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STYLO vehicles with music

Archive: 7 posts

I made a vehicle based on the '69 Camaro used in the Gorillaz Stylo music video. I know that's not that interesting, but I made the bass line music of the song (about 60 notes), put it on a looping record, shrunk it down and put it in the trunk of the car so its not seen. It's in my Gorillaz Stylo level published a few days ago. I also made Murdoc's shark submarine with the same music but with a drum beat as well - not sure I like the way that 1 sounds. I made a youtube video too mixing in the LBP vehicle with the real 1

2010-07-09 23:38:00

Posts: 57

the video was really cool but i didn't know what was going on... nice car too2010-07-10 00:16:00

Posts: 255

Great vehicles & I love the video, is the submarine a prize? because I'd love to stick it somewhere in my beach level as an easter egg, I actually recreated the floating windmill island from the Feel Good Inc & El Manana videos & hid it in my level too.

2010-07-10 00:48:00

Posts: 369

@Steakmo. that's a cool car 2010-07-17 03:18:00

Posts: 79

I think I've played this before. It was very good. Nice job!2010-07-17 08:49:00

Posts: 1562

Wow, seriously nice car.
2010-07-18 02:25:00

Posts: 195

Great vehicles & I love the video, is the submarine a prize? because I'd love to stick it somewhere in my beach level as an easter egg, I actually recreated the floating windmill island from the Feel Good Inc & El Manana videos & hid it in my level too.
the shark submarine is now a prize in my Gorillaz Stylo level. I like your levels - great work!
2010-07-19 16:34:00

Posts: 57

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