downloadable LBP compatibility
Archive: 6 posts
my qestion is about game save compatibility. i purchased the downloadable version of LBP, i'm not sure if i should use it or not. i need to first make sure that my saved profile & levels created from the disc based version will be recognised by the download version. it's not safe to assume the answer would be 'yes'. here's an example why not-- Burnout paradise originaly came out on disc only. months later; it became available as a download from playstation store. many friends purchased it. when they started the downloaded game, all of their game progress was gone!!! the download form wouldn't recognise their game save created from when they played it with the disc. that incompatibility happened despite the fact that both are the same 'version 1.9'. will i lose all my LBP progress/created content? it is possible. has anyone here tried the downloadable LBP to find out? if anyone in LBPC has tested this, please let us know. | 2010-07-09 01:53:00 Author: sellfcon ![]() Posts: 79 |
Just go onto the disc version of the game and make a backup of your profile, you will be able to import it into the downloadable title even if it doesn't transfer automatically. | 2010-07-09 02:00:00 Author: robotiod ![]() Posts: 2662 |
Great idea thar! | 2010-07-09 02:11:00 Author: tomodon246 ![]() Posts: 624 |
You can ifnd the backup tool in settings - profile settings - backup | 2010-07-09 08:49:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
Just go onto the disc version of the game and make a backup of your profile, you will be able to import it into the downloadable title even if it doesn't transfer automatically. i regularly back up, so ive got that covered. anyway, the latest is; i gave it a trial run on my old PS3. it was a short test run, & it all seemed to be compatible. in some ways, it ran better than the disk version. my old worn out PS3 can be a clunky sounding old beast, but it's dead quiet when running this downloadable LBP. will give it a longer test tomorrow. | 2010-07-10 12:59:00 Author: sellfcon ![]() Posts: 79 |
Probably because when it has a disc in it running, it means the fan has to do a lot more work and everything else inside. Wanted the DLoaded version but meh. Disc is good as new ![]() | 2010-07-10 19:48:00 Author: jeperty ![]() Posts: 486 |
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