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Just a zeplin I threw up

Archive: 14 posts

no, it did not come out of my stomach but I did make it, took about 5 hours and flys pretty well, its quite slow before it speeds up, simple grab switch and 3 way control switch, pull the switch to were you want the arrow to be, then grab the control pannel and it'll move in that direction if there was no gravity, I threw up a very basic course to fly arround. tell me what you think, I'll be putting guns on it some time, dont know when.
if you want it finish the level
and yes the zeplins rather big, it needs to be to float, and rocket propeled.
2010-07-11 06:38:00

Posts: 488

Yes the course was awful but I really liked the zeplin (still calling it blimp) since it flew exceptionally well.2010-07-11 07:07:00

Posts: 1382

Thanks glad you liked it, sure its a bit slow, but any faster it will be a lil unrealistic... i think?2010-07-11 10:14:00

Posts: 488

its preety easy ton control. The only issue i have with it is the size of it. I know its a zeplin butthe thing is so huge. looks very good though. Speed seemed right to me.2010-07-11 18:29:00

Posts: 139

Reminds me of Ayneh's Dirigible Airship.

Good job though, I liked it.
2010-07-12 01:14:00

Posts: 46

yeah, took inspiration off Ayneh, i kinda wanted it to be big, any smaller and it would of looked rather strange if it was any smaller, thanks for the comments guys!2010-07-12 10:37:00

Posts: 488

Reminds me of Ayneh's Dirigible Airship.

Good job though, I liked it.

Lol, I was just about to say this!
I also tried to make the most amazing blimp ever!! a blimp after seeing how awesome
Ayneh's was, however I failed miserably.
2010-07-15 07:06:00

Posts: 195

I just played the level, and I really liked it. The controls are really clever!

Also, I'm the first person to ever complete the level apart from you. :3
2010-07-15 20:27:00

Posts: 812

thanks for playing, I need to post up a DLC free version, I'll do that now actually... any one else?2010-07-22 09:17:00

Posts: 488

It would be nice to see you put some more work into this. Maybe seperate rooms, a cabin, a pool room, I dunno. There are lots of different directions you can take it. At the moment the airship feels kinda empty.2010-07-22 15:31:00

Posts: 2454

Add some cannons and a few bomb dropping mechanisims and make it into an old fashioned steampunk, "Blow the castle to smithareens!" level!2010-07-28 14:36:00

Posts: 1990

Its cool! I dont know whether the camera can be zoomed out any more, but it could be beneficial if it can. Also its spelt zeppelin2010-07-28 17:29:00

Posts: 335

okay guys, next chance I get I'm going to remake it, this time easier to control (if possible) maybe some guns, or something, If you have any other ideas I'll try make it smaller as well.
I might make it smaller, maybe add some extra rooms, and maybe a auto pilot function, maybe just to keep it flying, then parachute out, I don't know, I'll go wild with it
I'll be publishing a ideas and project thread, this could be my hardest project yet... make this work I hope
any more ideas, if you have them I'll be allot more than glad to use them... wowzers im doing a technical diagram right now! I'll post it up in the thread when I get the chance, yes there will be a epic level to go along with it , I'm getting all fidgety and exited right now!
2010-07-30 08:50:00

Posts: 488

nice zepplin!
2010-07-30 09:32:00

Posts: 2442

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