lbp2 on the latest issue of ps magazine.
Archive: 20 posts
sorry for the bland title but i was looking around a book store today and found that the latest issue of the official playstation magazines about lbp2! sadly i forgot most of the info because i didn't buy it. info from the magazine (some copyed directly from the pages.) What's with sackboy's zipper? Kareem Ettouney: "That was a legacy from Mark [Healey, Media Molecule co-founder]. You know where the moon is and you can go and create your own levels? The first idea was that you create inside Sackboy. So he opens the zipper and you go inside there and that's where creation happens. That idea didn't make it, but the idea stayed." | 2010-07-03 04:37:00 Author: supersonic56 ![]() Posts: 287 |
.....Whuh? | 2010-07-03 05:00:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
Wait... the original game was only in my Sackperson's mind?!? ![]() Edit: Oh no, wait... once in his mind. Phew. ![]() I'd like to see the article for myself so I can work out what y'all are talking about. I'm a bit confused about what you mean by 'that's why he has a zipper'. 0_o | 2010-07-03 05:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
.....Whuh? My thoughts exactly. | 2010-07-03 05:21:00 Author: tomodon246 ![]() Posts: 624 |
Oh right the facts about sackboy *runs and gets magazine* It just tells you three facts about sackboy the one he is talking about is this (All from the playstation magazine) What's with sackboy's zipper? Kareem Ettouney: "That was a legacy from Mark [Healey, Media Molecule co-founder]. You know where the moon is and you can go and create your own levels? The first idea was that you create inside Sackboy. So he opens the zipper and you go inside there and that's where creation happens. That idea didn't make it, but the idea stayed." | 2010-07-03 05:42:00 Author: Mangarocks14 ![]() Posts: 262 |
Oh right the facts about sackboy *runs and gets magazine* It just tells you three facts about sackboy the one he is talking about is this (All from the playstation magazine) What's with sackboy's zipper? Kareem Ettouney: "That was a legacy from Mark [Healey, Media Molecule co-founder]. You know where the moon is and you can go and create your own levels? The first idea was that you create inside Sackboy. So he opens the zipper and you go inside there and that's where creation happens. That idea didn't make it, but the idea stayed." edited my original post so it has that info rather than confusing people with my info. | 2010-07-03 11:05:00 Author: supersonic56 ![]() Posts: 287 |
Can you get the hat with the blu tree this way. Is there an Aussie one? That would just be super creepy. And the zipper makes it look handmade and not a teddy bear. I like it. | 2010-07-03 13:22:00 Author: Snappyguy ![]() Posts: 710 |
WOW! It's like a weird (as if they weren't weird) Twilight episode . | 2010-07-03 13:55:00 Author: CYBERSNAKE ![]() Posts: 280 |
so does this mean that you can open up your sackboy to do some random stuff??? | 2010-07-03 20:05:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
my theory is that when they are made, a soul of some sort is placed inside(trough the unzipped zipper) a lifeless sackboy carcass, and is therefor brought to life, and the soul is like the pop-it. ehh? ehh? ehh? makes pretty good sense if u ask me :3 | 2010-07-04 02:05:00 Author: GSUSram ![]() Posts: 20 |
Can you get the hat with the blu tree this way. Is there an Aussie one? That would just be super creepy. And the zipper makes it look handmade and not a teddy bear. I like it. no it doesnt come with the mag. also the facts about sackboy is just canned stuff back when the first game was in development. ps: the other facts were kids with autism expressing their emotions with the game and that there was a glitch that caused wolverines claws to pop out when he's angry. | 2010-07-04 04:11:00 Author: supersonic56 ![]() Posts: 287 |
"So he opens the zipper and you go inside there and that's where creation happens." PEGI would not approve. | 2010-07-04 09:35:00 Author: DarkDedede ![]() Posts: 672 |
PEGI would not approve. PEGI does not approve of anything anyways, so who cares? | 2010-07-04 15:16:00 Author: Fishrock123 ![]() Posts: 1578 |
It would be creepy if they used that idea in LBP O_o | 2010-07-04 17:20:00 Author: Jord-bord ![]() Posts: 153 |
i agree.so im glad they removed it. it would be nightmare fuel if they didn't. | 2010-07-08 00:40:00 Author: supersonic56 ![]() Posts: 287 |
http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasyTactics/NPCs/Church/Cuchulainn-Heal-SW.gif http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasyTactics/NPCs/Church/Cuchulainn-Dead-SW.gif Like this? | 2010-07-08 00:59:00 Author: Arkei ![]() Posts: 1432 |
well that isn't as scary as what i was thinking it would look like. | 2010-07-08 01:13:00 Author: supersonic56 ![]() Posts: 287 |
http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasyTactics/NPCs/Church/Cuchulainn-Heal-SW.gif http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasyTactics/NPCs/Church/Cuchulainn-Dead-SW.gif Like this? pfffHAHAHAHA For those who are unaware this is Sackboy's prototype design. | 2010-07-08 21:02:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasyTactics/NPCs/Church/Cuchulainn-Heal-SW.gif http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasyTactics/NPCs/Church/Cuchulainn-Dead-SW.gif Like this?OMFG !!! ITS A FAT SACKBOY !!! lmao...looks kinda creepy.... | 2010-07-09 21:40:00 Author: SackBoy98 ![]() Posts: 588 |
pfffHAHAHAHA For those who are unaware this is Sackboy's prototype design. actually its a character from final fantasy tactics also this was the sackboy prototype.:http://www.mediamolecule.com/images/uploads/wordpress/2009/09/arghscary.gif | 2010-07-10 14:15:00 Author: supersonic56 ![]() Posts: 287 |
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