Mini Levels
Archive: 3 posts
Mini LevelsStrangepom A series of 10 mini levels and a peek inside my mind. Based on the LBPC collab level/s I decided that this was a great format for expressing my ideas. Oh dear page 3 and no replies ![]() Come on guys! this photo should help, feedback please. http://i999.photobucket.com/albums/af119/Strangepom/MiniLevels.jpg Plz note I do NOT want to draw attention away from the LBPC collab. I have entered into this also, and understand that it is promoting diversity of creators. Creatively speaking I find myself somewhat schizophrenic which is why I like it so much. Tell me what you think, and see if you can find all 3 secrets | 2010-07-11 03:42:00 Author: Strangepom ![]() Posts: 445 |
Really neat ideas in this one. They're like sketches for themes of full levels. I'd love to see that jungle one or the glitch one in a full level. I gave it 5 stars for the variety of visuals. | 2010-07-16 07:17:00 Author: Morgana25 ![]() Posts: 5983 |
I'll give this a try later today or tomorrow and tell you what I think. Hey, I started the levels and even though the themes were very short they were fun but I got stuck on the third theme getting the different shapes. I got two shapes in their correct corner but every time the triangle came out it automatically dissapeared. But so far it's a fun level and I like the different themes. | 2010-07-20 21:48:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
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