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Space invaders!!!

Archive: 7 posts

I love that game they left down right down they left down right down..... Its just plain awesome2010-07-07 07:49:00

Xero Space
Posts: 249

So how do you plan on making yours different than the thousands of other Space Invader remakes that will be published?2010-07-07 18:00:00

Posts: 672

My friend, fluxlasers made a space invaders level. Very cool and functional!!2010-07-07 18:27:00

Posts: 2105

Sounds fun, but I'm sure that many other people will have the same idea. Seeing the level that was being played at E3, where you fly on that dragonfly thing and shoot those green sackpeople, that looks kind of like what space invaders was like.2010-07-07 19:14:00

Posts: 1536

make sure you can choose different rocket ships like on the actual game =]2010-07-07 20:45:00

Posts: 177

Sounds fun, but I'm sure that many other people will have the same idea. Seeing the level that was being played at E3, where you fly on that dragonfly thing and shoot those green sackpeople, that looks kind of like what space invaders was like.
Sound fun? All he did was mention "Space Invaders", he never said anything about how he was going to do it, what he was going to include, ect.
2010-07-08 14:20:00

Prince Pixelton
Posts: 286

it could do so much... like have a classic version but then u unexpecly go into a moderen shooter space ship thing... like 3d,
that would be epic to the extreame
2010-07-09 21:41:00

Photon Man54
Posts: 47

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