive: 8 posts
2000AD Judge Dredd : Mega City Decaffinationmacnme New Story Level very loosely based on a very old 2000AD Judge Dredd Comic, adapted for the LBP Universe. Only my 3rd proper level, but lessons have been learned from the previous outings. If you like 2000AD, Judge Dredd or Dry British Wit, then you may like this. I've tried to fill it with as much good stuff as possible. I need creator hearts for my Platinum Trophy (I'm so close, yet so far); Please give generously <3 Level Includes; Vehicles, Random Traffic Generator, Fetch Puzzles, Platforms, Boss-Man Shoot Out... using some assetts from the New Marvel Level Kit for added COmic Booky goodness | 2010-07-12 12:24:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
*bump* Guys, I have 46 hearts on my other Judge Dredd level "2000AD Judge Dredd : First Day on the Job" - and 22 creator hearts. So I only need 4 level hearts and 8 creator hearts to get the Gold Create Trophy. I'm getting quite peeved about the whole trophy system (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31419-Macnme-s-Moan%21)... so please, feel free to prove me wrong about it. If you are a Judge Dredd/LBP fan then you simply MUST play these levels... IT'S THE LAW! ![]() Seriously though? What do I have to do to get people to try out my levels?! Complain about it anywhere else & I get told "You should put your level in the level showcase" - so I showcase the level... and still - nada - zip - zippo - nothing - bupkiss!!! | 2010-07-28 15:03:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
To be honest, we simply don't care if you get the trophy or not. Most of us don't care if we get the trophies ourselves... that's not really what LittleBigPlanet is to the members around here. If that's your sole motivation, you aren't likely to receive any feedback on the level (which is essentially what responses are for). Rather, we create and play LBP for the joy of it. That's why nobody has responded. If you are actually looking for feedback, check out this Feedback for Feedback system (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=7962-Feedback-For-Feedback) we have. It requires you to be a bit more proactive and actually contribute something to others... rather than to leach for trophies. If you aren't interested in feedback, then good riddance - most people around here won't sympathize with asking for hearts. ![]() | 2010-07-31 05:15:00 Author: comphermc ![]() Posts: 5338 |
This is an old thread. The creator has gotten a little wiser (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31681-Judge-Dredd-2000AD-Mega-City-Decaffination&p=551504). ![]() | 2010-07-31 05:41:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
Lambasted by one of my heroes, Comphermc, how could you? ![]() All my levels so far are a labour of love, I was just peeved at putting so much thought and so much time into creating, and then getting about a dozen plays, when I knew in my heart it deserved more. Obviously nothing compared to the greats though. I think you've pegged me wrong | 2010-07-31 09:52:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Lambasted by one of my heroes, Comphermc, how could you? ![]() All my levels so far are a labour of love, I was just peeved at putting so much thought and so much time into creating, and then getting about a dozen plays, when I knew in my heart it deserved more. Obviously nothing compared to the greats though. I think you've pegged me wrong Maybe you could have made more of an effort into getting people into playing your level. Pictures, F4F etc. You'll get way more out of that stuff than begging for trophies. ![]() | 2010-07-31 10:57:00 Author: talbot-trembler ![]() Posts: 1114 |
Maybe you could have made more of an effort into getting people into playing your level. Pictures, F4F etc. You'll get way more out of that stuff than begging for trophies. ![]() Way ahead of you (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=31681-Judge-Dredd-2000AD-Mega-City-Decaffination&p=554619#post554619) Can this thread be deleted, or merged with the above link. I've just had my hand slapped by a mod for double-posting (despite it being a suggestion from another mod to re-do the level showcase to include pictures) Most unfair to treat a relative newcomer to the forum in such a way, I feel. | 2010-08-01 08:58:00 Author: Macnme ![]() Posts: 1970 |
Sorry, just found out. At least you know for next time. I know what it's like to be a newcomer, getting used to everything. The best thing is to lock this. | 2010-08-01 12:02:00 Author: talbot-trembler ![]() Posts: 1114 |
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