Dark Water chapter 2
Archive: 9 posts
Dark Water chapter 2rsqviper Dark Water chapter 1 was received well and the feedback I got exceeded my expectations! I brought that feedback into chapter 2 as well and you will find a more distinct, fun, (EASIER!) level! That doesn't mean boring, though! You will fight thru adversity in trying to find where the Dark Water is coming from. Something is about to stop you dead in your path in uncovering the mystery. PIRATES! But in doing so you will also uncover a weakness. What is it? Play and find out! It is also important to note that this is an ADVENTURE level. You will have to search and listen tot eh speech bubbles, not saunter thru not reading anything. If you skip speech bubbles you will probably get stuck. http://lbp.me/v/sry2wj As per my usual there is another Boss fight, too! So if that's your thing, maybe this level is for you! http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/2976/aphoto.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/8246/aphoto5f.jpg http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/6097/aphoto11u.jpg http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2019/aphoto13.jpg | 2010-07-05 23:26:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
Hey, I just played the level for the F4F, and there's a few things I must say: - I was disappointed to see the use of Mm enemies. Usually using an Mm object instantly downgrades the level. ![]() - When I reached the boat part, I was quite honestly lost on what to do. The boat wouldn't release from the dock, and when I just took that kart thing down in the water, I managed to die and could never find it again. Maybe the emitter can emit another one if you die while underwater. Just set it to 1 emitted at a time, set the grab switch to One Shot so that it only triggers the emitter once instead of just turning it on. When you lose one in the depths of the water, it'll just spawn another and demit the other. That's as far as I got. Shoot me a VM/PM when you update it with fixes so that I can play through the entire level. ^o^ For right now I'm giving it 3 stars because it has potential. Good luck! :star::star::star: | 2010-07-07 00:22:00 Author: AeroForce22 ![]() Posts: 392 |
Note to anyone having issue at the boat. Listen to the businessman on the dock, he tells you to take the cart and it helps clear the Dark Water. Basically, swim with it and look for a spot the Dark Water moves for you in the water. Also, there can be 2 carts at any one time and you can spawn infinity of them so if you lose a cart (or even the ring you find, for that matter) you can always get another. I'll double check the one shot switch, thought it was one. EDIT: Working on the bats, I never thought of breaking them to use them. I just did and I'm working on it. Also, moving the ring to a more obvious place. I'll let you all know when these changes are done. | 2010-07-07 01:00:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
Viper...looks like i had the same issue once i reached the area where you had to find the ring. I swam all around the area with the light and still couldn't find where i was supposed to go. Before that i did notice some places where dark matter was visible. It may be a good idea just to attach those bats to the ceiling instead of just leaving the dark matter. Thanks for the positive feedback on my level...i appreciate your time Shawn | 2010-07-07 01:04:00 Author: shawneboi ![]() Posts: 221 |
The following changes have been made: Fixed bats, no more visible dark matter Adjusted the businessman/inventor's speech bubbles so that they are controlled by a sensor switch, this will allow you to see what he says better as well as re-read anything you may have missed. Competely changed the location of the ring. Changed it so that the area you used to need to find for the ring now contains a secret bubble! (the BOAT!) Can you find it? Changed some timing on the bats Edited the land slide. I have :star::star: right now which makes me ![]() | 2010-07-07 02:39:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
Guys, I just revamped a lot of this level. Most of it is how things work logic-wise but I also made several fixes that would end up in people having to start over due to bad things happening (like the Pyro Boat tipping upside-down). The level is also more online and multiplayer friendly now with camera fixes as well as slight changes to sensor switches (those act funny online, I swear it). Anyway, let me know what you thing and if you find anything! Thanks! | 2010-07-09 04:31:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
Replayed the level like I said I would (completed it this time). My hands are in pain right now (and they were yesterday as well) which is why I couldn't really play earlier. So here's my new feedback: - Good job removing the dark matter from the bats. I'm still against the whole Mm object thing, but I already stated that. The boat ride was decent, however at the second gate it was tough to see the spike because the boat blocked them. I had a little bit of difficult figuring out where the spikes were, but eventually got past them. - The boss battle was a bit hectic and unfair. After beating the first portion of him that causes him to drop the knife, the knife landed in such a way where I felt I had to restart the level if I wanted to beat him. I managed (after about 25 deaths or so) to NOT get cut or blown up and then I moved on. Good looking ending area. ^o^ | 2010-07-09 18:33:00 Author: AeroForce22 ![]() Posts: 392 |
Thanks for rechecking it out. As for that boss, I have issue with that knife as well, but I made it so you can walk down the first platform and just hop up on it which SHOULD clear the knife. I think I just thought up how to fix this though, so I'll be doing that soon. I actually made that part so when you hit the button, it kills the knife's brain (added due to this issue) but it never actually kills the knife so I am at a loss with what do do. EDIT: Boss is fixed! I didn't know brains needed to be 1-shot switched to be estroyed. I had it set to ON/OFF. Anyway, the sword now disappears like it should and won't be in your way! <3 | 2010-07-10 15:46:00 Author: RSQViper ![]() Posts: 302 |
I played this level and it's loads of fun! It can easily be done by yourself, or with friends (it's most fun if you play with your friends, of course!). The boss battle at the end is lots of fun, although very challenging and maybe a little bit tricky for some players. I love the incorporation of the paint ball guns. However, the one down-side of the level is that when you reach the boat after the balloon ride I was unsure of what to do and why the boat wasn't moving and only after a lot of messing around did I find out how to move on and untie the boat (I won't spoil it for those who want to figure it out). Other than that, this level it lots of fun and is another great level made by RSQViper. | 2010-07-10 22:18:00 Author: M4TH3W ![]() Posts: 7 |
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