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My Helicopter.

Archive: 1 post

I made a helicopter a while back. like a WHILE back.(july 28 2009) it's movement isn't really fluid since it's controlled by pistons. i made it kinda for functionality. anyways look up my PSN and tell me what you think. or look at the youtube video.
a year it has just stood still. still kinda high tech. i've yet to get very much feedback from "good" creators, like the same skill level as me.
Toggle Lock on gun.
Cabin Lights
Mini Gun on top
Cinimatic explosion sequence
"Supply Drop" Crate.

I'v also converted it to be a NPc helicopter.

The video is outdated but some of the basics are still there in the published version it's more "polished".
2010-07-12 03:52:00

Unknown User

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