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Banjo-Kazooie Miniatures - Music

Archive: 4 posts

Banjo-Kazooie Miniatures - MusicAeroForce22
Multiple Banjo-Kazooie & Banjo-Tooie Themes (Rareware)
A myriad of Banjo-Kazooie tunes to listen to and enjoy! Keep your eye on this level as more scores will be added periodically.
I previously made a music level (Glitter Gulch Mines) of a song from Banjo-Kazooie. Now I went ahead with this level and mashed all the shorter tunes from the game into it. There are still some I haven't done yet, so if you have any suggestions to add, I will add them. (So far I have the Pause Screen song planned)

Here is the song list so far:
- Song 1: Lose a Life!
- Song 2: Game Over
- Song 3: Wonderwing!
- Song 4: Gettin' Jiggy With It!

So the fourth song I had to figure out by listening to a youtube video of it over and over since there was no sheet music to base it off of. I think it came out well, however I did use a Xylophone Up, as well as ticking sound objects to create some sounds that wouldn't be possible otherwise. If you dislike these sounds there, just let me know and I can easily just remove them. I'm half and half on a like/hate with those objects. :/ So I need opinions on what to do.

Alternate sound objects seen here.

Here's some other photos:

The entire first song! :o I promise, Song 2/3 are both longer.

Beginning of Song 2, I placed the bass portion up high so that the volume was lower. It was drowning out the main part before, and I found this to be the best solution.

So tell me what you think, what other songs you'd like to see show up in the level, ect. The visuals aren't much, but that's because all it really is is a bunch of short songs. Since I plan to add on, doing scenery seems rather pointless to me because it may cause more trouble than it's worth. :x

Next up: Freezeezy Peak!
2010-07-09 02:05:00

Posts: 392

I absolutely love the Freezeezy Peak song, cant wait 2010-07-09 05:06:00

Posts: 745

i dig music levels...a nice break from all the gameplay...this one was cool...takes me back


2010-07-10 06:20:00

Posts: 221

F4F From my level TRINE Theme (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=30735-TRINE-Theme)

Hey! This levels is great! I love how you used that funny songs!

I liked the 3rd song a lot.

Improvements: You should add a scenery.

2010-07-19 09:45:00

Unknown User

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