How to start off a level best??
Archive: 19 posts
I'm always stuck when beginning to make a new level. I always wonder how to start of my level. Whether it's making a title sequence or just starting off in a simple room? Any suggestions? Got any suggestions of how I could start off my God Of War themed level? Please leave feedback! | 2010-07-10 14:09:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
well it could start like' kratos your destiny' i mean like a batlle to a giant monster or a elevator cracsh | 2010-07-10 16:02:00 Author: toxc ![]() Posts: 5 |
Starting from scratch on a new level is the toughest thing to do for me. I would only do a title sequence if you have a really inventive idea for one and can execute it to perfection. If not dont bother, just start in a room or area. First you just need to imagine where you are in the level at the start and what you want it to look like. Once you put down the basic idea it becomes easier to add details and visualise where you are going to go with the level. At least for me it is. Good luck. | 2010-07-10 16:35:00 Author: Jrange378 ![]() Posts: 573 |
Thanks. Yes it is very tricky making the start unless it's a starting sequence. I might do a race or some sort or of chase cutscene in a chariot type thing ![]() | 2010-07-10 17:09:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
chuck to gether some concepts, place a start point down, make a title/credit thingy they have (eg: Huntedstorm presents: so and so) and/or a cut scene, change some lighting, add water, break... uh everything... un break it and play levels for inspiration. personaly thats what I do try it some time, and the chariot sounds cool, can I help? | 2010-07-11 06:57:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
FIRST thing you should do is crush the entrance and create the type of checkpoint you want to enter in somewhere where the level border is not visible. | 2010-07-11 07:05:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
For a GoW level i may reccomend starting the player in a dark screen (the player will be enclosed by something belonging of that time, like a small roman building thig or something) State the story of what's going on in magic mouths, and a few seconds after it finished, the screeen lights up to a GoW like background with the title God of WAR with really big letters in the middle, then the door to where the player was enclosed opens and that's where the level starts.. Don't know if i described well enough, hopefully you understood the general idea of what i meant. Hope that helps! ![]() | 2010-07-11 07:08:00 Author: Silverleon ![]() Posts: 6707 |
Thanks! ![]() And yeah you can help huntedstorm if you wish. Just send me a PM via PSN. ![]() | 2010-07-11 09:29:00 Author: Barnsy_AKA_ash ![]() Posts: 293 |
I've made several god of war levels, you might find some help there ![]() | 2010-07-11 11:56:00 Author: Kn0cked-0ut ![]() Posts: 562 |
You COULD have a title secqunce, but i don't use one. It's best to start off either strong, confused, or just calm and easy. Strong would be kinda like what Johnee does in his levels, action and it all comes at once, confused if you have to find where you are, etc. and easy would just be, calm and relaxing. | 2010-07-11 16:00:00 Author: Emogotsaone ![]() Posts: 1030 |
i think that makeing a GOOD title secqunce is hard. i would not want the player to be bord stairing at some words... you should take Emogotsaone's advise, i think that those are the best ways to start the level. I would want to add emotion, or feel (wich can go in the stranth) spend alot of time with little details that wont be notest alone but together make the player forget that he/shes playing a game and say WOW this is the BEST LVL EVA!!!! | 2010-07-12 00:02:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
It depends, for Sack, the legendary I had a story in mind, based on a dream I once had, I know what the story will be, what characters there are and what kind of locations the story should take place in. I just have to combine that with theme-based gameplay. but sometimes something just pops into my mind, Ill try to build it and if its good enough I might create a level around it. If you have troubles creating levels, my best advice still is to take a level that you like and re-create it, you dont have to publish it but after a few levels you start to get a feel of flow on how to work on your levels. The creative part is something you have to experience yourself though. | 2010-07-12 17:33:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Something that applies to all levels is that is must fit the mood of the start of the story. For example, if it starts out as an average day at work then the first thing you see wouldn't be a giant octopus destroying sackboy's workplace. | 2010-07-12 18:32:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Something that applies to all levels is that is must fit the mood of the start of the story for example if it starts out as an average day at work the first you see wouldn't be a giant octopus destroy sackboy's workplace. Unless thats your intention ![]() I can see sackboy start at his office, almost time for lunch when a giant octopus storms out of the ocean that fortunately was location just outside of the office building and starts smashing the office. Sackboy's day at the office has never been the same ![]() | 2010-07-12 18:37:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Yes, but then the start of the story would be what seems like an average day at work, not a truly average day. | 2010-07-12 18:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
if it starts out as an average day at work rolleyes. Yes, rolleyes ![]() | 2010-07-12 18:53:00 Author: Luos_83 ![]() Posts: 2136 |
Unless thats your intention ![]() I can see sackboy start at his office, almost time for lunch when a giant octopus storms out of the ocean that fortunately was location just outside of the office building and starts smashing the office. Sackboy's day at the office has never been the same ![]() that may be the BEST level idea EVER!!! ![]() | 2010-07-14 08:41:00 Author: YEAH_NAH ![]() Posts: 775 |
Yes, but then the start of the story would be what seems like an average day at work, not a truly average day. What if that is sackboys average day at work? | 2010-07-14 13:28:00 Author: huntedstorm ![]() Posts: 488 |
From the Sackboy's average day idea, but used in your God of War entrance, maybe this? You start out on the couch, jump into a TV, are carried to the "Game World" where you become God of War. Basically re-create the title from GoW and you are on a charriot, racing past it and BAM! Into the game world! You are now God of War! | 2010-07-14 16:01:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
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