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update 1.28

Archive: 8 posts

update 1.28 is now ready for download
It is 82mb big

I think it is for the Marvel pack
2010-07-06 12:37:00

Posts: 570

Oh, so that's what my Playstation Plus downloaded. It just said that it had downloaded LBP.2010-07-06 15:34:00

Posts: 110

Help! I downloaded update, and LittleBIGStore said there was new DLC... I look and there was NO NEW DLC2010-07-06 23:31:00

Posts: 3607

Help! I downloaded update, and LittleBIGStore said there was new DLC... I look and there was NO NEW DLC

Same here. It marked the Heavy Rain costumes as being new again, so I guess it was a glitch.
2010-07-06 23:44:00

Posts: 2870

Same here. It marked the Heavy Rain costumes as being new again, so I guess it was a glitch.
It were marked as new as before this patch the HR pack was only showing 4 single costumes. It never showed Shelby as an individual purchase in the in game store.

After the patch it did, therefore the pack was 'changed', so to say, and the game detected it as a 'new' pack because of that.

2010-07-07 09:16:00

Posts: 552

Well I tried to download this update... but it didn't install properly and just corrupted my save data instead.....

I backed up my save data a little while back luckily, but I dunno how I'm gonna be able to play my profile, coz it won't download, and my LBP got reverted back to the very first version, the one before I can restore my data...
2010-07-07 11:28:00

The Last Stop
Posts: 240

I backed up my save data a little while back luckily, but I dunno how I'm gonna be able to play my profile, coz it won't download, and my LBP got reverted back to the very first version, the one before I can restore my data...

You'll have to reinstall all the updates first, but then you should be able to reimport your last profile backup. If it fails to install 1.28 again, you can cancel the update process before it gets to that patch, but then you won't be able to play online.

If you're having problems installing updates, then try deleting the update data before you start. It's the largest file in the Game Data utility (approx. 800MB), and it's named "LittleBigPlanet" (pressing triangle on it, and choosing "Information" will tell you which patch version you're at). There should be 12 updates which will patch to these versions respectively...


If you're still having problems, and as long as you have a profile backup, it's also safe to delete the profile from the Game Data utility as well, which will be named "<your PSN-ID> LittleBigPlanet Profile".
2010-07-07 13:34:00

Posts: 2870

I think the problem was with the second installation (there were 12 updates). But, I tried again this morning (I deleted 2 corrupted data things first, and made sure I closed all my programs on my computer) and it worked!

I just hope I didn't use up too much of the download....
2010-07-08 01:19:00

The Last Stop
Posts: 240

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